Sunday, October 27, 2013

Broad Strokes

Having a university degree is extremely valuable. Not only does it give you skills, knowledge, and ability it also gives you access to other educated people. When you basically live amongst educated people you can forget that not everyone lives the same life.

My recent job change to has re-opened my eyes to the value of education.

This is not a criticism of the people I work with or the customers I serve. It is a comment on how we can forget that not everyone lives the same life, which is a good thing.

Educated people are generally not drawn to sell cars. The pay is not guaranteed, the hours can be long, especially in the beginning, and it can be frustrating. However, those who sell cars for a long time get very good at it. Admittedly, there are some traits that most people successful in car sales possess. They like to talk. They are not shy. They like to hunt and chase. They have thick skin.

For all the good qualities they have, they don't generally have a lot of education. Car salesmen do not sit around and discuss the impact of population density on public transport and retail economic activity.

That conversation would have happened at lunch in the old job, not in the new one. There have already been several comments on the 'big words' that I often use. I don't think my language is too complex but I have to consider the audience. It isn't normal for them to hear so it is unique to them. This is ok, and sometimes refreshing. I do admit that I like to be accurate and efficient when I communicate. A larger vocabulary will help with that. If you can say more with fewer words, you can get more done.

An expanded vocabulary come from education. The same education also provides insight and context in many situations The more you know about how the world interacts with itself, the more you can predict how things will happen and control the situation. If you understand what it takes to get something done, you can adapt the situation to have things set up so it seems to move naturally.

I am currently in learning mode, trying to figure out a new work environment, in a new industry, with a new organization. Once I know how things really work, I should be able to use my education and previous experience to perform at a very high level. it will take time, it will take hard work, but most of all it will take the ability to see the world through educated eyes.

There are a a lot of great people in this world. Some went to university, some learned through experience, and some a combination of the two. I hope to be the one of the guys with the combination of experience and education, because that's when you can really make a difference.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The New Job

As I had mentioned earlier, I have ended my full time employment within the Cadet Program. For me, it's time to get back to the parts of the program where the good is actually happening. However, I am not independently wealthy so I need a way to make money to buy food and shelter. So, I have started a sales position with Southbank Dodge in Ottawa.

I'm really new to selling cars and I haven't been working in a for profit organization for over a decade, so far, it's going ok.

I'm not going to sugar coat this is any way. Selling cars is pretty much what it seems. I really can't comment too much on it yet, I haven't learned enough to do that. What I can tell you is this is not for everyone. It is a performance based job, it is all about dealing with people, and not everyone is going to do well at it. For me it's way too early to determine if I have what it takes. I understand sales and I know how to communicate, that still doesn't mean I'm going to be successful. What I've figured out so far is like most things you will get out of it what you put into it. If you put in the effort and don't make too many mistakes, you should be ok. There must be a living to be made selling cars or people wouldn't do it for years.

After doing some training most of my first day on Friday I somehow managed to sell 3 cars on Saturday. There was a lot of help from the sales managers but I think they see I'm serious and will take the time with me now. At least I hope that's the case. However, I've only sold 3 cars so I haven't proven anything yet. I need to drive my own customer traffic, I need to do a good job of finding the right vehicle for each customer, but most of all I need to learn a lot.

This is a big change from what I've been doing for the last 11 1/2 years. I'm not even sure if there is a procedures manual for this job, never mind the myriad of rules that go with military life.

I don't know if this is for me but I know it's different and that should keep me going until I do know. If nothing else, at least I wasn't scared to make a change.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

30 House Parties in 30 Days

I was at The Laff on Saturday for The Lucky Ron Show, those who know me are not surprised by this at all. Lucky announced they are firing up the '30 House Parties in 30 Days' which hasn't been done since 1999. I thought since I had no work commitments on Wednesday it would be perfect to get in on this, so I booked it.

It was so much fun.

I rounded up some friends, picked up some beer and Lucky Ron showed up and played in my living room. It was The Lucky Ron Show, he told the same jokes, sang the same songs, we yelled "Number Four!" after the third song, and threw cigarettes into his guitar during Tilsonburg. 

I wouldn't do it every night but it is something unique to do once a decade, if for no other reason that you can. There wasn't too much foot stomping, my downstairs neighbour didn't complain but there was a lot of singing along, clapping, laughing, and a good old time. There were two people who had never seen the show before and somehow it still worked out to 86% new people.

As I move on in life and get older the one thing that seems to keep happening is I find unique adventures, having the Rocky Horror Pictures Show of One Man Country acts play in your living room qualifies as unique. 

If you are in the Ottawa area I suggest if you have never seen The Lucky Ron Show head down to The Laff and check it out. If you are a fan of Lucky Ron I suggest you get ahold of him and have him play one of these thirty house parties at your place, it's one of the few things you know will be fun every time even if it is the same show every week, nothing new or different.