Monday, April 25, 2011

I Don't Think Those Go Together

Today as I walked to the gym there was a guy jogging the other direction. This is not unusual in Ottawa. The unusual part was the guy was smoking while waiting for the light to change.

I will the guy props for jogging and working to get into better shape. I will also say I understand quitting smoking is very difficult and you have to be ready when you try to quit. I'm just not sure if the two go together.

I'll admit I'm not perfect. For years when I lived in Winnipeg I would go to the gym on Mondays after work and then go out and drink beer while eating chicken wings. I know that is not the most productive behavior. The smoking while jogging struck me as odd.

As I thought about it, I'm not sure why it was so strange to me. Many people who smoke also jog. Its not unreasonable to do both at the same time, yet I think it looks strange. It must be some expectation that if someone is jogging they shouldn't be smoking. It is just one of the norms that society seems to develop.

As I was walking to the gym today I saw a guy smoking while jogging. For some reason I found it strange, but it should be.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Down Time

I have been on a rather steady pace for about a year. I'm 3 days into a four day long weekend for Easter. It has been a very low key week-end which is what I need. I, like many people, seem to keep myself busy. For the most part I like to be busy but from time to time I just like to chill out and not keep any sort of schedule. This feeling only lasts a few days most of the time but when I am enjoying it.

It's important to be you. We seem to gravitate toward who we are. I took my current job in Ottawa because I figured it would have less work travel. It seems to have a very similar amount. That may be because it just how I know how to work. I'm a be out there and see how it's going kind of guy. I like to try it myself and I like to know as much as possible. It may not seem relevant today but the knowledge can bear fruit many years down the road.

As much as I like to stay busy, or at least I tell myself that, I do like the occasional bit of down time. I like the days where dozing off in the afternoon is ok. I eat when I want and I don't have to keep a schedule. It can't last too long. I can't handle two weeks of living like that but four days sure seems to be doing me well.

I'm enjoying some down time and it will help reinvigorate me for the workweek ahead.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It A Sign When...

It's probably not going to be a great day when you are awoken by the sound of wind blowing past your window and it's not your alarm that brings you out of your dream state.

The weather in Ottawa was rather nasty. It made my walk to work unpleasant. However it wasn't as bad I thought it would be. I basically had a tailwind as i walked so the rain wasn't really driving into my face. There were a few moments that the 35 knot gusts made walking unpleasant but it was only a few moments.

After work I walked to the gym. This wasn't as good. As I left the office it started to rain harder and ice pellets fell from the heavens. The water was running off the front of my jacket and soaking my pants. I think this was partly due to me having to walk into the wind. As I got close to the pedestrian underpass near the Rideau Centre I noticed a large group of people congregating in the underpass. It turns out is was a 4-20 party in full swing. I'm not sure if this is a bad thing but it was a minor inconvenience.

After the gym it was only misting as I walked home.

All in all the day really wasn't that bad. It had some moments that I would prefer to forget but I'm safe and healthy so really how bad could it be?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Deadliest Catch

Yes, I'm going to talk about a TV show. I love this show. It's entertaining unto itself. The man versus nature in pursuit of a fortune story is always exciting.

I also like the show because it makes me appreciate my work environment. Keeping in mind part of my job involves tying two aircraft together and flying them my workplace is infinitely safer than on the deck of a crab boat.

It's a dangerous workplace because the employers choose to operate a dangerous workplace. The hours are ridiculous and fatigue must be commonplace. They almost never stop pulling or launching crab pots no matter how bad the weather is. The training is minimal and new crew members, referred to as greenhorns, are left to fend for themselves. The faster they go the more money they make because they burn less fuel. All in all it is how not to run an organization.

There is inherent risk to crab fishing. It is conducted in some of the coldest water in the world. It is conducted during a cold time of year that doesn't have a lot sunlight. It doesn't have to be conducted with substandard equipment, a lack of SOPs and with the prevailing attitude you need to work yourself to near death or you will be fired.

All that being said it does make for compelling television and I will start watching the new season tonight.

Monday, April 18, 2011

You Wouldn't Want To Break A Sweat

I should start by saying that I, like most people do not do as much as I could possibly do when I go to the gym. That being said I saw someone completely waste their time at the gym today.

It appeared this person has never been to a gym before. They were carrying their coat around and not really doing anything. There was a brief stint on the bike with very, very slow pedaling and some strange arm movements.

I suppose it really shouldn't matter to me if someone else is wasting their own time. If they stay out of my way and do their own thing, why does it matter to me?

It matters because I want to see people use their time well. I want to see people enjoy the benefits of an active and fit lifestyle. I also don't want someone to hurt themselves when I'm around.

The really strange thing is any gym, including the one I go to, offer services to get you going or help with your fitness goals. People who are not sure how to proceed should take advantage of these services. No-one would just hop into an airplane and try to fly it without lessons, why would you attempt to exercise without the knowledge on how to do it. Many high school physical education curriculums include instruction on how to exercise but I think this was added to the school system long after our example was in high school.

In the grand scheme of things it's not my problem if someone wastes their time at the gym. Most people don't use their time as well as they should but most people do a fairly good job of using their time to some effect. Of course not everyone can even say that.

Friday, April 15, 2011

So Who Should You Vote For?

In Canada a federal election is coming up on May 2, 2011. As the candidates continue to campaign for support, people are starting to ask themselves and others very serious questions about who they should vote for.

I always vote. I vote because I think it is important to stand up and be heard. It is important to exercise the privilege that many are fighting for. It is important to influence how the country should be run. For me voting has always been a very serious but moving moment. When I go behind the cardboard stand at the polling station I always have to take a moment, I feel like I could make a mistake. It always ends up I vote and carry on and often feel a sense of relief and fulfillment. I'm not sure why and maybe that's just me but it is sure how I feel.

It can be difficult to figure out who to vote for. There is no one right system to decide. You have to go about it how you feel best but you need to select the representation that will provide the results on the issues that matter to you. Since it is by secret ballot, you don't have to share your decision or reason with anyone. A lot of people will try to persuade you vote a certain way or say you should vote strategically so the pArty that is expected to win doesn't get a majority. That's all garbage. Vote for the party and candidate you believe will best represent you in the Canadian Parliament. That's the only way the voice of the people will be accurately heard.

I have my views on how the country should be run and who should run it. They are my beliefs and I will vote accordingly. I don't feel the need to share them and that's not what this entry is about. What I will say is that everyone who is legally allowed to vote should go out and vote for whoever you believe will best represent you for the years to come.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Can You Eat That?

So I picked up some grocery store sushi for supper tonight. I did have the thought that I really hope whoever made this did it properly but at the end of the day I ate it. I couldn't identify every ingredient but it didn't matter, I'm not allergic to any foods. There are foods I dislike, such as peas, and I will do nearly anything I can to avoid them but if I eat a pea it's not going to kill me.

There are a lot of people who live with food allergies. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I had to deal with a food allergy. I know millions of people have to and must take it seriously to survive but it can sure put a kink in a person's adventurous side.

It seems that food allergies are becoming more prevalent. I'm not sure if we are more aware or are more protective or are really seeing an increase in the cases of food borne allergens. Maybe science and medicine can help us with a lot of these cases. I realize it is not cancer or heart disease but it can be deadly and can limit opportunities.

I don't know how to make it better. I don't know if we need to. I would like to see everyone have the opportunity to try an entree if they so chose and not be in fear that someone in some plant they never met didn't have a bad day and just contaminate your lunch because he forgot to change gloves. As I said in the beginning I can't imagine living like that.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I am the first to admit that I don't speak French as well as I should. However, since I moved to Ottawa, I have been improving. In fact, I ordered my lunch in French today. Nothing fancy. I stuck to short phrases and I'm sure my accent was very thick but I did manage to do it. By no means does this make me think I'm bilingual but it does show a bit of hope.

I don't have a great flare for language. I have worked quite hard to improve my writing in English. I had a goal to write very efficiently and effectively. I have got to a place I am quite confident in what I write. I may not change the world or ever write a great quote but I can sure get my point across and I try to not waste the reader's time. As good as that is, I am never going to write the great Canadian novel, and to be honest I don't want to.

When it comes to other languages, really I just want to get by. I took French all through high school. I did ok. I am around French all the time in the workplace, it's coming back to me. I have ventured into Quebec a few times in the last month. The more exposure I get to French the more comfortable I am becoming. I'm not going to stand up and give a two hour dissertation in French, I may never get to that point. I'm ok with that. I am really just hoping to get to a point I can share in a conversation in French. I think I'm going to get there but it will take a while.

Hopefully I will continue to improve and I will get where I want to be.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Social Media Election

It seems that this current election is being referred to as the social media election. I was born well after the proliferation television or the telephone but I'm sure they revolutionized elections back in the day.

If you step back and think about it, winning an election is about communicating why you are the best candidate for the job. It only makes sense to use any means available to communicate what you intend to do.

The key to it all is, social media is a tool. It isn't who uses the tool best will win the election, it's who has the best message. You can speak though the best microphone in the world, if what you are saying is crap then all you get is louder crap.

I'm not here to tell you who to vote for. There are plenty of people who post comments on that will gladly tell you who to vote for. I'm just commenting that social media may change how you get the info but the message still has to be good.

So far it's really been a lackluster election, even if the candidates are using social media. I hope it picks up. In any event I will vote.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I went into the suburbs today. Ottawa has a lot of them. Although the Byward Market always has people in it much of downtown Ottawa is very quiet on the week-end. Everyone returns to their suburb of choice.

Although I logically understand the appeal of the suburbs, emotionally they don't make any sense to me.

I had a specific reason to head out of the urban centre. I found where I was going and did what I had to do. I also stopped at a Burger King. This Burger King also had a Shawarma restaurant in the same location. It's a bit strange if you ask me.

I think what really bothers me about the suburbs is they are so planned. Cookie-cutter houses surrounding power malls. You could be in any city and it looks the same. There is a distinct lack of character. The randomness that stimulates the mind does not exist. You don't find the lawyer's office above the deli. The eclectic mix of people and business is missing. You have to drive anywhere. You travel in your car, separated from others. There is no random encounters on the street. Nobody will stop you to ask directions. Without this you may go from living life to merely existing.

I realize not everyone likes urban living. Some feel crowded and imposed upon. Some feel it is unsafe. I find the urban life to be interesting, sustainable, fun, and energizing. Being able to walk to most of what I need and want is a blessing. Being amongst people gives me energy. You don't get that in the suburban lifestyle.

I may have grown up in a very small town but I have become a city dweller and I don't want it any other way.