Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Outrageous Gas Pricing

With the recent spike in gasoline costs there has been a lot of chatter about outrageous gas prices. There is an impact to higher fuel prices. The cost to transport goods must increase as one of the primary cost drivers of the transportation has increased. The cost to travel to deliver services has increased for the same reason.

Despite all of that, people are feeling the pressure because of choices they have made.

If you live in a city and work in an office you do not need a truck to get to work everyday. You do not need to live in the suburbs if you work in the city. You can live within walking distance of work. Remember, walking distance is a lot further than you think. I live 2.7 kilometers from my office. It takes me about 30 minutes to walk to work. About 5 minutes of that is waiting for a stop light.

Because I walk to work I have only purchased 3 tanks of gas since arriving in Ottawa three months ago. I don't feel any pinch from rising gas prices. People need to understand that driving is a luxury, there are other ways to get around. They can be cheaper and better for you.

The other great argument is the oil companies are making too much money. Oil companies are all publicly traded so if the profits are unreasonable you too can get in on the action. Just buy some shares and you can benefit from the runaway prices.

I understand how people can feel a pinch when gas prices go up. If you have no slack in your system, any increase can put you over the ledge. The key is to make choices that allow you to live comfortably.

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