Friday, May 20, 2016


On  May 18, 2016 the Prime Minister of Canada briskly walked across the house of commons to grab the arm of the Opposition Whip and in the process, elbowed another opposition Member of Parliament in the chest. She was surprised and he didn't mean to hit her. He has since issued the requisite apology. 

The New Democrats have gone on a big rampage about how this is workplace violence against women. It isn't. He didn't mean to hit her. She was not targeted because she was a woman. It was an unfortunate incident. He meant no harm. This is the hoopla surrounding the incident however the real issue is deeper.

There were ten votes scheduled for that evening. It was going to take a while to get through them all. Votes do not normally start until both the Government and Opposition Whips are in their seats. (That being said, you can start a vote when only the Government Whip is seated.)  There were a few New Democratic Party Members of Parliament impeding the progress of the Conservative Party of Canada Member of Parliament who acts at the Opposition Whip. This delayed the start of voting. 

This is political gamesmanship. Every party does it. Using procedure to make a point happens in every government around the world.

The House of Commons is a stage. It is a scripted pageant. Most of the real work happens behind the scenes. Members stand up and say things that result in clapping and booing. The opposition uses procedure to make their point, knowing that the government has the votes to do what they want. They do their best to hold the government to account. Some of it seems petty like slowing someone from getting to their seat. It can be frustrating but, it is known to be part of the game. These things happen and you move on.

Except Prime Minister Trudeau didn't just let it happen.

He got out of his seat and headed over to physically help the Whip get to his seat. This is where he messed up. 

Only six months into a four year mandate the Prime Minister has been tripped up by gamesmanship. He has sent out a notice that he can be rattled in a public forum. He can let his frustration boil over and react to the games that inherently come with his job. 

What is even more damaging is he ran on a platform which included a more inclusive House of Commons and better decorum.

Because he let his emotions get the better of him he inadvertently struck a woman on the floor of the House of Commons. This is not very good optics for a man who makes claims to being a feminist.

By acting without thinking, the Prime Minister has put a target on his back. He can't afford another incident like this. This opens the door to ramping up the games in the House of Commons. He can't react. He has to behave above reproach. He's given away a lot of power. His ability to get things done has taken a big step back. 

The discreet act of hiking across the floor wasn't so bad but all the fallout he is going to suffer because of it may severely hamper his ability to deliver on an ambition mandate. He didn't rave much of a record when he came into office but he is building one now, even if it isn't the one he wants.