Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There's Just Something About Spring

One thing I have discovered about living in Winnipeg is when spring comes, everything seems better. The fresh air and sunshine just seems to make it easier to handle the bumps that life inevitably throws your way.

I've been rather busy, but its ok. I've been tired, but its ok.

It seems to me that most people's outlook just improves as the weather improves. It may be the realization that the school year is coming to an end. It may be that all the activities you started in the fall are going to take a break. That break often comes with relief. It's not that you don't like to do it, you just want a change for a while.

It may be that long lazy days at the lake are on the horizon, or maybe its as simple as you can go outside without 10 layers of clothes on.

I'm sure its different for everyone but I'm also sure that everyone looks forward to spring, and it's here in Winnipeg.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moving on Up

There are some good economic signs out there. The TSX is back over 12,000 and it looks like it will stay there. The Canadian Dollar is over $0.98 USD and it looks like it will stay there. In Canada it looks like we are on the road to happy days. We may not be there yet but it is coming. People are still out of work. The government is a bit short of money, but it will all work out.

One clear indicator that things are going OK is housing prices are still going up.

Yes it continues to get more expensive to own your own home. Canadians seem to think that they need to own property. It is a forced savings plan but, by the time you add in the upkeep and taxes, you really aren't making too much money. You have to live somewhere so breaking even is OK. Eventually not having a mortgage payment would be pretty cool. Maybe someday I will own my home.

The strong Canadian Dollar does hurt exports. Our products become more expensive to foreigners as our dollar gains value. The dollar has to be propped up by something. I'm sure the Bank of Canada is not buying up every free dollar out there so a lot of people must see value in buying Canadian.

When you take a long look at it, Canadians are looking at a good time ahead.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Looking Around

Do you every find yourself so caught up on your own life you don't see what is around you? I know I do. I get all tied up with work and commitments that I don't realize what is going on out there. Sometimes I feel like life is passing me by. I'm sure I lead a reasonably fulfilling life. I'm not unhappy. I just wonder some times what else is out there.

I live in Winnipeg. I have lived in Manitoba my whole life. I'm not sure why. I don't feel like I have to live here, I just seem to stay. Maybe, just maybe there is more out there. There are days when I think it can't get much better, but there are also days when I really wonder. I'm sure this is just human nature. I'm sure we all do it from time to time. I'm sure a great day will come my way and make me smile. I do have a lot of good stuff going for me. I have my health. As families go I have a pretty good one. As friends go I have great ones. I know who my real friends are and I can't do any better. I know they are there for me on the bad days and happy for me on the good days. I really can't do better in that department.

Despite all the good, I do wonder from time to time if it could be better. Maybe it could be. Maybe it should be. If I don't look to see what's out there I won't know. Maybe I should be living in a hut on some tropical island flying tourists around or maybe I should be in the rat race in Toronto or New York, or maybe I am in the right place.

I know as I write this I will not look back on life and have a huge disappointment, but sometimes you have to look around to see if you could have a more excitement, if that's what you want.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Should We Continue to Try to Own the Podium

The Olympics have ended and we are all returning to a normal state. I may be suffering a bit of withdrawal from the excitement and I never went to Vancouver. As Canadians I think we must look back and take away the good and the bad.

One of the good things that came out of hosting the games was Own the Podium.

There are several benefits to the program beyond just putting athletes on the podium during Olympic competition. A program that produces elite athletes in a position to win has significant grass roots impact. As young people choose activities to participate in and work hard at and try to excel at, their choice will be impacted on by what support they will have down the road. Nearly everyone wants to play hockey, partly because it can pay the bills. If you can compete in Skeleton or Cross-country skiing knowing that you can have quality equipment, good coaching, and food to eat, then these sports will become much more attractive to pursue.

So why would Canadians want more people pursuing sports.

Canada is quickly getting out of shape. I see more and more youths with weight and fitness problems. We need to make sport and exercise the activity of choice for all Canadians. By doing so, we will see a long term benefit of healthier, happier, and more productive Canadians. The health care system will be less burdened and the quality of all Canadians lives will be improved.

Own the Podium does not necessarily be an entirely government funded program. It will probably be most successful if it is a joint program between government and private enterprise. The actual structure will take some time to develop but the purpose must be there as it will provide many benefits for generations to come.