Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Can Only Mean One Thing in Manitoba....Socials!

If you're not from Manitoba or have never lived in Manitoba you may not understand what a social is. As many of my friends come to my home province and I ask them if they want to go to a social on the week-end they often look at me like I have two heads. It makes sense. The concept of the social is not universal, but it should be.

If you don't know a social is a fundraising social event. It is put on to raise funds for various reasons. It could be to support a team or a cause but the best socials are wedding socials.

The wedding social serves a dual purpose. It makes some money to help offset the cost of the wedding. It is normally held a couple of months before the wedding. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the upcoming marriage. Normally not everyone can be at or would be invited to the wedding but the social is an opportunity to congratulate the happy couple and have some fun.

If you are not a Manitoban this may all still seem a bit strange, you may wonder what happens.

A social is normally held in a community club or a hall of some type. Tickets are sold, normally for $10 but they have been that price for ever, I'm sure they will start to creep up in price eventually. There is music and dancing and drinking. There is now usually a silent action. It's not the traditional silent action where you look at the list and write down a higher bid. It's what used to be called a Chinese Auction but that term is not acceptable now. You buy tickets and put them in for the prizes you would like to win, later in the evening the draws are held and someone wins all the prizes. There is one more very important part of a social. Lunch is provided. The law requires you provide a spread of food that usually consists of rye bread, cheese, deli meats, pickles and the like. After a goodly amount of drinking nothing tastes better than that over sized sandwich you make.

Socials are fun. It's normally not as flashy as going to a club or a bar or as expensive for that matter. The cheesy music and the grandparents dancing are part of the charm. The coming together of the community and celebration create a special atmosphere. Often you get to see people you haven't seen in a while and always you have fun.

I am going to a social tonight for a friend of mine. He is getting married and I know a lot of people that are going to be there. Fun will be had and shenanigans will ensue and I can hardly wait. I may be a bit sluggish in the morning but that is all part of the fun.

If you are not from Manitoba and are in town one night with a chance to go to a social, make sure you go. If you are from Manitoba when is the next social you are going to, because I know you are going.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, socials...fabulous. Love them. One thing you forgot to mention, though: the bottle of, ahem, perfume, that everyone buys tickets to win, separate from the silent auction table. What do people from other provinces do in lieu of the social? How do DJ companies make money if not with pre-wedding socials? Enquiring minds want to know!
