Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cover Songs

Everyone knows what a cover song is. When they work they are great. When they don't, the teeth come out.

I was thinking about cover tunes this week. Why do artists even attempt them? Why do we like them? Will they ever go away?

I think there are a couple of reasons artists lay down covers. If you are a well established artist it is probably a tribute to those who went before and inspired you. They may be the first songs you played or the song that made you want to start singing or playing. If you are not well established yet, they may be a way to get your name out there. You can play a song you love your own way. The masses will recognize the song but will also be introduced to you. If it works it can be a windfall.

So it makes sense why people lay down covers, but why do we love them so much? They are safe. We know the song. We know the words. It is familiar and comfortable. At the same time it can be exciting. It's like we are cheating on the original song. You feel like you are doing something daring and fun. It ca be the musical equivalent of colouring outside the lines, but not too far, it is a familiar song.

I don't think the cover tune will ever go away. It's become part of the musical landscape and brings a lot to the discussion. It is an interesting way to express yourself. It's something new and something borrowed at the same time. Some very high profile bands have released entire albums of cover tunes. Guns 'N Roses did it with The Spaghetti Incident !?!! and Metallica did it with Garage Inc, just to name two, but there are may more.

I like cover songs, as long as they are done well. Sometimes they make me go woo-hoo and sometimes its a hmmmm. It's always something to think about.

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