Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Heart is Full for Christmas

For the first time ever, I didn't spend Christmas Day in Manitoba or with my family. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not. Because I changed jobs a couple of months ago I had to work on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. There wasn't time to head back to my home province.

It turns out I had a pretty good day.

I had breakfast at friends. It's always nice to be included. I FaceTimed with my parents, and received a whole bunch of messages and texts from people wishing me all the best of the season.

All in all, Christmas left me with the best gift of them all. I have an overwhelming feeling of optimism. I think 2014 is going to be a great year for the world and for me personally. I don't know what it's going to look like but I know the people who choose to be around me are great people. I know that there will always someone to lend a bit of support when I hit bumps in the road and that fills my heart.

My life isn't perfect, in fact it's not exactly what I want it to look like at the moment. I am ok with that. I have come to terms with twists and turns, in fact, I welcome them. It makes life interesting, especially when you know great people will be around you and check in from time to time.

I got some very thoughtful presents but this overwhelming feeling of optimism about where things are going is a wave worth riding as far as I can. A year ago I wasn't feeling too excited about the future but now I can't wait for whatever is next and that's a great place to be.

I hope everyone who reads this takes some time to reflect and count up all the good things that you have in your life because you probably have more than you realize and it will probably give you a very optimistic outlook.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Shortest Day of the Year

Today is the first day of winter so in the northern hemisphere we have the least amount of daylight. As a person who loves a bright sunny day this is not my favourite day of the year. Thankfully the holidays make you so busy that you don't really notice how little the sun is up. The hard part is getting through the first part of January. At least we have turned the corner and there will be more daylight everyday for the next year.

It has snowed a lot in Ottawa this year and it's stayed cold enough that it is sticking around. There will not be a lot of sunlight to warm things up and melt the snow so its best to find ways to enjoy it.

Snow can make for beautiful photos, especially in the sunshine.

Snow means you can ski, or toboggan, or build a snowman.

Snow can be mesmerizing, especially the big fluffy flakes when the sun is low in the sky.

I will admit that winter is my least favourite season but there are still some really cool things about it. The way things are going we may have a very long season on the Rideau Canal, which I must admit is a great place to go on a winter day.

The climb out of the cold darkness of winter to the re-birth of spring is exciting and unpredictable. It takes two steps forward and three back. It's always something to talk about and on the first day that really feels like spring, it's a moment everyone will enjoy every year.

Today is the shortest day of the year but that only means that good things are coming our way, and as long as there are good things coming, we have a great reason to get up and seize the day.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Not So Perfect Life

Yesterday I stumbled on a really interesting blog called Confessions of an Imperfect Life written by Katie Devine. She's in her mid-thirties and her life looks nothing like what she thought it would. It got me thinking a bit.

My life is not anywhere near perfect.

I'm about to turn 37 and I'm no where near getting married. I walked away from a good paying job because I felt really trapped. I'm pretty sure I'm having a mid-life crisis.

All that being said, I wouldn't trade my life in.

Once upon a time I had a job I really liked. I was excited to get up on Monday morning and go to work. I eventually out grew that job and moved up. I left that job and I feel free. I don't love what I do these days but I have rediscovered what it's like to feel free and I will not trade this feeling.

As I often tell one of my friends, when we are old and sitting around at the Legion we are going to talk about this moment. My life is full of stuff like that. Some of them are big moments, some of them are small moments but they are all noteworthy moments.

I don't know where my life is going and in a way I really don't care. It's ok to not have a plan. It's ok not to know the future. It's ok to wake up and say maybe today everything is going to take a big left turn or maybe it won't. I'm liking that about my life.

I've lost over 30 pounds in the last year. It helped me realize that I can shape my life to what I want. It reinforced that I have control of my life and if I want to change it I can. That's really exciting.

My life is not perfect but nobody's is and I wouldn't trade my imperfect life full of great friends, wonderful family, and epic moments for anyone else's.