Thursday, March 31, 2011

You Gotta Have.....

About a week ago I was walking home from work. As I walked down Rideau street in Ottawa I came upon a red light at King Edward. If you are unfamiliar with Ottawa, King Edward leads to one of the bridges to Quebec. It is one of the faster moving streets over the river, as such it it very busy at rush hour. There are a lot of streets on my walk home where you can cross against the light without any peril, this is not one of those streets.

So, as I wait for the light there is a guy crossing against the light. He's making a mess, causing cars to suddenly stop and flipping anyone the bird who gets too close to him. When he got to the curb he looks at the small group waiting for the light to change and yells out, "You gotta have balls!"

The next morning as I was walking to work I see the same guy, much more subdued, sitting on a short concrete wall by the Metro on Rideau, holding out an empty coffee cup, looking for change.

Now I realize this sequence is probably played out several times a week in many urban environments. The guy was obviously high as he crossed against the light. It didn't take balls it took drugs. I find it unfortunate that he is so misguided. He probably has some talent but for whatever reason has degraded to begging on the street to feed his habit.

This is not an anti-drug rant. This is a know your limits rant. It is easy for the good times to overtake reality and you end up somewhere you don't want to be. We all need to escape and have fun. Some people chose to alter their mind for a while. It's important to understand that your altered state should be the exception. We all have responsibilities, we need to maintain some balance in our lives. This one one example where the priorities may have got out of balance.

It's easy to laugh at the guy the next morning but maybe we need to do a better job at helping people maintain the proper balance in their lives.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Big Adventure

I'm very fortunate, I know this. I have been blessed with some great moments, great family, wonderful friends, and a comfortable life. I think this is what a lot of people work hard for and that's why I've worked hard. There are times that I feel like I still haven't lived the big adventure.

I don't know what the big adventure is or what it will look like. Maybe I'm living it but I don't think so. At least not yet.

I know you wouldn't call my life typical. I'm good with that. Maybe it's enough but I'm not convinced.

I want to have the big adventure. I'm not sure if it involves traveling, or work, or something else.

I think I need to keep my eyes open and seize opportunities. I seem to be good at that. I want to look back and say it was all good. I want to have the best memories. I want to know I lived life.

I think it's important to live the life you want. I want the big adventure.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Livin' On The Edge

There is an Aerosmith song from when I grew up that started, "There's something wrong in the world today, I don't know what it is." I think that lyric has never been more true than right now. As I look around the world there is a lot wrong. I think there is some that don't know when they have a good thing and are being foolish. The whole thing seems to be a powder keg and I am worried.

Some of the problems are due to a bit of bad luck but some are due to strange realities.

The tsunami, earthquake, and nuclear disaster in Japan contains an element of bad luck. I can understand why the Japanese would use nuclear power. They have no source of oil in Japan. They are an island nation. The desire to not be as dependent on others. That being said Japan is also susceptible to tsunamis and earthquakes, maybe these don't mix with nuclear power. I hope the situation can be resolved and the Japanese can move forward.

Libya is a big problem. You don't attack your own citizenry with your military. As much as everyone wants this to be a quick situation, it has the potential to drag out for a decade. Nobody gets into these things expecting them to be long and drawn out but it has a way of happening.

Now if you look at my country Canada, the federal opposition parties are about to force another election. Canadians don't want to do this again. We have a great place to live. We have a lot of benefits to being Canadian. When you look at the rest of the world we are doing quite well. Maybe these guys should quit posturing and do something. Maybe they feel cool because they can hold feet to the fire but nobody cares. Maybe The opposition leaders should realize that if they relax, they can see what Canadians want.

There is something wrong with the world today, the whole thing is about to spin out of control. There is becoming more armed conflict and I think everyone needs to relax and see the good in life. If you really want to make a change in the world, help the Japanese, they need it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Heart Spring

I say this every year, I love springtime. I will never get tired of the renewed energy that comes with climbing out of the grips of winter. The air feels better, people gain energy, hope is renewed. Its one of those universally enjoying phenomenons.

I suppose if you live in a place that doesn't have winter you won't have the opportunity to enjoy spring like winter dwelling folks do but it is sure a great feeling.

With spring we look for excuses to be outside. We want to look good. We like to be social. With spring the grass turns green and the breezes bring life. With spring we open our homes and let the stuffy air out and the fresh air in. With spring the sun is up more. With spring we can see thunderstorms. A lot comes with spring and I like all of it.

I know I say this every year but I love the springtime.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So a guy from Manitoba, a guy from Saskatchewan, and a guy from Alberta, walk into a restaurant in Trois Rivere Quebec. Why does my life so often sound like a set-up for a joke?

It may be that I get out and look for new adventures. I like to see what's out there and have some fun. Of course, this doesn't mean I don't find some apprehension when my life feels like the set up to a joke. New experiences are scary but I've been through many and I can tell you that the apprehension also makes me excited. When I'm doing something new I know that something great may happen.

It isn't always the greatest moment of my life. Sometimes a new adventure turns out to be routine. Sometimes you just get more of the same and that's ok too.

We can't have a new adventure everyday. We have to live day to day. But when you have a chance, and it looks like the setup to a joke, you should consider going through with it, you never know, it may be great.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Dentist

I have to confess I didn't have many positive experiences going to the dentist as a kid so as an adult I really didn't go. I believe the last time I went was in 1998. Yes, that's a long time to not have a professional look at your teeth.

Today I went to the dentist. After nearly thirteen years of not having my teeth checked I had zero cavities. The dentist said that my teeth were perfect and if there were too many guys like me, all dentists would be out of jobs.

This experience today backed up my theory that I don't go to the pediatrist if I don't have foot problems so why would I go to a dentist if I have no mouth pain.

In the end if you want to have a healthy body you need to live a healthy lifestyle. I may not always be perfect but I do enough to not really need the services of a dentist, just like I thought.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Eat Your Veggies

I'm sure nearly everyone's parents told them to eat their veggies at some time. If parents didn't insist on it the kids are missing out. I admit it, growing up I didn't like veggies too much. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's the veggies I was fed. Maybe it was the preparation. Maybe there were too many frozen and canned vegetables. In any event, I tried to avoid vegetables as much as possible.

When I was on my own in my late teens and twenties, I didn't eat many veggies. It was my choice. I found greasy food tasted good. I didn't enjoy vegetables very much so I didn't eat them.

These days I like to eat vegetables. I have a salad every work day for lunch. There will be other food with the salad but it is a good helping of salad. I also incorporate veggies into my regular cooking.

It seems the more vegetables I eat the better I feel. I aim to eat more balanced meals. That seems to work well to ensure I have the energy to walk to work every day, get through the workday, and keep up my gym routine.

Maybe all the rhetoric that was relentlessly repeated as I grew up was right. I know I don't always eat well but I do eat healthier, more often than I used to and that is probably a good thing.