Sunday, July 17, 2011

Idle Pilots

This is probably true in any flying organization but idle pilots are up to no good.  After some bad weather this last week, I can safely say this is true.

A lot of people who learn to fly are Type A personalities. Not everyone is like that but the type dominates the community. Not all weather is conducive to all types of flying and when pilots cannot fly for extended periods of time, they tend to get a bit punchy.

This makes a lot of sense. They want to be contributing and moving forward. Their day is scheduled to be full of flying when it's not there isn't much to do. This is compounded with the weather that usually prevents pilots from flying isn't much good for a lot of other activities. So, they sit around, come up with silly ideas and generally stew.

Several days of bad weather can lead to bad morale. Pilots must be flying to be happy. I am no different. The good thing is one good day of flying can significantly lift the spirits of everyone. If you get some air under your bum, you feel alive again. All the crappy feelings go away, you are happy.

Hopefully going forward there is lots of good weather so we can keep flying and we don't have a bunch of idle pilots.

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