Monday, March 8, 2010

Looking Around

Do you every find yourself so caught up on your own life you don't see what is around you? I know I do. I get all tied up with work and commitments that I don't realize what is going on out there. Sometimes I feel like life is passing me by. I'm sure I lead a reasonably fulfilling life. I'm not unhappy. I just wonder some times what else is out there.

I live in Winnipeg. I have lived in Manitoba my whole life. I'm not sure why. I don't feel like I have to live here, I just seem to stay. Maybe, just maybe there is more out there. There are days when I think it can't get much better, but there are also days when I really wonder. I'm sure this is just human nature. I'm sure we all do it from time to time. I'm sure a great day will come my way and make me smile. I do have a lot of good stuff going for me. I have my health. As families go I have a pretty good one. As friends go I have great ones. I know who my real friends are and I can't do any better. I know they are there for me on the bad days and happy for me on the good days. I really can't do better in that department.

Despite all the good, I do wonder from time to time if it could be better. Maybe it could be. Maybe it should be. If I don't look to see what's out there I won't know. Maybe I should be living in a hut on some tropical island flying tourists around or maybe I should be in the rat race in Toronto or New York, or maybe I am in the right place.

I know as I write this I will not look back on life and have a huge disappointment, but sometimes you have to look around to see if you could have a more excitement, if that's what you want.

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