Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Power Through It

I was watching Sportscentre on TSN where I saw part of a bit. In this bit one of the anchors of the show attended the NHL Combine. As indicated at the link he completed 25 reps of the 150 pound bench press, better than any prospect. Remember these are 18 year old men and still have some physical development to go. I was discussing this with a friend last night as we were watching the hockey game. He asked me what I figure I could do. I wasn't too sure so we decided that when I go for my regular workout today I would put 150 on the bench press and see how it goes.

I did 26 reps.

I may have been able to push out one more but my arms were pretty much done. I normally do 3 sets of 10 reps of 195 pounds 3 times a week.

I have not been having the best luck of late. It seems every time I turn around I get passed over, the result goes the wrong way, or I am ignored. It probably isn't as bad as it seems but you get that feeling some times.

This small achievement may be the indication that things are starting to turn around for me. I hope I am out of this rut. There is even a rumor that the weather is going to pick up and act like summer.

You can't sit back and say the world is against you and just accept it. If you feel you are having bad luck you have to go out and try to change it.

You can mope about for a couple of day. You can say it sucks, because it probably does. You can't just let it be. You have to go out and change it.

I was watching 'The Departed' again a couple of nights ago. I love the monologue at the beginning. It has some teeth to it. the part that I really like is when Jack Nicholson's character says, "I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me."

I like that idea. You can go out and make things happen or you can let things happen. I think I have been letting things happen to much and need to go out and make them happen.

Everyone should look forward and when things don't go there way just power though it.

1 comment:

  1. We will see tomorrow if I can do 1 rep!
