Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

I love summer. It has a lot going for it. It is a lot easier to be outside in the summer. You don't have to get bundled up and hope for the best. You wear light clothing and enjoy the weather.

Beyond the weather people seem to be more social in the summer. The pace of life slows down and everyone is more likely to chat. People seem to be more approachable, its probably related to the weather.

A lot of people have told me that if it was always summer I would not truly appreciate how good it is.  I suppose if I had not lived through over 30 Manitoba winters that may be true but I could go a long time without winter before I would ever take summer for granted.

Cities come alive in the summer. People are out on the patio enjoying their favourite beverage. It's easier to interact with the people around you. Strolling to the next place is almost a right of passage. It's a good thing.

Not every summer day is perfect. It rains. I think these less than perfect days are enough to make me appreciate the good days even more.

I love summer, it makes life worth living.

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