Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Joy of Christmas

I may have turned into a softy. At some point I seem to have discovered it is more fun to watch people I care about to open gifts from me than to get stuff on Christmas. There may be a couple of reasons for this.

One idea is, I have significant resources and can pretty much get anything I want. There are limits but I don't have to wait for Christmas and hope someone bought me what I wanted. As such, I'm not often waiting a long time for things as I go and get them as I want them.

Another idea is, I like to help people. I like to make people happy and giving gifts is a rather easy way to do that. I like how excited people get when they receive gifts, especially if they did not expect them. They don't even have to be gifts I gave. When someone is truly excited it becomes contagious and I like to get caught up in the feeling.

A third idea is, I see myself as self-sufficient. I don't like to ask for help or for things. I like to do things on my own. Giving is an activity that I really don't need any help with. As long as I can make contact with the receiver I can execute gift giving self sufficiently.

Now don't get me wrong, I do like to get gifts from people I care about. It is nice to be remembered. It is nice to be thought of. It is nice to get nice stuff. I don't turn down gifts and I am always truly appreciative when I receive them. I just don't need to receive any.

It may be true that it is better to give than to receive. I didn't properly understand that when I was young but I do now.

At some point I may have turned into a big softy but I sure like to see people get presents.

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of I's in this post and a few mentions about your significant resources....looks like you gave your ego a gift
