Thursday, December 29, 2016

What Just Happened?

As I look back at 2016 I'm not really sure what happened. Personally, I managed to job surf. I'm on my fourth job of the year. Now, I will admit I think this is going to be a great fit and work out long term. I was lucky enough to get it at the right time. I've had a few sales jobs in the last 3 years and it really comes down to fit. Can you get excited about what you are selling, and if you can, it is infectious. It draws the prospect in and they want to be part of what you have going on. That's how radio advertising sales feels to me. If you like rock music, check us out here.

My crazy year fit right in with what has happened around the globe. From Trump to Syria it feels like it's all coming apart. There were so many celebrity deaths by Labour Day that most people were already distraught. It didn't slow down.

The world is a bit chaotic. However, with chaos comes opportunity. With chaos comes creativity. With chaos comes hope.

The next big thing often comes when people aren't watching for it. It's hard to not watch these days. The Internet is gathering almost everything that happens. Things go viral. Information gets shared. However, when we are all reading and posting about celebrity deaths, and how evil everyone thinks a Trump presidency will be (to be honest, as scared as I am, it hasn't started, so we really don't know yet) and then watching cat videos to forget about everything bad, somebody we have never heard of is working on something we don't even know could be a thing, and one day boom, it will be in front of our faces.

I need to hold onto this hope. Without it I would get very angry at the world. 

I don't know if it will be a product, a philosophy, a service, or what it is. I just know that something big is coming and we won't see it coming. It's time and we are due. 

So, let's put 2016 in the past. Let's open our hearts and our minds to the possibilities that the chaos is going to bring. Let's revel in a loss of control and find a new path to something awesome. It may not look like what we expected but sometimes that's the best kind of awesome.