Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ontario Resident

I spent most of the day dealing with my driver's license and changing my vehicle registration. This was the last thing I needed to do in relation to the move and one of the most time consuming. I'm not going to talk about how I spent a lot of my day waiting in lines to get this done.

As I went through the motions today I unexpectedly discovered how much of my identity was attached to my driver's license and license plates.

I realize this may be a bit irrational but until I moved to Ottawa I had always been a resident of Manitoba. I had lived in a few different places in Manitoba but I had always lived in the same province. By moving to Ontario this has changed. With Manitoba plates on my vehicle, I was special in my own mind as I drove around. Now I am just like everyone else.

I'm not sure if anyone else has connected their identity to where they held their driver's license but I did. I did not expect this feeling to come about but it did. It may be that this is the last thing I had to deal with and there is no going back. I don't want to go back but I keep feeling like I'm going to wake up from the dream and go back to how life was. I'm sure this feeling will pass.

I have completed everything connected with relocating and I am now a full-fledged resident of Ottawa Ontario.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Joy of Christmas

I may have turned into a softy. At some point I seem to have discovered it is more fun to watch people I care about to open gifts from me than to get stuff on Christmas. There may be a couple of reasons for this.

One idea is, I have significant resources and can pretty much get anything I want. There are limits but I don't have to wait for Christmas and hope someone bought me what I wanted. As such, I'm not often waiting a long time for things as I go and get them as I want them.

Another idea is, I like to help people. I like to make people happy and giving gifts is a rather easy way to do that. I like how excited people get when they receive gifts, especially if they did not expect them. They don't even have to be gifts I gave. When someone is truly excited it becomes contagious and I like to get caught up in the feeling.

A third idea is, I see myself as self-sufficient. I don't like to ask for help or for things. I like to do things on my own. Giving is an activity that I really don't need any help with. As long as I can make contact with the receiver I can execute gift giving self sufficiently.

Now don't get me wrong, I do like to get gifts from people I care about. It is nice to be remembered. It is nice to be thought of. It is nice to get nice stuff. I don't turn down gifts and I am always truly appreciative when I receive them. I just don't need to receive any.

It may be true that it is better to give than to receive. I didn't properly understand that when I was young but I do now.

At some point I may have turned into a big softy but I sure like to see people get presents.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas On The Prairies

After moving to Ottawa and briefly living there I have returned to the prairies for Christmas. I have noticed a couple of things in returning.

It is dry on the prairies in the winter. I have always known it is dry but it has always been a gradual transition. Returning to Winnipeg and proceeding to Brandon has quickly dried me out. It is what it is but I now better understand why so many people comment on it.

The pace of life is slower on the prairies. I don't find the pace in Ottawa to be overwhelming. In fact it is just the pace that is. However, I have always found Brandon to move a bit slow and now it seems to be even slower. I have definitely become a city person. I have known this for years. It was reinforced when I moved to Ottawa. The slow pace is nice for a few days but I don't want to live this way.

People get excited for Christmas everywhere. The Christmas spirit is prevalent in both places. This is probably the most important point. It is important to take time for the important people in your life. It is important to reflect and look forward. We can become so busy with the day to day stuff that we forget to look around. The holidays are a time to do that. They are a time to take stock. They are a time to set priorities. They are a time to be thankful for what the world has given you.

I'm spending Christmas on the Prairies and I'm happy to be doing so.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Common Cold

I might have a cold. I'm not quite convinced but I might. Like everyone else, I think colds really suck. They suck for what they do to your body and they suck for how they don't really go all the way.

Nobody likes the stuffed up nose and coughing but unfortunately most colds aren't really bad enough to do you in and give up. When you have a cold you are forced to go about your day. You are not sick enough to call it quits but you don't really enjoy anything you do. You don't have your normal energy so everything seems to be such a chore.

If you get the full on flu at least to can concede defeat and quit living until you feel better. After the worst of a flu you may not be100% but you feel so much better you don't mind. With a cold you don't get the sense of journey and recovery. The cold just goes a way and you go back to normal, without a badge of honor to wear. You can't say I just survived the worst battle with the flu and I am still here.

However, not getting sick at all is the best option. Unfortunately that doesn't always seem to be how it goes.

I might have a cold and all colds suck.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snow Road

Last night Ottawa received it's first significant snowfall. Just like my time in Winnipeg, people complain about other drivers driving in the snow. On the one hand, it is comforting to know that people are the same everywhere. On the other hand it is a bit annoying to hear the complaining.

Given the very little driver training we do it is no wonder people have difficulties when difficulties when the conditions change. Driving is something we take for granted. A little bit of pre-thought and I'm sure everyone would have less difficulty with the snowy roads.

The great upside to this is the first significant snowfall in Ottawa was on December 14th. That is over a month later than when it happens in Winnipeg. This is a good thing. It would be nice to keep the winter weather to the winter months. Coming from a place where it can be wintery for all of November to March I can get used to this.

Last night was the first significant snowfall in Ottawa, and just like in Winnipeg is was a reason to complain about drivers.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Let's Go Downtown

I just finished reading a story in the Winnipeg Free Press about all the surface parking lots in Downtown Winnipeg. It was a well written story that explained the issues quite well. I should have stopped reading before I got to the comments. The comments were not as ridiculous as on but very mis-informed about downtown Winnipeg.

I lived in downtown Winnipeg for just over eight years. I only left because because I was promoted into a new job in Ottawa. I thoroughly enjoyed my time living downtown. It is safe. There is a lot of places to eat and things to do. It is central to everything in Winnipeg.

I realize there are panhandlers but nearly all are harmless. They will ask and let you go on your way.

I also realize there are a lot of people dead set against living in a dense urban environment. These are foolish people. If you do not live in a community where you can walk to do many things you will not be able to afford to live. You must be able to move about your day without complete reliance on fossil fuels.

The suburbs are life sucking, cookie-cutter, bland expanse. I don't know what people do for fun out in the suburbs. Do they go to their neighbor's house that looks just like their own home? Much of suburbia is a lifeless expanse.

In Ottawa I live and work downtown. I walk to work. I get exercise and I avoid the expense and environmental effects of driving. I have not driven m y own vehicle in 2 weeks. Granted I have not been home for a week. I can walk to a lot. Many restaurants, sights, bars, a very large shopping centre, and recreation. It's great. I would not trade it.

I realize the cold winter puts a hamper on walking in Winnipeg but the downtown is very well connected by skywalks.

I know urban living is not for everyone but a lot of people don't understand the benefits of it. Those are the ones who are missing out.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Best Cab Driver Ever

So I am on my way from Ottawa to Winnipeg for meetings. I had to cab it from my new home to the airport. This is just part of traveling.

I had the best cab driver ever.

First he asked me which route to take to the airport. Seriously, I have never had that happen in my life. Then his phone rang. He asked me if it was or for him to answer. How courteous is that!

It is rare to see service that great in these times, however with a sluggish economy, that is exactly what you should see. Good service is an attitude to have the customer a part of the service delivery. I really don't know which route is faster but having the option is truly unique.

I don't expect this to become the norm but it is nice to see from time to time.

I took a routine taxi ride to the airport and had the best driver ever.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Walk

I started my new job this week. I found a place within walking distance. It's a longer walk but it is quite manageable.

On the first day of work it had rained the night before. It was rather slippery. At one point I was doing the Bambi on ice. I could have but my skates on and skated in a few places. I did make it to work so all was well. It took me a bit longer to get there but I made it. On the way home yesterday it had warmed up and was raining very lightly. It was a bit damp but very manageable.

Today it was warmer. It was a fairly steady rain this morning. It let off as I walked to work. I managed to cut 7 minutes off my time from the first day. The best trip has been the walk home today. There was some sun, it was dry and 12 degrees C. It was a very nice walk. Walking home is a bit easier as it is primarily down hill. It is nice to have that at the end of the day.

I know there will be some colder, nastier days but I'm from Manitoba. I have seen some really bad winter days.

So far I seem to be enjoying this walking to work. I can see this getting better as my body gets more used to it. I also need to get back into my gym routine. With that I will be improving my fitness to where it should be.

I live in a new city and I like it so far.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I was walking about downtown Ottawa today. I headed from my place to the Rideau Centre. This is a part of my walk to work. I think my walk to work is going to take longer than my walk home. It is up hill. It seems to be more up hill than I first realized. It is not insurmountable. I did notice that going home was a much easier walk. I was also walking into a very stiff breeze. This probably added to the effort. I realize this in not mountain climbing but I'm from Winnipeg (read very flat.)

I am excited to be walking to work.

There is the cost savings. I will not be spending money on a bus pass or fuel for my vehicle. This is always a benefit.

There is the fitness aspect. Walking between 25 and 30 minutes twice a day, 5 days a week will be a good addition to my fitness routine.

I think the biggest benefit is the quickness factor of walking. I have discovered downtown Ottawa rush hour traffic is ridiculous. It moves slow. People drive like idiots. It is difficult to make turns. The downtown area is not designed to drive to work. By walking I will be able to move quickly. I will be able to keep moving when traffic is at a standstill. I will not have to wait for public transit. I will not be tied to a schedule. I can stop and take care of errands on the way home. I will be able to enjoy the city atmosphere.

I realize a rainy day will lessen my enjoyment as will very cold weather. In January I will be walking in the dark. Considering all that, I will probably miss the walk once I get into it. I have not been exercising since I left for my house hunting trip. I need to get back at it. Having said that I have missed my regular exercise and I will have to get back at it.

There are pros and cons to every course of action. I see the pros of this walk to work significantly outweighing the cons.

I'm looking forward to work on Monday.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Connecting Digitally

This evening I was watching a documentary on CBC about how we have become so connected and how it may not be good for us. I don't know if this is a true. I am very connected. You can pretty much get in touch with me by multiple methods at any time you want. I don't find it stressful and I don't find it extends my workday.

Laptops, tablets, and smartphones are tools.

A tool is only as effective as the person who uses it. In society we must ensure we use technology to effect. We must leverage the technology to improve our lives.

The first thing is you must know how to prioritize your tasks. This is not new. This has been an issue in the workplace since there were locations with people working in them. A smartphone does not tell you what to do first. A smartphone sends receives, and processes information. This is what you use the tool for. It does not make decisions for you.

I think a lot of people expect their technology to do their job for them.

The human input has been and will always be the most important part of work. We can use tools to organize, find and manipulate information but ultimately we must continue to make the decisions.

It maybe that connective technology is just faster at exposing people's weaknesses. It shows who can and who can't prioritize themselves and their tasks. It shows who makes and who doesn't make decisions. It shows who is good and who isn't.

There is the same amount of work. If you can get it done quicker and more timely it should allow you to shift your free time to when you want it.

I see a lot of people using technology poorly. We need to figure out how to use our tools better.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Looking Good

Today I drove from Thunder Bay to Sault Ste Marie Ontario. The highway works its way around Lake Superior. It meanders in and out of the bush. This is one of the most scenic drives in Canada. It is not a short or easy drive. Parts of it are very curvy and hilly however, some of the views along the way are amazing.

Canada is a vast nation. I have been to many but not all parts yet. I think a true Canadian experience is to drive the north shore of Lake Superior. It is a two lane highway the whole way. Several passing lanes make it possible to get around slower traffic at various times. It is not the fastest route between these two Ontario cities but it sure looks good.

This may be one of the most difficult drives to make in Canada. I have driven through BC and I found it an easier drive than either time I drove this route. It is full of curves and hills. There is very little straight road. Around Marathon Ontario, you could be in any number of mountain ranges.

The most enjoyable part of the trip was to come out of the bush and there was the lake. Looking out down the hill to the water below with the hills above. The raw and rugged beauty is obvious everywhere you look.

If you are travelling from one end of Canada to the other, I recommend you travel highway 17 along Lake Superior. You will enjoy the view.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


As I relocate from Winnipeg to Ottawa I have to travel from one to the other. Today was the first leg of the drive. I went from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay. Sounds easy enough.

There were a few delays.

The Elevator. Yes the elevator in the hotel in Winnipeg delayed me. It would not come to my floor and pick me up. I would push the button, the light would go out but no door would open. This happened several times.

The Accidents. As I was driving down Fermor Ave in Winnipeg and I approached Lagimodiere Blvd, the road was closed by a police cruiser. No big deal, I will just zip down to the Perimeter Highway and zip around to the Number 1. When I got to the interchange at the Trans-Canada it was closed so I had to go up to Dugald Rd and back down PTH 207 to Deacon's Corner.

The Restaurant. I stopped for lunch in Dryden ON. I sat down in a restaurant I have ate at several times. It took over twenty minutes for someone to come over and greet me.

The Semi in the Ditch. There was a semi being towed out of the ditch that stopped traffic for at least 25 minutes.

The Snowplough. I caught up to a snowplough going 50 km/h. It was ploughing the shoulder, not the driving lane.

Now there are some upsides to the trip today.

I arrived safely.

I am closer to the destination.

I did the only time change required on the trip.

I may sound as if I am complaining. I may be a bit but when you are driving all day it is easy to get a bit grumpy. Some of these delays are part of travelling. Some are caused by people doing their jobs poorly. It doesn't really matter in the end.

Tomorrow I drive to Sault Ste Marie and the adventure continues.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One Great City

The Weakerthans wrote a song about Winnipeg titled, "One Great City." in it they talk about everything that is wrong with Winnipeg. The idea is everyone in Winnipeg knows everything that is wrong with this city but Winnipeggers will vigorously defend their city. I am like that as well.

I have always lived in Manitoba. Tomorrow I leave this province as I move to Ottawa. I will always seeManitoba as home. I may never live here again or I may move back some day. I don't know what the future has in store for me in that aspect of life.

I am excited to be moving but in the last few days I have noticed that this move has become real. I have returned my keys ton my Winnipeg landlord. I am holed up in a hotel. Everyone wants to see me again before I leave. I'm sure this is natural. I want to see my friends too as they are what I will miss the most. It is much easier to stay connected over distance in 2010 but it's the sitting and having a beer and a great conversation that I will miss. I'm sure I will make more friends in Ottawa but I have really good ones here.

Leaving my apartment was tougher than I thought. I have a lot of great memories there. It's the longest I've lived in one place in my life. It was a nice place in a great location. It's part of what defined me for the last 8 years. Many concerts and hockey games started in my place. Everyone was always welcome and great times were had. It quickly felt like home and I can't believe I'm leaving it. I know there will be good times ahead.

I know a lot of people in Winnipeg. It is not uncommon to randomly come across people while in the mall or the grocery store. It will take a long time to know that many people in Ottawa, if I ever get to that level. I like a certain level of anonymity but I like some familiarity as well.

And up above us all, leaning into sky, a golden business boy, will watch the north end die.

I will always have a place for Winnipeg.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Coming and Going

As I am relocating from Winnipeg to Ottawa there are a few things that I am going to miss in Winnipeg and a few things I am looking forward to enjoying in Ottawa. This is a normal part of moving and changing.

A few of the things I'm going to miss in Winnipeg are...

Bomber Games. I am a huge Winnipeg Blue Bomber fan. I enjoy going to the games. The atmosphere, the crowd and the trough. The Bombers are not in Ottawa and I will only get to go to a couple of games a year, if even that much.

Socials. In Manitoba you can always have a social. You need to raise money, have a social. You want to celebrate, have a social. Despite all the bad socials I have been to I have been to a lot more good socials. Some of my best fuzzy memories are from socials.

Winnipeg Old Country Bologna. Yes, I am going to miss a deli meat. But this is the best bologna in the world. It is well spiced and has great flavour. The plant is inspected provincially so you can't sell it outside Manitoba, as such, I will not be able to buy it in Ottawa.

The Pal. I don't go very often but I am always entertained when I do. It is a unique vortex in Winnipeg night life. Yes there are cougars. Yes there are guys chasing cougars. But there is also so much more.

Montana's at Polo Park. It's just like every other Montana's out there except for a long time the staff was great. I ended up spending a lot of time there. I even took some of the bartenders flying, that's how much time I spent there. I can get the food at any Montana's but being able to walk in and everyone knows you is a unique feeling.

There is a lot more that I will miss. Winnipeg is a unique city and it has its quirks.

There are a few things I am looking forward to in Ottawa...

Shorter Winter. I once said the best thing about living in Winnipeg is no matter where you go in the world winter is better. I am ok with snow in mid-December and a melt in early March.

Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwiches. If you have never had one in Ottawa or Montreal, you don't know what you are missing. 8 ounces of thick cut Montreal Smoked Meat on rye bread. It doesn't get much better that that.

Walking to Work. It was usually about 20 minutes to drive to work. I should be able to walk in about 25 from my new place to my office. Only 5 more minutes to get to work and the health, financial, and environmental benefits. The added benefit is I will be walking past Parliament every day. Kind of cool if you ask me.

Proximity. Not only do I get a new city to explore I'm 8 hrs driving to Boston and NYC. 4 hrs driving to Toronto and 2 hours to Montreal. There will be a lot to explore and discover.

Variety. Although Ottawa is a company town there is a lot of variety there. All the embassies (I will be living next door to the Turkish Embassy) and both official languages will help make it a varied experience. I will find my regular places but there is a lot of different in that city.

Last week when I was in Ottawa looking for a place, I was impressed with the city and my want to live there is only growing. Once my stuff is in place, look out, I will be ready to move forward.

I'm moving to Ottawa and I am excited.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

So Real

My relocation to the Canada's National Capital has become very real to me this week. I have a place to live, which was the the last big hurdle I had to overcome. It is even available when I wanted it for so I don't have to delay my move.

Through this whole process I have come to realize how integrated you can become in your community. It's a lot more than being near your family and friends. Your community also includes the people you interact with on a regular but occasional basis. I need to find I new barber. It's too bad, it like the one I've been going to for the last 10 years. I need to find a new place to buy my groceries. I need to find a new gas station that's convenient. These are the little things that I will have to deal with.

The big parts of relocating are taken care of. All the details to to find a new home and move myself and my personal effects are cared for. The details of integrating into a community are up to me. Part of this is very exciting. Seeking out the good places and people in a new city will be exciting. Finding new service providers for the things we tend to take for granted will be fun.

I also realize it will take some time to get things rolling. I know a few people and I have some people skills so, it will come together.

I have discovered that Ottawa is going to be a great city. It is a city that people live in. It has pubs and restaurants and bars and shops. It has every convenience and a lot that is unique. I will be walking past Parliament Hill every day to get to work. It is a nice city to move about. It has a pace of life to it. People have purpose. They have a focus and a purpose.

I'm about to start a new chapter in my in a new city. I'm a little bit scared but really excited.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Sandwich

Eight years ago this week I attended a conference in Ottawa. During that conference I discovered the Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich. Ever since, anytime I have been in Ottawa I have tried to have one. Today I had one for lunch. This sandwich never gets old.

How can you not like eight ounces of thick cut Montreal Smoked Meat on rye bread with mustard. It is very close to a perfect sandwich.

I know that I can't eat one everyday. I could but my health would suffer.

This sandwich is one of many things that will be different when I relocate to the Nation's capital. I plan to embrace the good that my new home will bring. I realize that in will miss things from Winnipeg but I can always enjoy a Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich to take my mind off what I am leaving behind.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Choosing A Neighborhood

Today, as part of my quest for a place to live in Ottawa, I took a look at many neighborhoods. You can have a great space but if it is not in an area you like you will be unhappy.

Choosing the location of your home may be more important than the actual home. The location has to match you. You have to be ok with the type of people you will see. You have to have what you want to see and do around you.

Your location must also meet the needs of your family situation. A family with young children have different needs of single working age people who have different needs of retired folks. You need to match your needs with your community.

For me, at my current spot in life, I want to be in the middle of it all. I want to walk out my door and be living life. I want the energy that people bring. I want to walk to work. This may change as I move through life but this is what I want for now.

I don't know if I could ever live in the suburbs. It just feels so blah. You have to drive everywhere and the streets have no character or energy.

As I work toward finding a place I know what will suit me. Now to secure the space.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bad Driving

I have lived my whole life in Manitoba. People often complain about Winnipeg drivers and rightly so. Many drivers in Winnipeg are not very good and don't drive in a very predictable manner. After arriving for my House Hunting Trip in Ottawa I think people who drive here do not do a good job either.

Often it seems that the traffic lights don't really matter. People just pull out into traffic. No one seems to be paying attention. It seems to be a bit chaotic.

This may all be due to the streets being very old and narrow. They wind about the city with no apparent plan. It may be that I am just not familiar with the city layout but it sure seems to be difficult to move about some areas.

I will adapt. I will figure it out. That's who I am.

I also believe that I will like living in this city. What I'm told is the bad part of town is not bad to compared to many parts of Winnipeg. They say Ottawa is a very educated city which befuddles me why the driving seems to be so bad.

It may be that all cities have bad drivers, in which case we should all stop complaining and drive better.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Warp Speed

My relocation to Canada's National Capital is picking up steam. All that is really left is I need to find a place to live. I will be in Ottawa next week to accomplish this very task. Everything else is in place. I have the moving truck booked. I have spoke to my current landlord and they know I will be vacating at some point in the near future. The dishes are done. I am pretty much ready to go.

The entire activity has sure pick up speed in a hurry.

The entire thing feels very real now. I am starting to notice all the things in Winnipeg that I will miss. I know there are new adventures waiting for me in my new city, but its hard not to look back.

Looking forward I think the pace of life is going to pick up. I have never lived in Ontario before but from what I can tell, it moves at a different speed than Manitoba. I don't know if this will be good or not but I will find out. I like to be going all the time or at least have the option to be going all the time. I grew up in a small town. I know what its like. If I wanted to live in a small town, I would.

If everything goes as planned, about 3 weeks from now I will be resident of Ottawa. If it doesn't go well, I will get there when I get there.

Monday, October 25, 2010


So I'm in the process of getting everything in place so I can move to Ottawa. It's been going reasonably quickly. Through this activity I have found I still do not wait well. A day or two here, a few days there. It drives me bonkers.

I know that I need to be patient and when I am responsible to do things, get them done quickly. Knowing that does not make waiting go any easier.

I know some very patient people. I hope they are patient, otherwise they are just untimely. They seem to relish having others wait for them. I am not that person.

I hope in the near future I will be doing more than waiting. I think nearly everything is in place to get thing rolling. I will be happy when everything is taken care of. I will gladly do my part when I have a part to do, I just am not sure how much more waiting I can handle.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Food Coma

Yesterday I went with some friends to Mongo's Grill for dinner. If you don't know, they serve all you can eat Mongolian stir-fry. Here's the thing, if you get a bunch of type A people at an all you can eat restaurant inevitably an eating contest will break out. Alas, it did again.

I ate 3 bowls of stir-fry. There was a guy who ate 5. He didn't even start to slow down until he was well into his 4th bowl.

I wonder how he's feeling today. I was rather sluggish all day.

It was a rather smart group of people that I went with. How do we degrade to gorging ourselves to excess only because we can. There is no logical reason we would eat so much but being naturally competitive, it is bound to happen.

People with competitive streaks in them find it very hard to back down. I know, I'm like that. It can be a very good trait but it can lead you astray.

I was asleep fairly early after my food binge but I didn't sleep so well all night. I knew this was going to happen but I pressed on anyway.

I ate 3 bowls of stir-fry and didn't claim the crown, maybe I'm a bit too competitive, but that's better than not enough.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Moving On

In my real job (as opposed to Internet blogger) I have been offered a promotion and a move to Ottawa Ontario. So off I go. If everything works out I should be moving in mid-November.

I have to admit I am very excited and a bit scared.

I have lived in Manitoba all my life. I have worked a summer in Alberta and a summer in Nova Scotia but Manitoba has always the place I go back to. Moving to Ottawa should have a lot of changes. I have always identified myself as a Westerner. I wasn't sure if I would or could live in Eastern Canada but I see so much opportunity I can't say no.

I have the opportunity to explore a different part of the country. I have been to Ottawa a few times but I have always been busy. I won't be far from Montreal. New York City and Boston are a days drive away. That's just the places I thought of. My own back yard will be a lot of fun.

With the access to communication we have today it should be easier to keep my ties to my friends and family. Of course I will meet new people and form new friendships but I don't want to give up the old ones either.

Unfortunately I will not be able to go to Bomber games. I will miss that. I will also miss the rent control in Manitoba. My housing is rather cheap in Winnipeg, but the upsides outweigh the downsides.

I'm moving to Ottawa and I'm excited.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Scanned In

Today as I passed through the passenger terminal in Ottawa, I was scanned by one the recently installed scanners being used in airports throughout the world.

I am not really one to hide. There are a few occurrences in my past I try to prevent coming up in the conversation, but who isn't in that situation.

Having said that, I prefer the scan to having the pat down. I don't hate the putdown, but I do find it takes forever. It may be a bit much when they stuff their fingers into your shoes. With the scan, you stand motionless for 2 seconds, they take a few seconds to analyze it and you carry on.

Now the rumour is you get a very detailed look under the subject's clothes. Does this really matter. Yes you will see their shape but let's be honest. You pretty much have that figured out without the scanner. I doubt you can see if they have any tattoos, moles or their haircut. These may be a bit more personal.

I realize a lot of people are sensitive to the opinion of others, especially when it comes to appearances. Often looking at a person is the only interaction two people ever have. If you think about it, how many people do you really remember? There are the few that look really good and the few that look really bad. The 95% in the middle are quickly forgotten, especially if no conversation is ever started.

There is no reason to be afraid of the scanner. It's safe, quick, painless, and hopefully effective. I didn't believe I would have any issue with the scanner and it turns out I don't.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How Do I Change The World

Today I went and saw the new movie "The Social Network." this is the movie that tries to explain how Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook.

I'm not writing a movie review here, it's just how I got on this train of thought. The movie tries to show how mr Zuckerberg saw all the gaps that needed to be filled in a student's existence. It tried to show how he saw and filled these gaps. It didn't always paint him in the best light but it did show how he sees the world around him. I think.

Facebook has changed the world around us. It has produced a platform for us to share the information we want to share. It has made it easier to remain in contact if we want to. It is everywhere if we want it to be. A lot of people want Facebook to be a part of their existence.

So this has me thinking.

What's next?

What will change us forever? What will show up and be so good that we will have to use it? And most importantly, how do I figure this out and create it?

I feel like I can create something big. I have no idea what that is. I have no idea what I can change that will shake us to the foundation. If I knew it I would do it.

The opportunities to be great are out there. The chance to change the world exists. I just need to see it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fun At Work

I have been a fan of Guns 'n Roses since the first time I heard Paradise City. The sound of Axl's voice combined with the unbelievable guitar played by a guy called Slash. It was part of an album that music lovers still gravitate to.

Last December I saw the current incarnation of Guns 'n Roses. Which is really just Axl with a band of musicians. However, there was the voice. Slash was not there and something was missing.

A couple of years ago I saw Velvet Revolver. There was the Slash guitar. It was a really good show but again something was not quite right.

Last Friday I saw Slash on his current solo tour. Again there was no Axl. He says the two of them will never perform together again. Many people, including myself, think one day they will.

Slash has a rather unique job. He plays guitar in a rock n roll band for a living. Many people play guitar in a band but very few are successful. I don't know about any other recent shows but on Friday he looked like he was really having fun at work. He played really well. As anyone who is familiar with Slash's work knows, he has a very unique sound. His playing sucks you in to a sonic adventure.

He is the best of his generation.

The show was amazing. I watched him and his very talented band from the second balcony of the Burton Cummings Theatre in Winnipeg. This venue adds to any show held there. The crowd was into it. They were true fans. They enjoyed old Gunners tunes, Velvet Revolver tunes, Slash's Snakepit tunes, and songs from his new solo album. The band could feel their enthusiasm and they fed off it. By the time the first jangly notes of Paradise City were played by the man who wrote them I don't think anyone in the building was not completely engaged with what was going on in that room.

I have a great job. I don't write about it here but I will say I want to be as good at what I do as Slash is at what he does and I want to have as much fun while doing. He truly enjoyed his work that night and it showed.

I don't know if I can ever get to that point but I hope I can some day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Necessary Evil

I was reading some news on I find it to be a good source for info. While I was reading a story about inflation. It was a decent story. Then I did the thing I often do but hate myself after. No I did not binge on ice cream. I read the comments.

I could write a few pages on the sad state of the comments made by readers on web news services but that's not what I want to write about today.

It is clear that people do not understand what inflation is or how the economy works.

It is normal that people say inflation is a tax. It is normal to read that inflation is controlled by the rich to disadvantage the working class.

The truth of the matter is inflation and unemployment are unpleasant but completely necessary for the economy to function properly. Today we will discuss inflation.

In any economic system investment is important. People who have money need to use the money to make more money. They need to take some risk with there money. Usually this is accomplished by giving money to someone else who uses the money to make or sell something, also known as investing. The person who accepts the money then returns the money used and some more to the original person. This is the return and hopefully there is enough more to offset the cost of inflation so the original person can buy more than they could in the beginning.

Now imagine we did not have inflation.

At first this looks ok. Your money would keep the same amount or gain buying power. Sounds good. However, if your money will do more over time by just sitting there, then there is no motivation to invest. You can gain buying power without risk. This also may sound good as the rich will not their money to get richer. However, if the people with money do not invest it, there is no company to go and work at and no job to make money. That could be ok since there would be nothing to buy anyway.

What this shakes out to is, your money losing value motivates everyone to invest to off-set the loss in buying power. This investment ensures there are jobs to work and things to buy.

Although it may seem like it sucks that your money is losing value, inflation is a good thing.

Through all this I just wish people who post to actually understand what they are talking about but that may be too much to ask.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's A Party

Friday evening I went to a birthday party for the 4 year old daughter of a friend of mine. I had a great time but I also learned a few things as well.

My learning began the night before. I was in Toys 'R Us with my another friend trying to buy a gift for a 4 year old girl. This proved to be a bit of a challenge. Since I don't have children of my own and neither does the friend that was with me in the toy store we were at a bit of a loss. Thankfully we had some guidance on Facebook or we would have been completely clueless.

It's a good thing I have some problem solving abilities. We managed to piece together a plan and purchase gifted that went over well with the 4 year old crowd. There may have been a lot of laughing involved.

The actual party attendance also taught me a few things.

Children between the age of 2 and 7 have a whole lot of energy. They just keep going and going. I don't know where they get it but they seem to never quit.

Kids are getting taller. 5 and 6 year old kids are the height I was about 8 or 9. I'm not the tallest man but I'm a reasonable height. That's all I have to say about that.

I have known this last point for a while but, good people make for good times. I was hanging with some of the best people I know and was having a good time. If you surround yourself with good people your life will be good. Friday evening was a clear example of that.

On Friday I went to a 4 year old's birthday party and had a lot of fun. This is one of many signs that life is good.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Touch of Class

Last year during Breast Cancer Awareness month NFL players and coaches were encouraged to wear pink during games to raise awareness for annual screenings for this horrible disease that effects so many. It was very well received and I am happy the league and its players ran with it and are doing it again this year.

I sat down today to play some Madden 11 on my Playstation 3. As the game started up the machine told me an update was required. I begrudgingly updated my game and away I went. Usually the updates fix some glitch or add some feature I don't really care about.

I was very happy to see that you can play in the Breast Cancer Awareness Month mode. The players and coaches have pink on and at the 2 minute warning they give the official announcement including the website you can go to for more information.

I thought this was excellent and applaud Electronic Arts and the NFL for doing this. This in an excellent way to use a very popular platform to raise awareness for a very important cause. It could have been easy for them to not bother or become bogged down but they used their profile to make a difference.

I don't play a lot of video games. I watch more movies on my PS3 than play games. Gaming is not seen as having much of a social conscious. Many games are violent and have dark themes. I personally have no issue with this but I am happy to highlight when a huge moneymaking venture takes some time to do some good.

I realize some of what they are doing is including it because it is 'in the game.' That's ok by me. We should not discourage good acts.

I personally commend Electronic Arts and the NFL for including this feature in the game.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where Is It?

I am fairly creative. I come up with some pretty good ideas from time to time. I do write a couple of blogs and occasionally have something good to say. I enjoy photography and have taken some nice photos over the years. I admit I can't draw or paint to save my life, but we can't be good at everything.

Lately, I have not had a creative thought.

It seems the well is dry. It seems all my good ideas are gone. I keep coming up blank. The part that bothers me is I don't know why.

It might be that my life has not been too inspiring. Maybe I'm just tired. I know that's true. I may not care enough at the moment but I don't know why that would be it.

Creativity is fickle. It's easy for it to be turned off. It's easy to lack inspiration. I look at the world around me and I don't see anything interesting. It's like I've been there and done that. Maybe I need a change but its easy to fall into ruts. I seem to be in one.

There is an upside to all this.

I'm sure my creativity will come back. I'm sure I will have more good ideas. I'm sure the world will continue to surprise and amaze me. I'm sure I will say and do things that will be great. I hope it happens sooner than later but I know it will happen.

I'm a creative guy in a funk, but it will come back, and that is a great part of life.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Getting Back At It

During my summers I don't live at home. I don't live too far away, about an hour drive. Once you consider the long days getting home is not really an option. This isn't a big deal but I do have to turn off the life a bit. Having said that, I am back home and returning to my life.

It's takes some effort to get back to normal.

Over the summer I stop by my place about once a week. Unread the mail and ensure everything is ok. I may stay the evening or I may head back out. It seems a lot of envelopes and used glasses seem to accumulate. A glass of water while reading the mail doesn't make a big individual mess but it does accumulate.

All the stuff I take with me has to be unpacked and either cleaned or returned to where it belongs. Again this is time and effort.

If you are away for several weeks you need to restock the food. Not much point in keeping food around if you are not. On those few occasions where you want to stay home and eat during the summer a pizza will do just fine.

A very important part of returning is to track down the friends I have neglected. The people I call my friend are the most amazing individuals. I always feel bad when I go away for the summer and barely speak a word to them. They deserve better. I do make a point of regularly updating my Facebook status so at least they know how I'm doing but, it's not the same.

Over the years people have often asked why I do this every summer. There are times I wonder as well. The best I can figure is it prevents me from living an ordinary life. When I look back I want to see a unique and varied existence. I want to be able to tell stories or amazing moments, interesting people, and exciting adventures. To do that some sacrifices need to be made. If not living at home in ten sum er will bring this then I am happy to do so.

Different people want different things in life. It's part of what makes life amazing. If it is important to you then you will be able to make the necessary sacrifices to get it. We can't do it all but we can do what is most important. Make sure you are doing the right things for what is important to you.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Have One

After several attempts I have managed to get myself an iPhone 4. There were the several trips to the Apple Store when none were available. Then there was the waiting in line at West Edmonton Mall, only to have to bail to go to a wedding. I checked many other retailers to no avail.

Finally today I got in line about 8:15 am and at 4:00 pm my new iPhone 4 was activated.

This is a big jump from the 3G version I originally had. The screen is extremely clear. The camera is 5 megapixals. It shoots HD video. The processor is much faster and it has a lot of storage.

Like every Apple product it is easy to use and designed to to interface with humans.

I am very happy with my acquisition. It's going to serve me well. It is worth the long wait in the mall.

I have an iPhone 4 and this makes me very happy.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It Must Be A Popular Item

Last weekend I tried to buy an iPhone 4. After visiting about 20 retailers I'm fairly certain that none were available in Winnipeg. There is only one reason I could not get one. The system miscalculated the demand for this product. The only question is, did they miscalculate demand in general or was it just in the Winnipeg market?

Being out of stock is costly and foolish.

When someone makes a decision to purchase an item from your organization, you need to have it available. You need to be able to fulfill their purchase need. If you do not, chances are you have lost the revenue to another product or retailer.

The iPhone 4 may be a bit of an exception.

Apple has had a significant resurgence in the last 5 years. They have spent a lot of time studying how we interact with machines and their easy to use hardware and software has developed a loyal following. I know this first hand. I used Microsoft operating systems on various hardware platforms for most of my life. They have always been clumsy and difficult to use. When I started acquiring Apple products I discovered that computing doesn't have to be awkward.

I will continue my quest for the iPhone 4. I'm sure I will get one in the next couple of weeks. I'm sure I will be happy with my purchase. I'm also sure Apple will continue to put out great products.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

And We Laughed

In the last few months I have rediscovered late night comedy. I'm not sure why I stopped watching but like many things in life, I forgot how much I enjoy it.

Comedy is important.

Although, laughing makes you feel good and usually relieves stress, that's not why comedy is important.

Comedy is important because if it is done properly it pushes boundaries.

For some reason, society seems to be moving further and further toward not offending anyone. People do not share what they believe because they fear the repercussions of rubbing someone the wrong way. As we have moved from a duty based society to a rights based society, creativity and honesty have taken a back seat to not saying anything that may hurt anyone.

By laughing about what is different we can move to closer together. Being able to poke fun at yourself, makes you human and approachable.

I know my humour is edgier than most and I find something funny in almost anything. I know not everyone shares my sense of humour. I'm quite fine with that. I feel for the people who don't share or pretend not to share my sense of humour. They are loosing out.

If you don't push forward you will risk withering away. Humour can move you forward and enlighten you. It can make you see the world around you. In this world of being highly connected it appears that people are less aware of the world.

We need to get out and laugh more. We need to find the funny in the world around us, we need to share this with those we know. We need to do this without fear. If we do this we will all be in a much better place in the long run.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maybe This Was The World Protecting Itself

Very early this morning I was buying gas for my SUV. While I was filling up at the pay at the pump island, a woman pulled up to fill her car. Ok, there may be a bit more to this. In trying to park her car to fill it, she nearly backed into the pump. It appeared that she was trying to parallel park to fuel up. In the end, despite nearly backing into the fueling station, she really wasn't close.

To add to the situation she didn't know how to fuel her car. The pump she wanted to use would only work if you pay at the pump. She asked me to fuel her vehicle for her.

I did not fuel her car.

If you cannot put fuel in your vehicle, then eventually the car will not be useable. It will become a motionless piece of manufactured goods.

I'm not against women driving. Where I draw the line is, if you cannot safely drive or fuel your vehicle, you should not be be in a position to operate your vehicle.

Maybe this is the world protecting itself.

I realize this woman, not through skill or ability, managed to put more fuel in her car. I know for a fact that she didn't do it at the station I was at.

You could argue that being able to fuel a vehicle is a basic life skill or at least a testable skill for the issue of a driver's license. It appears it is not the case. However, the world is trying really hard to keep this woman from driving but since she managed to drive to the gas station, she will most likely continue to drive.

I only hope she doesn't hurt me while driving without a clue.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My, My, Hey, Hey, Rock 'N Roll Is Here To Stay

I have been to see a lot of concerts in my life. It is one of my favorite things to do. I have seen many of the biggest acts in the world. While enjoying music I love occasionally the talent of the performer is blatantly obvious. This was the case last night when I saw the Godfather of Grunge, Neil Young performed last night at the Centennial Concert Hall in Winnipeg.

This was a Neil Young show. This was not a Neil Young and Crazy Horse show. This was not a Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young show. This was not a Neil Young with a backup band show. This was not Neil Young and a couple of guys show. The only one who performed was Neil Young.

If it was an acoustic song he played the acoustic guitar. If it was an electric song he played the electric guitar. If it was an organ song he played the organ. If it was a piano song he played the piano.

His talent for songwriting and his love of performing was obvious. He engaged the audience in a show that was how I would imagine hanging out in his basement as he played music for a couple of hours. He played songs I love and songs I didn't know. All the songs were great.

Often my appreciation of a performer increases if I get a chance to see them live. Now that I've seen Winnipeg's favorite son I truly and fully understand his broad and engaging appeal. He can truly communicate through music. He can grab an audience and keep them listening for ever.

Last night I saw one of the most influential people in music in the last 50 years perform. I am very glad I did.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Dog Days of Summer

The weather in Manitoba has been strange this year. First there was the very early spring. Everything was dried up and leaves were out by the end of April. Following that we had a very wet spring. I thought a pre-historic lake was going to return. In the last couple of weeks the weatherman has not been close. It has been nice a lot of the time. It has been the dog days of summer.

I like the dog days of summer. Nice lazy weather is how I remember summertime as a kid. It makes for great memories. It makes it easy to have fun.

The idea of sitting out with a cold beverage at the end of a lazy day with the most important people in your life is universal. It can quickly become one of those moments you look back on with fond memories. Those are the moments that help make life worth living. The daily grind, is worth it when you can enjoy the dog days of summer. It is worth it when you have one of those moments that defines your summer, year, decade, or life.

I am around a lot of driven people who work very hard and make sacrifices. I hope one of the reasons they work so hard is so they can enjoy the dog days of summer.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Creativity vs. Conformity

Creativity comes in many forms and is essential within a society in order to progress. Without creative thought about everything we do advancement is impossible.

Conformity is an important part of maintaining order. By having the group conform to a set of norms, safety and efficiency are increased, assisting with the overall quality of society.

A society requires both of these to function but blind obedience to either will lead to failure. This leads to a very obvious question. How much of each do we need?

I'm not sure I know the whole answer but I'm sure part of it depends on your role in society. Where you sit in the system helps determine how much creativity or conformity you require.

For example, controlling air traffic requires a high level of conformity. Everyone in the system has an expectation on how the others will behave. Deviations from the expected norm will lead to potential safety compromises. On the flip side, designing fashion requires a high level of creativity as there is very little safety concern but if you are not new and fresh you are probably not going to be designing clothes very long.

These examples are very obvious but do point out the extremes. These is however another consideration of your responsibilities within an organization. If you are in the lower levels it is your responsibility to run the system. If you are near the top you may very well be responsible for designing the system. There is a problem. The people who are designing the system are not going to run it in the end and the people running the system don't have the resources to design the system.

So where does this leave us?

Everyone needs to have a bit of both but depending where you sit in the world you may need a lot of one or the other. The perfect balance has been haunting most if us forever, but we must try to do the best we can and adapt to the changing situation.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Youth Movement

Tomorrow morning we have ground training scheduled so some of the crew is taking advantage of this and having a few tasty beverages. There was a time that I would have joined in but I'm older and my workdays are long. The prospect of a hangover is not worth it for me tomorrow.

I have often heard that youth is wasted on the young. I can assure you that I did not waste my youth. In my hay day, not only was I in there like a dirty shirt, I was often a ringleader and some could argue, a bad influence.

Like I have mentioned in the past, I want my regrets to be things I have done, not things I have not done. When I was in my late teens and most of my twenties, I lived it up. I was always up for a party, and I did it right. I never wasted an opportunity and that was ok.

I'm older now. I want to do some different things with my time. I like to discover and reflect. I seem to want to try and be creative and that was partly why I write a blog or two.

Don't get me wrong, I still like to rip it up. I still have a lot of beer at times and I still have to nurse some killer hangovers but the frequency has dropped off. Too many days of clean living seem to get me primed for a good shaker, especially if I have been working hard and getting things done.

I think I have more balance in my life. It is hard to achieve balance but I have fun when I can and I am responsible when the situation warrants. Maybe I'm actually growing up a bit and that's ok, as long as it's not too much.

This week-end I may be on a mission but until then, I'm living the clean life.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Power of Music

I often listen to music. I am listening right now as I type this. I was listening earlier today at work and as I got ready for work this morning. I find music can influence me. It can change my mood, remind me of an event, or inspire me.

Why does music have this influence on me and so many people?

Apparently, music can trigger emotional responses in the brain. It can be linked to lasting memories of significant moments. It can help shape those moments.

For me I find that music underscores everything. I often have a song in my head. I can hear songs in the sounds around me. If in see things that are happening with a rhythm I can score it with music in my head. Music seems to have a significant influence on my creativity. It also seems to effect my well-being.

Much like going to the gym, listening to music can make me feel better. I miss music if I don't hear enough in a day. I can enhance or mitigate how I feel with music. It makes can make me happy or jack me up if I'm feeling ho-hum.

I cannot imagine a life without music. It would be a life less examined or enjoyed. I think we all can use some examination and a lot of enjoyment in our lives.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Big Rock and Roll

Last night I saw Iron Maiden at MTS Centre in Winnipeg. This is one of the few bands left for me to see. I enjoy their music but never had the burning desire to see them.

I should have had a burning desire to see them.

Bruce Dickenson, who is the lead singer, is amazing. He has an amazing voice. He wailed all night long. It was on key, strong and smooth. Even more amazing is he is a pilot. I may have a small man crush on the guy. I wish I was him. To fly myself to a gig and then sing as only he can would be a rather awesome life.

Back to the show.

To truly appreciate Iron Maiden you have to see them perform live. The show has a lot of production. It is big, there are colourful backdrops, and it perfectly compliments the sweeping, full, rich, music. Of course there is Eddie. He may be the most identifiable aspect of Iron Maiden. This giant beast will strike fear in the hearts of small children and parents everywhere. At the end of the main set Eddie walked out on stage. It was rather awesome.

I can now say I've seen Iron Maiden. I wish I would have seen them sooner as this show was big.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Great Outdoors

The great outdoors is kicking the stuffing out of me. Apparently, I am not used to spending my entire workday outside. I like to be outdoors however it is a bit of shock to the system.

I'm not sure why this year it seems worse. Maybe I've spent more time inside leading up to my summer of sunshine. This is possible as the weather over the last month has not been as nice as some years. Maybe it's age creeping up on me. I was reminded this morning that it was fifteen years ago yesterday that I graduated from high school. A sure indicator that time is passing.

What I know is, I am so run down, people are commenting. I look tired. I do not have much spring in my step and I have been a bit grumpy. As much as I try to be cheerful, it seems to be hard.

I'm sure over the next week or so I will get used to being outside a lot and my body will get with the program. I have to admit that I am laughing quite a bit so I'm sure I'm not depressed. I'm seeing the upside of nearly everything and having a lot of fun. Despite this my body is taking its time to being ok with existing outside all day long.

So despite Mother Nature beating the stuffing out of me, I am determined to enjoy my time outside and bring as much joy as I can to the world around me. Even if it means I need several naps.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

North American TV Dependance

I'm in the place I live for the summer. I have been here for just over a week. This whole tine my TV has not worked. At first I was not too concerned. I am very busy in the summer and don't watch a lot of TV in the summer. As time goes on I am finding that I am missing a lot not having a signal.

I don't need to know what is happening in any of the programs I do enjoy, however much of the news type content is missing. You would think that the Internet would just fill in all what is missing. To a point it does but it is still very much a pull system. You go and find the content you want. There are a lot of benefits to this. There is also one large drawback. It's hard to know what to go and find out about when you don't know what is going on. To add to this there are no radio stations with a reliable signal that I enjoy. As a result I am not listening to morning radio.

I feel as though my knowledge of the world beyond my direct physical contact is severely limited.

I may be a bit addicted to TV. I don't mind the old way of having content pushed on me. I am missing it a bit. There is something to be said for sitting down and watching a half-hour of news. I hope I can return to that very soon.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Yup I Really Wish I Had Not Come Across That

I've seen a lot of stuff. My first job out of university was as a product manager for a pork company. I was often in the plant dealing with issues on the kill floor. I sold livers, kidneys, salivary glands and the like. I have seen some very brutal bar fights. I have seen strung out junkies with needles stuck in their arms. I seem to be able to stomach this stuff.

Yesterday I happened upon a horror that really made me shudder.

I saw two homeless people having sex on a park bench at about 4:30 pm near my apartment. If you think it sounds bad you should have seen it.

I have spent the last 24 hours debating if I should write about this. Since these people did not show any discretion I feel it is fine to have this within the blogosphere.

I understand that homeless people are still people and as such they have desires. If they wish to share each other's company in an intimate way that is their prerogative. I also feel that these folks should have chosen a more discrete location. There are often families with young children in the area. I would not want to have my children (if I was a parent) or children of my friends being exposed to that. What I saw made the whole act look horrendous and wrong. It will be difficult to build a healthy attitude toward sex if what I witnessed was one of your first exposures.

There are many points of view on this subject. I know mine is not shared by everyone but at the end of the day, I did not want to be a witness to that. It made something wonderful look wrong and sad.

I also realized how fortunate I am as I have resources at my disposal such as soap and shelter to keep me clean and private. It is unfortunate that people can end up in their position. I'm sure more can be done for people as long as they are willing to be helped and help themselves. In Canada we have a system to provide the basics to everyone. The system is not perfect but it does help many. How do these people fall through to end up copulating on a park bench? Do they want to be helped?

The whole thing struck me in a couple of ways. It was ugly and dirty but it also left me wondering how someone can think this is ok. I do not share their lives, nor do I want to, but I know more about them than I should.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

If It Keeps On Raining

If it keeps on raining, the levee's going to break. This line from the great Led song may be quite fitting in Manitoba these days. It has been raining a lot as of late. I have been flying a bit in the last few days and I can tell you there is a lot of water out and about. I realize there are no levees here like there is in New Orleans but the sentiment is the same. If it rains much more, especially in the Manitoba Interlake we may see the revival of Lake Agassiz.

I understand we need some rain but I think we have enough for the entire summer. This much rainy weather wears on people's morale. It is hard to be excited about life when it seems that water is always falling from the sky.

I also realize it may not rain for a month. This is Manitoba and I'm not sure if there is typical weather anymore. I'm good with it not raining much for the rest of the summer. The farmers don't need it. The crops are already ruined. If a deity controls the rain, and that deity happens to read my blog from time to time, it would be nice if we had a sunny summer from here on out.

I know there really isn't anything we can do about the weather but I hope it doesn't rain too much more.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Someone Needs To Lighten Up

Last night I received a text message from a very good friend. She indicated that she had just took a few minutes and read my latest blog post. She also indicated it was seriously depressing. So I read it and a few other recent entries.

She was right. My writing has not been too cheerful as of late.

I have been complaining a lot in his blog. There have been silver linings but they are very dull silver and do not radiate much hope. I seem to be in a bit of a mood.

I like to be happy. I can see my happiness spread to others. When I'm glum I can see that spreading as well. So, I guess I need to work on looking at the happy stuff around me. It's everywhere. I get to live in one of the best countries in the world. I work for one of the best youth development programs ever even thought of. I get to do something truly enjoy. I have the best family and friends so amazing I often wonder why they would choose to spend time with me. I live a comfortable and fairly complete life.

I need to see the world around me for how amazing it really is.

I think we all go through times where the less desirable seem to overshadow all the great things we have in our life. I think I rolled into one of those funks. I am done with the self loathing. I'm determined to enjoy every day while I make the people around me happy as well.

It's time for me to behave like the fortunate, talented, and fun person I can be.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Being a Hermit

For the second Sunday in a row I have had no meaningful face-to-face, human interaction all day. I have had some small contact, I held the door open to the laundry room and went to Subway and ordered a sub. I had two work related phone calls. I sent and received a couple of text messages. I checked Facebook. I watched TV. I am now writing a blog post for the world to read, if they choose. None of this could be described as meaningful face to face contact.

I'm not sure why I I seem to be hiding in my apartment on Sundays. I think part of it is tomorrow I will be making my annual trip to Gimli for the summer. Once there human contact is part of the gig. There may be too much at times. It can be hard to get a way and chill. Maybe I'm pre-chilling so I can take the constant people.

I'm fairly social. I like to talk with and listen to people. They don't always have to be very interesting but it does help. I like to be surprised by people. I like to hear interesting things and different opinions.

Having said all that I do like to be alone from time to time.

After a long day I like to relax with my own thoughts. I like the solitude. I like the idea that I don't have to watch what I say, mainly because there is no-one to say it to. I like that I don't have to compromise. I just don't want to be alone all the time.

In this electronic age we live it, it is easy to stay connected but I think it is more difficult to truly connect. It's harder to hold someone's attention and see the person they really are. It's easier to hide who you really are. You can filter the content and only show others what you want them to see. The complete person is not exposed to criticism or compliment.

The biggest change the internet has done is it is easier to capture and track what people say and do. It was always said and done, it lived in our memories and stories if we where there or had the chance to hear about it. Now it lives on a server and is triple backed up so the moment is never lost. A content filter controls who sees what. It's easy to be connected but difficult to connect.

I'm as guilty as anyone to embrace this new world, but I'm finding it is easy to not talk to people. I don't have to. I can get the info online. We can't go back, this is here to stay. I think the challenge going forward is to make sure we sit with people and communicate the oldest but most effective way, by talking.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Darwin Might Be In Winnipeg

I'm not perfect, I do make some mistakes. We all do. I have noticed lately there has been some very foolish pedestrians in Winnipeg as of late. From time to time people step out into traffic, usually they are not paying attention, lately there has been a lot. There have been people stepping out into traffic, against the light, and then looking at drivers like they own the road.

I realize pedestrians have the right of way, but if you go head to head with any vehicle you are going to lose 10 out of 10 times. It's simple physics. Maybe Darwin is lurking in the downtown area, and is trying to cull the herd. A sound argument could be make to adjust the mean intelligence of the Winnipeg population, but it would come with a lot of grief.

Maybe its the weather. Maybe the general populous needs a good reminder that a car can cause death. Maybe some people just have no regard for their own life. All that being said, many believe it is the responsibility of the strong to care for the weak. I can see this being a good thing and I tend to subscribe to it. However, it is difficult to help people who don't help themselves.

When it comes down to brass tacks, take care of yourself, look both ways when you cross the street, and watch out for your friends. Darwin may be lurking and you don't want to be the one who proves to be the dumbest. You don't get a very good prize.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I like a good thunderstorm, I just don't like to be outside in a good thunderstorm. I was over at a friend's place and decided it was time to go. Since it is only a few blocks I was travelling by foot. A thunderstorm rolled over and I got wet. Not completely soaked as I have many times in the past but definitely wet. Thankfully, I had a rather water repellent jacket on, so other than my feet getting damp I was ok.

I know people who like to be outside in the rain. They revel in it. They think its the best thing since sliced bread. Not me. But that's ok. It indicates we have choice and can exercise that choice. I think its important that we have this ability to choose.

If you look at the worst places on this planet, one of the main things that makes them so bad is people are limited in their choices. If you limit choice, you significantly limit the ability to make a difference or to enjoy.

I realize that the whole issue is not that simple but if we can give more people more choice the world will be a better place. If nothing else I try to choose to not be out in a thunder storm.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Have You Ever Wondered

Have you ever looked around and wondered, 'How did I get here?' I'm not talking about a night where you had a few too many, I'm talking about those days when you realize life is not what you expected. It may be better or worse, but it's not how you expected it to be.

I find it's easy to get caught up in things. By things I mean excitement and drudgery. The days tick away, seemingly faster as you get older, as you go about your business. You always have something to do or somewhere to go. Often we are making decisions that may have significant impact on our future without much thought. Wisely or unwisely, we are expending time and resources on various ventures. Then one day, boom, we wonder how we got here. We probably have some great parts to out life and some parts we like to change. Fixing the undesirable parts is the challenge, since we probably set our path down that road without thought or realization.

On the flip side we cannot sit and contemplate every choice and it's long lasting effects on our eventual outcome. That is probably a good way to get a visit to several mental health professionals. There is a need for balance, hopefully most of the key moments are identified and the requisite time is taken. However, we are flawed and moments will be missed. That's ok. You may have to face some adversity but the lessons learned will help in the long run.

As I move through my 30's I am coming to realize that I am rather fortunate. Overall a lot of people would look at my life and think they would like what I have going on. They are not wrong. Of course it is difficult to not wonder where else my life could be if I made some different choices. I'm not regretful or angry, more curious than anything.

There are days I wonder how did I get where I am but a lot of them I'm glad I'm here.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Is This Where We Thought We Would Be

I was born in the 70's. I grew up in the 80's and 90's. I graduated from university in 1999. Over this time I have watched and participated in computers infiltrating our lives.

When I started school, there was 1 computer lab in the building that you went to once and a while. No one had a home computer. Everything was run by command line.

By junior high a few classrooms had one computer in it. There was still a computer lab. In grade 9 the typing lab also had computers. I think it was a bit too much for the typing teacher. She had been teaching typing since Christ was a Corporal. She retired.

In high school I heard about this thing called the Internet. I didn't have access to it in Russell, Manitoba.

I went to the big city to go to University. I made it one year before I had to buy a computer. It was so vital to get my work done efficiently. By the end of University, computers, the Internet, and email was prevalent. However we were still tethered by wires.

Another explosion came with this wireless idea. To broadcast the Internet over the air. First it was just a wireless router but when cell phone companies started to send the Internet to your phone, the world changed.

We can now get the info we crave anywhere we can make a phone call. It's not just on your phone anymore. You can pipe the signal into your laptop. Devices are specifically designed to capture this data.

I bought an iPad last week. I have a 3G model. This is a perfect example of how computers are getting smaller and doing more. I am finding this new tool to be very useful. I am writing this blog post on it. It is faster to type on than my iPhone,but not as fast as my MacBook Pro. Back in Junior High I did learn to touch type and I have kept the skill up. Since I am typing on a piece of glass it is rather difficult to touch type, but I can go fairly fast. It's hard to say but I think the tablet computer will finally be the puzzle piece that significantly reduces the amount of paper in the office. I can see in 5 to 10 years, we will be routinely using tablets in the work environment and significantly improving our productivity because of it. In addition the older generation of office workers who printout every email they want to keep will be starting their much deserved retirements and much more info will only ever exist in electronic form.

I'm sure everyone sees things change as their life rolls along but it is very interesting to me how computers have changed the world as much as air travel or the printing press.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I Touched an iPad

I had a few minutes today so I wandered into the local Apple Store. I must admit I like going into the Apple Store. There is a lot of interesting stuff in there. I have managed to walk out without buying but it can be hard. The one store I cannot get out of without spending way too much money is the Bomber Store, but that is a different story for a different day.

The main reason I went in was to check out the new iPad. There were several on display. I touched one. I'm not sure if this was a good idea. This is how it all started with my iPhone. I thought it might be neat and then I touched a co-worker's iPhone. I was hooked. I am still hooked.

Back to the iPad. I was impressed. The colour was rich. This blog looked great. I already know how to use it. It would be fully integrated in my life in about an hour. I would sync it up and iTunes along with MobileMe, will do the rest.

I can see it being useful. I travel a lot. I find my iPhone really useful. This would be even more useful and enjoyable. I can see myself taking notes in a meeting with it and emailing the notes at the end of the meeting. I can see myself keeping up with the news and having a couple of books with me wherever I go. It will be great for sharing photos and video. I can do that with my iPhone but this will be much better. For me I can see it being a lot more than a toy.

Now I didn't buy one. I'm sure there are several improvements that Apple will have in the next 6 to 12 months and if I wait, I will probably get a better product for less. Also, I don't need it. As much as I think I do, I have lived to this point without it so waiting a bit longer will not kill me.

I know I will eventually give in and buy one, and I know it will be hard not to give in this week-end, considering the weather is going to be garbage but, I will try to stay strong and hold out. Of course if you know me, who are we kidding.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Prospects of a Rainy Week-End

The Winnipeg forecast is for a lot of rain this week-end. It looks like outdoor activity will be limited to moving from one building to another. We have week-ends like this from time to time but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

I know there are people out there that like a rainy day. They like to curl up with a good book or watch a movie or 10. Some people even like to be outside in the rain. I'm all about personal choice and these don't seem to be my choices.

I may not want to spend every waking minute outside but I do like to be leisurely on my time off. I don't like to have to rush from my car. I guess if this is the worst part to have to run through the rain to my car then maybe things are ok.

A rainy week-end is usually a chance to get rested up a bit. I will take that as the busy time is coming at a great rate of knots. As for the rest of a rainy week-end, I really can't change a thing so I will do the best I can to enjoy it.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Turn It Up, Bring The Noize

Friday night I had the opportunity to see Public Enemy perform at the Garrick in Winnipeg. I came across my ticket last minute. I wasn't sure what to expect. Now if you are thinking, "Is that the Hip Hop group?" Yes it is.

There were two opening acts, a local act and a touring act. They were both fairly good. The main act hit the stage around 1130pm and played until about 120am. They played all the hits, at least the ones I knew. They were good. They talked too much between songs but they are getting on in years and the thermometer on stage said 107 degrees F. That is hot no matter what you are trying to do.

I was surprised by the crowd. I expected to be in the minority being a white guy in his 30's. That was a significant part of the crowd. A lot of the crowd looked like what you would think a music geek would look like. I'm actually quite encouraged by this. It shows that if you are good at what you do your appeal goes beyond your anticipated audience.

Chuck D and Flavor Flav are both very good at what they do. Flavor Flav is more animated on stage but I think Chuck D lays down the rhymes better. They are still politically charged and angry at the establishment. Their message has not changed in a long time. They no longer make headlines but they stand behind what they say.

Looking back I am very glad I went to this show. It is not a typical act for me to go and see, but I was entertained and they do have some important things to say. If you get a chance to go see a performer that you may not normally consider, do it. You may be surprised at what you see.