Friday, December 30, 2011

2011- The Year That Was

It's the end of the year, it seems that you are supposed to look back at your year, reflect, and look forward to the next one. I have taken my share of time doing that. I'm not going to write about it. I had an amazing year. I learned a lot and lived an improved life. All of it comes down to one thing.

If you don't make things happen, they won't. If you try, you may be surprised by the results.

That really sums up my year. Late in 2010 I took a job that has probably altered the course of my life forever. I moved, took on new challenges, and made new discoveries. As incredibly challenging as I found the year, I would not trade it for anything.

When I look back at where I grew up, at the realities that I faced, I am a bit amazed where I have ended up. Some of it was a bit of luck. Opportunities showed up when I was looking. Maybe they are always there but you don't see them unless you want to but, I took advantage of a few. Because of that, I have ended up with a combination of education, experience, and ability to do something unique.

All that has lead me to a lifestyle I enjoy, in a city I like doing a job I like.

I don't know what 2012 will bring, in a way I don't care. I know there will be great days and frustrating days. There will be joy and sadness. There will be opportunities if I want to take them and that's what excites me the most.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Christmas Story

Last night I returned from my birthday and Christmas vacation to Manitoba. I had a wonderful time. It was one of the best Christmases ever. I didn't receive a bunch of extravagant gifts. What I did get was people's time.

People made time for me.

I'm a busy person and a year ago I moved out of the province I had lived in my entire life. I have been back and some friends and family have come to visit. These moments have become very important. As I move forward I don't want to lose touch with the people in my life. Taking the time to see me is important. A hug or a handshake is critical.

In this connected world, it's not hard to keep up on what's happening in someone's life. You can send a quick email or follow their status on Facebook. I'm not discounting how much this can help to maintain a relationship but there must be some shared experiences. And the willingness of people to take the time to see me, and have some shared experiences, is priceless.

I had other great moments in my trip. I went to a Winnipeg Jets game for the first time since April of 1996. I ate some amazing food, including a great Christmas dinner prepared by my sister and Baba made perogies at a friends place. I took care of 3 kids under the age of eight for a half a day and had no major disasters.

It was all these experiences and others that made for such an amazing trip. Through all of it, people were willing to take time to see me, and that's the greatest gift you could every receive.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Devil You Know

I don't have much nice to say about the recently deceased North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. He took something away from the North Korean people that matters a lot to me. He took away choice.

I am in no position to judge the ability of Kim Jong-um to be an effective leader of North Korea. I have never met him. Until a few days ago I had never really heard of him and I have not followed his life.

All that being said, I'm not sure if the world may be better with a known commodity in North Korea.

I understand that it is up to an individual nation to determine how a leader will be selected. I understand this isn't my place to try to incite change. However, considering that North Korea has the ability to do real damage in the world, and the deceased leader seemed to limit his use of military power he was a known commodity to the world community.

We must also realize that even though the use of military force by North Korea was limited, it wasn't an unheard of commodity. They did some pretty bad things, especially to South Korea but it never reached a level it could of.

What I would like to see is an end to any oppressive regime. I'm not sure the people of North Korea even know how good it could be but I hope they know it can be better than what they have.

I may be wrong and this series of events may be the jumping off point to better days in North Korea. I hope that is the case and I usually like to give someone the chance todo the right thing, I just don't know if they know what the right thing is, and that's the point that worries me the most.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Go Habs Go

Thursday night I went to a Montreal Canadiens game in Montreal. Although there were a few quirks it was an amazing experience. The crowd chants in English, sings in Spanish and cheers in French, beyond that it was quite the place.

The Bell Centre is electric during a Habs game. The fans are completely into the action. Of course, they are knowledgable. They are dancing and having fun. Just like everything else in Montreal, they know how to do it right.

Just to experience the city of Montreal is special, however the Habs have the city, and the province captivated. Adding to the experience is the Bell Centre is right downtown. Once you walk out of the game you walk right into the nightlife of Montreal where reality can be suspended and there are very few rules. That energy goes inside the Bell Centre and pulses through the crowd.

If you are a hockey fan, I suggest you go to Montreal and go to a game. It is the most storied franchise in hockey, the atmosphere is electric and you will not be disappointed. I have tickets to go again in January to see the Jets play. After being there I am even more excited to go again. This is how it should be done.

I'm a very fortunate person to have these opportunities and I like to take advantage of them.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Down Home Hospitality

I grew up in the Prairies and I live in Ontario. This last week-end I stayed at a friend's place in Halifax. The incredible hospitality I received reminded me of being out west.

I should probably frame this up a bit. I really like living in Ottawa. The city is beautiful, it's close to a lot, the pace is where I like it. Overall it's a great place to live. The downside to the pace of life in Ottawa is, although people are very social and friendly, they don't have the same sense of hospitality that you see in the Maritimes.

If you have never been here you would be impressed with how much people will go out of their way. I had great food, great conversation, a lot of fun and most importantly I was made to feel at home.

The pace in Halifax is a bit slow for my liking as a place to live but it is sure great when you come to visit.

The hospitality on the Prairies is also quite good but it has a different feel to it. Again people go out of their way for you but, at least in the winter, it's more out of necessity, as it gets so cold, everyone has to rely on others to make it through.

When I lived in Winnipeg I used to say that one of the best things about Winnipeg is no matter where you go it's better. I'm not sure if that's true but now that I live in Ottawa I know that many places I go I will be welcomed, and that feels pretty good too.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Snow Messes With People's Heads

So far this fall there had been absolutely no snow in Ottawa. That all changed last night. We got a good dump of snow. Now there are the usual things that people say when it starts snowing. You what they are.

Why do people forget how to drive.

Make sure you take extra time to clean off your car.

You know the stuff, but this isn't about that.

The first snowfall messes with people's heads. Yesterday was a much colder day but people were wearing basically the same this as several days before. Once the snow falls, everyone seems to think they need to dress as Nanook of the North. I understand changing footwear. you may want more traction and to not get snow in your shoes but even though it was much warmer today people had heavy coats on and big scarves. I do understand wearing a hat. Snow in your hair can be annoying.

It just seems to flip a switch when the snow starts to fly.

It's important to make decisions based on the facts. If it is warmer than the day before, then you should dress appropriately. If its colder then put on more clothes. Don't bundle up just because its snowing.

My whole perception may be swayed by living so many years in Manitoba but if you think its cold, and you are not on the Prairies in winter, think again.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Answers Are Out There

Since moving to Ottawa, I have not been listening to as much music as I used to. There are a couple of reasons. I walk almost everywhere I go. While I could listen to my iPod I choose not to. I like to be aware of my surroundings when I'm walking. It makes me feel safer. I don't believe I'll be mugged or stabbed but you never know if you get hit by a car. Since every sidewalk I take is directly adjacent to the street, it's a risk not worth taking.

I also don't listen to music at work. There's a long story behind it. I could use earphones but I find it a bit antisocial. I try to give the impression I'm approachable.

This summer I read Steven Tyler's biography. I'll admit it is not the easiest book to read but I got through it. However, contained within his rambling he said the answers lay out there between the notes.

He might be right.

Yesterday I was sitting on a park bench listening to some Led Zepplin. It was a nice day to be outside. The more I listened, the more I found myself thinking. I felt more creative. The problems I was pondering seemed solvable and realistic.

I'm sure there is some science that explains this phenomenon. I'm sure the egg-heads can tell us that music stimulates some part of the brain, releasing a chemical that makes creative thought easier. But, in this situation, the science doesn't matter. The important part is the music can make it happen. At least for me. It also explains why I have so many good ideas while riding the stationary bike. I'm listening to music.

I need to inject more music into my life. I need to replace the missing music. I crave it.  I will find a way to feel the raw power of Zepplin or the simple musings of Scott Nolan. All of this will improve my life and my view of the world.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Right Answer

The right answer to a situation often is related to perspective.  The criteria that makes it right can be different for various people.  Of course, there is the fact based information but when it comes to outcome the decision making process can diverge dramatically.

I see two potential overarching guiding factors. you can make a decision that will give you the biggest potential upside or you can make a decision that will give you the least potential downside. I suppose the skilled decision maker would know when to use each perspective but lets be honest, I'm not always the best at making decisions and neither are most people.

I seem to be noticing that I am migrating from looking for the biggest upside to the least downside. I see a couple of potential reasons for this. One is I'm getting older and the other is I changed jobs about a year ago and the job change came with a perspective change on the same subject material.

If you are making decision that have the highest potential for good results you are looking for the biggest impact. You are trying to have the biggest outcome. The drawback is if you have made a bad decision you will often have more the clean up. When you are young, I think it would be easier to make a decision that has a big impact. There is a pretty good chance you haven't had to clean up too many messes, yet. They will come and you will learn. Hope fully you will make better decisions that require less clean up. There in lies the change. Now you are looking to make decisions that have the least potential for a downside.

If a decision has a limited downside, it is probably safer but also has less probability to have a significant impact. Sometimes this is the best type of decision to make but it shouldn't be the default decision.

In m employment I find that I have less control with the input of decisions I make. It is a sign of moving forward in an organization. However, it seems to make it easier to make safe decisions. Not having the control to make small corrections as things move forward, makes it difficult to take chances with decision making. That being said, it doesn't mean you should always be taking the safe way out.

All this explains a lot of why people seem to take the safe way out as they move up in an organization. Everyone says that they would do it differently of they were in charge but it rarely seems to change. It seems like you can change the people but the results remain eerily similar.

Maybe a sign of great courage is to take fearless decision making from a place where you have a lot of control to a place where you have less control. Even if you trust the people around you it is human nature to make it easier for them and ultimately you. So you opt for the safe way. Once in a while I think going with a bit of calculated risk is a good plan. It will keep you sharp and maybe make everything better, in the long run.

I'm in the middle of learning this life lesson, I have not figured it all out but acknowledging I am faced with this dilemma is the first step to learning how to step forward and find some of that creative courage I have deep down inside.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Yesterday my big screen television stopped working. I think it is fixable but I'm not that skilled at working on electronics and since it cost more than may first car, I'm going to wait for the guy to take a look at it. Since I bought the extended warranty I might as well use it in this case.

My whole incident with my television has got me thinking about reliability. We value reliability. Up until yesterday, my TV was reliable. The Barenaked Ladies sing about how if they had a million dollars they would buy you a nice reliable automobile. But, what makes something or someone for that matter, reliable?

I think reliability comes down to a combination of two requirements, performance and timing.

To be considered reliable the item or person must perform as advertised.  It must do what it is supposed to do.  It is supposed to do it in the manner that is expected.

To be considered reliable the item or person must perform when called upon. It must meet the deadline or start the activity when demanded.

Without both components someone or something cannot be considered reliable. A car that only starts when the outside air temperature is twenty degrees Celsius, does perform as expected but not necessarily when requested and we don't consider it reliable. The whole thing is probably more important when you apply it to people. Good but late work may no longer be relevant and poor but on time work isn't much use but if you can do good work and be completed on time the world will become your oyster. Sometimes you are in the groove and sometimes you are not but if you keep working back towards being reliable, people will put up with a lot from you.

It's a bit of a surprise to me that my television not working made me think about how to be a better person but the world can be funny that way. You never know what may strike you as funny, sad, or important.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


There are a lot of things to like about fall time. There is the relief from summer heat, the return to your routine, football, the changing leaves, and so much more. I like all of that that, in fact I generally like fall. How can you not. It has a lot going for it.

Despite all that's good about fall there is one thing I really don't like about it. I seem to get sick every fall. It only last a day or two but it seems to happen every year.

I, just like everyone else, doesn't like to be sick. It really is a good way to ruin your day. Starting late yesterday, I just started to feel worse and worse. I managed to limp through the workday. I wasn't as productive as I would like to have been or really needed to be. I did get some work done but not being 100% means it will take more time to get everything done that I should. I find myself concentrating on my general discomfort instead of what I'm supposed to be doing and I have to keep fixing my own work.

I'm not sure why I seem to get an annual shot of illness as we transition to winter. I try to take care of myself, after all, I'm not 20 anymore. But almost without fail, I have a day or two where I feel like garbage.

I like autumn. It has a lot to offer but it also seems to offer a couple of off days. I guess I will just have to power through it and get back to the good stuff.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Good Old Hockey Game

Yesterday I took my parents to a hockey game between the Ottawa Senators and the Winnipeg Jets. Overall it was a very cool experience for me.  There were several things that made it so good.

First, the Winnipeg Jets were playing. After a 15 year hiatus from the NHL, Winnipeg has returned to the fold. The team needs to get better but after not having professional hockey in the Manitoba capital, worrying about how well the team will perform is a good problem to have.

Second, it was really cool that my parents came to visit me in Ottawa when the Jets would be playing. We didn't plan it that way. It was based on when I could get away from the office but it worked out really well. We could all go to the game together.

Third, I am so happy that I'm in a place that I can treat my parents to a NHL hockey game.  Mom and Dad did a lot for me growing up and this was a way I could do something for them.

Fourth, the Senators organization had a very nice tribute to Winnipeg pro hockey as part of the pre-game. It was nice to see the team in the city that I live show a warm welcome back to the league to the team from where I came from. They also had several players who played for both the Jets and Senator in the crowd and showed them on the big screen. (Anne Murray was at the game and introduced but I'm still at a loss as to how she fit into the whole theme of the night.)

The Jets didn't win. They did play well for a lot of the game but they need some scoring power. That will come with time. Right now its about being back in the big leagues.

Last night I went to see the Winnipeg Jets play live for the first time in 15 years. It's one of those moments I will get to remember for a lifetime.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

iOS Christmas

Today, Apple released iOS 5. I updated my devices and I'm happy with the results. Don't worry this isn't a product review. There is enough of that all over the Internet. I want to talk about the anticipation.

I have not been so excited about an event as I was for this operating system release. It was like Christmas but with a bit of uncertainty.

For a long time, the general public wasn't sure when the latest release would be available. In fact, we could only speculate at what time the software would be available.

Last night I actually had a bit of trouble getting to sleep. I felt like I was 8 years old and waiting for Christmas morning. All this for an upgrade to the software on my phone.

It may seem a bit silly to be this excited to upgrade my phone but this time around I just got wrapped up in it, which is ok when you really think about it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Your Winnipeg Jets

On April 28, 1996 I went to what was the last game ever for the Winnipeg Jets. They lost in Game 6 of the first round of the playoffs. Their opponents were the Detroit Red Wings.

It was a sad day for Winnipeg sports fans. It made it harder for me to stay interested in hockey. Without a team to cheer for I became disinterested.

Over the next fifteen years many things happened. I finished my degree, the NHL made some rule changes that make the game more entertaining. I moved away from Winnipeg.

Then the unexpected happened.

Mark Chipman, David Thompson, and True North Sports and Entertainment purchased the Atlanta Thrashers and moved the team to Winnipeg. They renamed them the Jets and sold all their season tickets. And yesterday, through some luck I was in Winnipeg during the first Winnipeg Jets game in 15 years. I couldn't get tickets so I went to The Forks and watched it with a bunch of other fans.

For me, it was a special moment in my life.

The City of Winnipeg has some serious issues. There is a lot of violent crime. A lot of the city is not very aesthetically pleasing. It has long cold winters. Personal income tax is the second highest in the country without an equivalent benefit. All of that being said, it was the place to be on October 9, 2011.

People often debate the value of professional sports and why public dollars should be spent on facilities for these organizations. If you saw the intangible benefit yesterday in Winnipeg you would see why these things matter.

Yesterday, Winnipeg was alive. Everyone was wearing Jets clothing. Some was new, some was old. I'm sure some has been in the back of the closet for 15 years. It didn't matter. It didn't even matter that they lost. For the residents of the very blue collar city of Winnipeg, yesterday was about being recognized. It was about feeling included. It was about knowable hockey fans, getting their moment to shine.

The Atlanta Thrashers were not a very good team last year. There is a lot of work to make the team a real contender but you can't get the girl if you don't go to the dance and this year is all about going to the dance.

Go Jets Go!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

You Can Take The Boy Out Of Winnipeg

Today I'm going to Winnipeg. It's been about ten months since I moved away and I haven't been there in about five months. I went back several times in the first five months and now that I haven't been for a while, I miss it.

I should be clearer. I miss my friends.

I am very happy that I moved to Ottawa. It has provided me with a lot of fun and opportunity. I have met some great people but it will never replace my friends and I don't want it to.

There are a lot of great things that come out of my friendships. They will continue. In this day and age it's easy to maintain contact. The Internet has forever changed that facet of our lives.

As I wait for my flight I am looking forward to seeing some amazing people and that's a great place to be.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Status Quo

Today I went and saw the movie Moneyball. It's the story of how the Oakland Athletics took a different approach to choosing players and put together a very successful team with a very small payroll. Besides being interesting because the movie was about sports it spoke to another key idea of challenging the status quo.

Most things are the way they are because somebody has found a level of success doing it that way. Others see the success and try to emulate it. Eventually, it becomes the accepted norm.

Now here's the interesting part. Once everyone adapts the methodology, it's benefit is neutralized. The systematic advantage has disappeared and the determining factor is once again how well everyone does their job. So, to obtain an advantage based on how you do something instead of how well you do something you need to challenge the status quo and do it differently.

This is most important if you are under-resourced and can't compete directly on a level playing field. To be able to tilt the game in your favour, you have to do it differently. You have to approach the problem in a different way. You have to change what you believe to be important and move towards that goal.

The hard part of challenging the status quo is it requires change. It requires you to take a risk and do things differently from what is generally accepted as the best way to do it. If you try to change the game and doesn't work the consequences can be significant. Much more than if you do it the accepted way and fail. That doesn't mean you should just go with the accepted norm. If you can't get the job done by following the rules, you must work to change the game.

I know it's not as easy as it looks in a Hollywood but if you are not getting it done, change what you are doing. You may be surprised how well it can work.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ride On

As I was reading the news online on the CBC today I came across a story indicating that a lot of people are unhappy with the route changes implemented by OC Transpo. To that I have a couple of things to say.

First, if you think there are problems with public transit in Ottawa you should try to take the bus in Winnipeg. Ask anyone from Winnipeg, they will fill you in.

Second, since one of the big complaints is overcrowding it should be noted there are a lot of people using the bus that really don't need to. I have witnessed this every time I have been on an OC Transpo bus, people wait for the bus, get on, go two stops and get off. I am not talking about elderly people, or parents with small children. I am talking about able bodied people.

There are two things that are not right with this. 

This behaviour makes the bus more crowded. There are a lot of people who have to travel a great distance each day and are not in a financial position to drive. Be it they can't afford a car or can't afford to park, it really doesn't matter, they need the bus to travel a long distance.

Additionally, if you are able bodied, you would benefit from the short walk. With the wait to get on the bus and the slow speed it travels you are probably only saving a minute or two. You will also see the health benefit of being active. That's a whole different entry.

I don't take the bus very often. If the weather is very miserable, I will consider it. I took it home from work one day when I seemed to be coming down with the flu. It was also raining that day so it seemed reasonable.

Travelling by transit bus is affordable but most affordable options don't come with convenience. It is a trade-off. I understand how a change to a routine can be upsetting and if you had your system worked out and it was changed on you that is definitely frustrating but if you choose to rely on the bus you have to live by their whims.

I do see public transit as a viable means to get around and compared to many cities, Ottawa has a good system, however if you don't need to use it, consider leaving the capacity to someone who does.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vertical Visibility

There is a funny thing that happens when you live on the 21st floor. When it's foggy you may not be able to see anything on the ground when you look out the window. I don't think there is anything wrong or even right with this but it does tend to mess with your head a bit.

This morning was an example of this unique phenomenon.

It was foggy in the Nation's Capital this morning. I looked out the window. I saw absolutely nothing. If I looked straight down I could faintly make out the river below. I think this prepared me for a trip to work with very low visibility and very high humidity. When I walked out at ground level, the visibility was rather good. I was just a bit confused.

Nothing I'm writing today is going to change the world. It's just a observation of one of the little things in life. I think it's the little things that make a typical day a little more interesting. If each day has a bit more to offer, life can be really good.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dream Job

I'll admit I have a great job. I don't write about my job but it is rather cool. That being said, I can dream. As I was riding the exercise bike at the gym today I started to think what would be my dream job.

I think for a job to be a dream job it needs to have a bit of an unobtainable quality. It needs to be a job that you really can't see how you would get there from here. It needs to be a job that there aren't too many or maybe only 1 of it in the world. It needs to have a cool factor. It needs to to be something that interests you.

For me I think my dream job would be Commissioner of the Canadian Football League.

I am and always have been a huge fan of Canadian football. I have a business degree and I can get things done. All that being said, I have no idea how to get there from my current place in life. I'm not sure if my mixture of education and employment experience is what they would be looking for. However, I can dream.

If you are going you might as well dream big. You should shoot for something that could be amazing. I think that job would be.

I don't know how or if I will ever be in a position to have my dream job, but that doesn't mean I can't dream.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Crisp Fall

I like 3 seasons. I like summer because its summer and it offers so much. I like spring because we climb out of a cold dark winter. I have to say that a winter in Ottawa is a piece of cake compared to a winter in Winnipeg but that's for another time. I like fall because it can be so livable.

I have the day off today so I went to the gym this morning. The walk down and the walk back were great. . It was bright out, it was comfortable to have a jacket on but undone. It was generally nice to be out and about.

There is one small thing I don't really like about fall. It means that winter is coming. There are some good things about winter. Christmas is during winter. Winter makes spring seem that much nicer.

Fall also brings a return to routine for a lot of people. The school year starts up again. For university and college students this means they get to reunite with some of their friends they have not seen sine the spring. It may mean you are off to a new adventure. There are so many things that fall can bring.

I like fall and this one looks like it will be a really nice one.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Power Nap

I have to admit, I like naps. Some quick shuteye can really energize me and get me going for some more action. Lately I am finding my naps have been a bit long. I'm not sure why but I seem to fall into some rather deep sleeps. The nap is great but there is a small drawback.

Sometimes I sleep so much it ruins my night of sleep.

I understand the importance of a proper night of uninterrupted sleep. I think the nap sometimes ruins my proper sleep causing another nap the next day and the pattern repeats itself.

I don't want to give up my awesome naps from time to time but as I get older I find my body doesn't react to unreasonable demands as well. I can still push my body and I can still get the initial results I want but sometimes the carcass decides that's enough and fails me for a brief time. I'm also noticing the brief time of failure seems to be getting longer. At one time it was a few hours now it could be a day or more.

It may be a fact that I'm getting older but I wouldn't trade my past since I have lived a great life thus far and have no reason to not expect it to continue. If it means I have to have a few more rewarding naps, so be it.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Walking Lifestyle

Since moving to Ottawa I have started walking most places. I walk to work, the mall, for most of my entertainment, and to the gym. I haven't given up on driving but I don't need to very much. I like it. I wasn't sure if I would but I do.

Last weekend I was in Edmonton. That city isn't really set up for walking. There are a lot of large parking lots and urban sprawl. It's very difficult to a lot.

The differences make it clear that to have a waking lifestyle you need a city laid out to accomplish that.

There are other factors working against Edmonton being a walking place. It has a long cold dark winter. For much of the cold period the sun isn't up before you arrive at work and has gone down long before you leave for home. That can really discourage you from walking.

Edmonton is the capital of Alberta. The economy of Alberta relies heavily on oil extraction and refining. It would be reasonable to assume they would build their cities to use fuel.

When you walk you can see so much happening. You can take in the city. You can interact. It is part of living. You can feel the pulse. You get part of conversations. It can be quite entertaining.

I like my walking lifestyle. It's hard to deny it's a good way to live. It is very sustainable and today, I don't want to trade it for anything.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Steve Jobs

Yesterday Steve Jobs announced that he would be stepping down as CEO of Apple Inc. As predicted a lot of people are wondering if Apple can retain it's magic when he is not at the helm. If you look at the company results over the past three years and how often he has been away, I think they will do just fine.

Here's the thing. Apple knows how to make consumer electronics that people want to buy. There are several reasons people want to buy them. I'm sure some of it fashion. I'm sure some of it is rabid loyalty to a brand. The detractors to Apple always say you can't fix it yourself, you can't upgrade it, it is way overpriced, or Apple wasn't the first to do it. At the end of the day Apple products are so popular because they work and they are easy to interact with.

It doesn't matter what you get from Apple it works. It works on it's own or in concert with other devices. You don't have to sit and fiddle with it, look for a new driver or reload the software. You plug it in, let it do it's thing and it starts working. Apple did a smart thing, they made their devices work just as well on a Windows machine. So you didn't have tom plunge pinhead first, you could dip your toe in with an iPod, go a little further with an iPad or an iPhone and then plunge in with a Mac of some type.

Apple has spent a lot of time trying to figure out how we interact with machines and have applied it to their products. The simplest example is the spaced, concave keys on a MacBook Pro. With this simple design feature, typing speeds are significantly increased. As you touch type you can feel if your fingers are moving off-centre and correct automatically, just like on a full size keyboard. Apple has also discovered how to make a touchpad useful. I have used touch pads on many laptop computers and been frustrated with them all but The touchpad on the MacBook Pro was so good and so intuitive I was convinced in less than an hour this was a good thing.

There is a subset of the population that want to be constantly tinkering with their computer. A Mac may not be the product for them. It just works. There really isn't much you can do to it to make it it run everything 2% faster. Microsoft has that corner of the market sewn up. However, most people use their computer as a tool to do something else. They use it to organize, write, calculate, or create. If you owned a hammer that had to be constantly tweaked or the head came loose on a regular basis you would probably get a new hammer that did the job. If your car took as much maintenance as a Windows PC, you would call it a lemon and get a new one. The same should be for your computer. It's a tool to get a job done, not a item to be used for the sake of using it. There are very few people who just want to sit at their computer because it's a computer.

Considering the size of Apple and the number of smart people required to be that successful I'm sure there is what it takes to move forward with success.

In 1976, two guys named Steve started a computer company in their garage. I doubt they ever imagined I would be typing about them on one of their touchscreen devices while sitting on an airplane, but if they did, they deserve to be seen as geniuses because that is a huge leap.

Monday, August 22, 2011


I have to admit that I didn't share his political views. I feel it's important to say that. There is a lot of things I did admire about him.

Jack Layton passed away early this morning. When I heard the news I was saddened. I'm not going to say he would have made a great Prime Minister. He may have but we will never know. He was taken from us too early.

It doesn't matter what you believe about how a nation should be run, it was clear that Jack Layton was trying to do what he believed would make Canada better. It was clear that he worked to make others lives better. He clearly wanted to help.

Jack was a very educated man. He had the knowledge to back up his ideas. That's not what made him good at what he does. He knew how to communicate. He knew how to take the idea and make the voters understand his point. He connected well with young voters. He spoke their language. He motivated them to vote.

Jack Layton invigorated the New Democratic Party. In some ways he turned it into the Jack Layton Party. People liked him and would vote for his party, regardless of what the party was trying to do. His big smile and clear, simple explanations mixed with direct questions made him very popular.

Back in June I saw Jack Layton walking through Terminal 1 at the Toronto Airport. It was just him, going about his business without an entourage. He was the man he portrayed himself to be.

I think our national political scene has lost a key ingredient. Not because I agree with what he wants to do but because he would ask straightforward questions looking for straightforward answers. I think that's what I admired the most about Jack Layton.

Thank-you for your service to our great nation.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Friends of Lansdowne

I would really like it if the Friends of Lansdowne would just give up.  Today CBC is reporting that the community group known as Friends of Lansdowne appealing the recent court decision that says the City of Ottawa can go ahead and redevelop Lansdowne Park.

Before I go any further I want to make it perfectly clear. I want this redevelopment to happen so a CFL team can start playing in Ottawa. I am a huge football fan and I want to watch some live football.

I am not against this group from having their opinion but once you have been ruled against four times, I think it may be better to call it a day. It may not be how you want Lansdowne Park redeveloped but Ottawa is a rather diverse and amazing city. It already has a lot to offer. There is green space everywhere. If you want to live in a dense walkable urban centre, you can. If you want to live in the suburbs where your kids can safely ride their bikes down the street, you can. It has something for everyone, except a good outdoor sports venue. If the stadium was brought up to speed then it could be used for many sports activities, not just football, and concerts.

As it looks now, the Friends of Lansdowne are grasping at any last hope to block this development. Sometimes you don't get what you want. Sometimes someone else's option is taken. The idea of developing an area that is turning into an eyesore is great. I know that The Glebe is working hard to keep its character and I don't believe this redevelopment will damage it. It may update it but The Glebe is what it is and it would take a massive explosion or fire to change it.

I know its not what you want to hear but Friends of Lansdowne, please go away.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Provincial Driving

On Saturday I drove in four different provinces. In that I noted there are some distinct differences depending on what license plate is on the back of your car. There were two very distinct behaviors I saw from neighboring provinces.

In New Brunswick drivers will not pass you on the right. If you are in the left lane they will come racing up to you in the right lane, match your speed, and wait for you to move to the right before going around you.

I have never seen this behavior before.

I haven't researched if this is the law in that province but I know in Ontario you can pass on the right of a multi-lane road and people do all the time. It may not be perfectly correct but to reduce the number of lane changes I often drive in the left lane. This is especially true if I'm driving a long distance. However, as I drove through the entire province, this happened numerous times.

Once I crossed into Quebec people would pass you on all sides, drive wherever they wanted, disregard the lines on the road, and never use their signals. All that being said, everyone knows Quebec drivers are a bit different than most of the rest of the country.

The big point is you need to know how people drive around you to drive safely. If you know what to expect you can watch for it and react early and safely.

There is definitely variations in how Canadians drive but maybe part of that diversity is a good thing.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Home Cooking

When you are travelling for work for an extended period of time its surprising what becomes important to you. People often want to go home to see friends and family but I find I miss the little things a lot. I have not been home for nearly seven weeks and there are some things I am noticing I haven't been around and would like to be.

I miss my couch. It seems a bit funny and maybe a bit obvious but stretching out on the couch to watch a football game or a movie is near heaven to me. I eat most of my meals on my couch which brings us to the next point.

I miss home cooked food. I enjoy restaurant food. If I'm eating in a cafeteria for an extended period of time I'm ok with it. I'll eat nearly anything when I'm hungry but I like a meal prepared the way I like it, in the amount I want, when I want. I have to do all the cooking and the clean up at home and there I times I can't be bothered but when you haven't had a home cooked meal in 7 weeks you start to really miss it.

I miss having my own washroom. Having to put shoes and pants on at 3 am to take a leak just plain sucks. Having to share toilets, sinks, and showers with others is not ideal. Having to carry your supplies down the hall the get cleaned up is just annoying.

I miss having comfortable, private space. I can close the door to my room but its small and if I have to go pee I am in a semi-public place. As social as I can be, there are times when I want to be alone.

I miss air that circulates.  There is no forced air ventilation system in my room so all day, while I'm working, the air in the room remains stagnant and can get musty.

I'm a very lucky person to be able to go a lot of different places and do a lot of different things but from time to time I miss my home. I head back to Ottawa on Saturday, it may be Sunday before I arrive and  am excited for all the things I just have not had in my life for the last seven weeks.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Go With What You Know

I haven't walked to work in six weeks. I have been away from my usual work location and its about 25km from where I stay to where I work. I am feeling the effects of not walking an hour every day. It is compounded by not being able to get to the gym as often as I would like. I will admit, sometimes its my own fault I don't get a work-out in and sometimes it just won't fit into the schedule.

It had been a few days since I had been to the gym. I had also not been eating the healthiest meals. I admit it but I sure felt like a bloated slug. I just finished at the gym. I worked out hard and I feel much better. It was a bit of a struggle to get going but by the end, I felt as good as I have in a week.

Often in playoff sports they say you have to go with what got you there. It's usually a good idea. It is also a good idea in life. When you are not feeling yourself, you need to see what is missing and get at it. It may take an effort to get there but you will be happy when you do.

As I get older I find I want exercise to be a bigger part of my life. The more time I take for my fitness the more I enjoy my day to day life. I'm not saying there aren't days where I have to slug through a workout but I never regret it at the end. The endorphin rush is worth the effort. It isn't even a comparison.

I haven't been the happiest person this summer but the hours following a workout always seem to be really good. I have to go with what I know.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Life tends to be results based. There is no denying this, nor should there be. If you don't have results then there is no basis for reward. I've believed this for a long time. I also believe that since we are results based how you get the results is less important. Of course, there are moral and legal guidelines you must follow but beyond that, it's open season.

Recently I have forgotten this. I have been trying to do things other people's way. I need to get back to my way.

A lot of people who know me tend to say I'm quite optimistic. I hope this this true. I also like to help people. So to get the required result I find that if I take a positive and helpful approach I get what is wanted.

It's important for people to use the approach they want. No approach is perfect and all will garner results. The quality and quantity of the results will vary.

I try to maintain my belief that most people are inherently good. I like to believe that they want to do a good job and most people who do not do a good job do so because they don't understand what is expected or they don't know how to deliver the expected result. If you work with the person who is experiencing difficulty and find out where they are falling down, from there you can figure out how to get them on track.

For me to make things better I need to do a lot of listening. I need to hear what people believe to be the difficulties. I may ask some questions to further understand the situation or the person's perception of the situation. I try to make it look like the person fixes the problem themselves. Many will know that I helped them but some will not. It doesn't matter because I have got the results I am responsible for.

I'm not perfect. I don't always follow my own advice but when I do I seem to be really effective and I truly believe that nothing is beyond my abilities. When I'm in that zone, my world is a better place.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Routine

It can be surprising how quickly people can fall into a routine. I'm currently living in barracks style accommodations. I't decent. I get my own room but the washroom and shower is down the hall. Not the end of the world. There are lots of facilities. Here's the thing. I seem to always use the third toilet from the end and the first shower on the right. Beyond that, I actually found myself getting a bit upset that I wasn't able to use them one time because someone else was using them.

There is no reason I should get upset about this. They are communal use assets and I know that. I have no claim to them but I was upset my routine was changed.

It may sound crazy but I had legitimate feelings that this wasn't right. It shouldn't be that way but as I get older, I don't adapt as well as I used to. I find I just have to deal with it like I always have but now I don't want to. That's the part I find strange.

I see a lot of small things really bother people and I am often dumbfounded at why these minor inconveniences could be such a bother. I'm finding I'm becoming more like that. Maybe I should just adjust my attitude and get over it, after all I think I'm better than not begin able to sit on the same toilet seat all the time.

Yup, it sounds just as silly when I type it as when I say it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Idle Pilots

This is probably true in any flying organization but idle pilots are up to no good.  After some bad weather this last week, I can safely say this is true.

A lot of people who learn to fly are Type A personalities. Not everyone is like that but the type dominates the community. Not all weather is conducive to all types of flying and when pilots cannot fly for extended periods of time, they tend to get a bit punchy.

This makes a lot of sense. They want to be contributing and moving forward. Their day is scheduled to be full of flying when it's not there isn't much to do. This is compounded with the weather that usually prevents pilots from flying isn't much good for a lot of other activities. So, they sit around, come up with silly ideas and generally stew.

Several days of bad weather can lead to bad morale. Pilots must be flying to be happy. I am no different. The good thing is one good day of flying can significantly lift the spirits of everyone. If you get some air under your bum, you feel alive again. All the crappy feelings go away, you are happy.

Hopefully going forward there is lots of good weather so we can keep flying and we don't have a bunch of idle pilots.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Playing Tourist

I drove up to Pictou Nova Scotia today. It's a really nice place. I wandered around and took some pictures. It was a good day off.

I have the opportunity to travel as part of my job and when I have time off I like to explore a bit. This was a neat place to visit. It's historic sea-side town. It looks good and there were a lot of people around.  The place was fairly lively.

If most people have their way they wouldn't work but I think a lot of people would let their time go to waste. It's their choice but after the enjoyment I had today, it has been reinforced to me to get out and see things. It doesn't have to bee the coolest things but as you see more you get a greater sense of the world.

All to often people let their lives slip by. I too have been guilty of it at times. It's important to see what the world has to offer. Especially being Canadian, living in such a diverse nation, the more you see the better you appreciate others point of view. You can get a lot of this by playing tourist.

It was a good day today and I better understand a few more things because of it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beer or Exercise

As I left the airfield today it was mentioned that a co-worker and I should leave some beer for the crew coming off the last shift. I replied by saying I was going to the gym, and I did.

There was a long period in my life where a beer after work would always trump anything else. It seems that those days are behind me. I've noticed since I have been in Nova Scotia for a temporary assignment and have not been exercising as much, my body does not react well to not walking to work and back everyday and working out hard three times a week.

I think part of this is from getting older and my body not recovering from things as quickly. I think part of this is from wanting a different life than I used to.

I'm not saying I don't like beer but the time and places have become much more limited and I'm quite happy with that. I like to feel good at work. I like to be productive. I'm past the days where the only thing I want to talk about is how crazy last night was.

The gym has the magical power of making you feel much better. A bit of healthy stress on the body makes it cope a lot better and makes it not have to work so hard to get through the normal day.

When given the choice of beer or exercise I will pick one but it depends on the situation.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Good O' Canada

Yesterday was Canada Day where everyone Canadian celebrates everything Canadian. I did so by working and then drinking some beer.

Being Canadian is a blessing. There is so much that I love about it. Here are a few of the things I absolutely love about being Canadian:

1.  You have the freedom to disagree. You don't have to tow the party line and can choose to argue against any policy. It's important to know you can say what you truly believe and still be accepted. In fact you are encouraged to step outside the box and go against the grain.

2.  Diversity is encouraged. Canadians celebrate our differences. We tell jokes about them. We talk about how it can be difficult to be accepting but we work to be tolerant of differences. We want to know what's cool about our differences. 

3.  We are free to travel and many have the means to do it. I am writing this from Nova Scotia as I temporarily work from a different location. I have had many chances to see many places and I know many people who have as well. It's great to see many different places inside and outside of Canada.

4.  We like to have fun. Canadians try to not take life too seriously. We have serious moments. I am always all business when I'm below 100 feet while flying airplanes but I try to inject as much fun in as often as I can.

5.  We take care of each other.  We stop to help on the side of the road. We cover for our friends and we have universal healthcare. We are generally helpful by nature. We do it to a fault.

6.  We value education. We believe it is important to be knowledgeable about what we do and we make post-secondary education accessible to most of our population.

There are many, many other things that are great about being Canadian. I could keep writing for pages but that's not the point. I picked a few things that I really like and left a lot that I also like. It's amazing to be Canadian. Our problems are so minor and insignificant compared to much of the world and we are lucky. Now, if we could do something about winter....

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Value of Staying Optimistic

I have to admit, I'm not having the best week. I haven't slept well for several nights and there is a lot on my mind. So, when I looked out the window before leaving the office yesterday and it was raining lightly, it seemed like it couldn't get worse.

I don't mind walking to or from work in light rain. It's a lot better if I have a jacket but on the good bad scale its really not bad. Yesterday I didn't have a jacket and it just irked me. I actually complained out loud to the two people within earshot. We all have those moments. I also knew it would be a rainy day today so I figured it would be better becuase I would be prepared with my jacket.

This morning as I left for my 30 minute walk to work, it wasn't raining at all. I thought I had cheated nature. I figured it was going quite well. About a block before King Edward, I looked at the sky and my heart sank. It was dark on the horizon, coming my way, and I had to walk right into it. By the time I reached the Rideau Centre, it was raining quite hard. my jacket was soaked, my wool pants were drenched and even my feet were starting to get wet. What's worse is it is still about 10 minutes of walking to get to the office. Thankfully the rain let up to a light but very steady rain by the time I arrived at work.

Many people tell me that I'm a glass half full kind of guy. Often I am, there is no point in complaining when that energy can be used to solve the problem. This week I have not been so cheery and I lost a relatively good afternoon to my own grumpiness. If I would have stayed optimistic, I would be in a better place right now.

Time flies, and before you know it you have a lot of stories to tell. The key is to recognize when things aren't so bad and see the upside whenever you can. I lost what would have been decent time because I didn't, I'm sure I will do it again but I hope I limit the occurances to as few as possible.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

I love summer. It has a lot going for it. It is a lot easier to be outside in the summer. You don't have to get bundled up and hope for the best. You wear light clothing and enjoy the weather.

Beyond the weather people seem to be more social in the summer. The pace of life slows down and everyone is more likely to chat. People seem to be more approachable, its probably related to the weather.

A lot of people have told me that if it was always summer I would not truly appreciate how good it is.  I suppose if I had not lived through over 30 Manitoba winters that may be true but I could go a long time without winter before I would ever take summer for granted.

Cities come alive in the summer. People are out on the patio enjoying their favourite beverage. It's easier to interact with the people around you. Strolling to the next place is almost a right of passage. It's a good thing.

Not every summer day is perfect. It rains. I think these less than perfect days are enough to make me appreciate the good days even more.

I love summer, it makes life worth living.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Let's Go Riot

I haven't been home since the Vancouver riot. Since I live in Ottawa, my worldly possessions were not in peril. Being away I have not had the time to write about what I think on this situation. The delay has allowed me to move past the initial gut reaction so many people felt.

I lived in Winnipeg for a long time. Winnipeg is a rough city. Anyone who lives there knows that. However, there has never been a riot in my lifetime. So why does the apparent forward thinking, cosmopolitan city of Vancouver suffer from this dark cloud?

I don't know.

There are reports that it was started by a small group and a lot of otherwise law abiding people got wrapped up in the moment. I'm no expert but that seems reasonable. We encourage individuality but often do not give outlets for great creativity. So when people se the chance to let their freak flag fly, they jump at it, even if it inappropriate.

I don't know how to prevent these sorts of things. I know I felt sickened, by the images I saw but I can't fix it.

I hope Canadians can move beyond this incident but it's going to take a lot of healing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Powerful Language

I just watched a segment on the long running CBS News Magazine, 60 Minutes about Huckleberry Finn. A publisher updated the text replacing a common racial slur with the word 'slave.' There has been great debate for a long time about the language used by Mark Twain. Many schools will not touch Twain's writing because of the language used while others believe it must be taught because of the same language.

Written and spoken language can be so powerful. We communicate ideas with language but we communicate a lot more. We put for beliefs and emotions with language. It can be very subtle or very bold. You can communicate multiple ideas with a single sentence or say nothing with several pages.

I have noticed I tend to tailor my message to my audience. My workplace is very bilingual. I see this as an asset but I also find that when I speak to people who speak French as their first language, I use a more direct simple language. The people I speak with most of the time work very well in English but I don't want the idea to get lost in translation. They are much better in English than I am in French and it will be like this for quite a while.

I don't know where I really stand on updating literature. I do thoroughly believe in free speech. I think we need to keep the ideas from the past and learn from them or be doomed to fail again. I also understand how racial slurs can make people uncomfortable. It's a type of language that may not be appropriate for all situations or scenarios. That's the hard part.

It seems the last bastion of offensive language is attached to race. There is still too much racism and people get set off very easily about race. It's understandable but we need to keep working to move beyond our current state. Only then will the power of these words be used for good and not for hate.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Time Off

I took a few days off. My original plan was to attend Bonnaroo in Tennessee but the unstable geopolitical situation in Libya changed that. It's a long story that I won't bother you with. Instead I do want to mention that I am using some of my time to do the rest of the stuff around my apartment that I should have done months ago.

I really don't mind hauling the new furniture up to my place and assembling it (if required) but it sure seems like work.

I now have everything assembled.

The only thing left is hanging the pictures on the wall. This is a daytime activity so you don't disturb the neighbors. I keep starting it but I have no idea where to put the pictures. I think there is about 16 to hank so it isn't too much work but I can't seem to see a good way to lay them out throughout the place. I'm thinking I just need to give it the old college try and beg forgiveness if people don't like it.

I also picked up a kick ass recliner. It makes my living room much more livable when there are a few people around.

I realize this is a bit of a ramble but I do have a great place I just need the accents.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Information Fiend

It seems I lust after information. I try to get as much as I can as often as I can. I know I will never have all the info but I always seem to want more. My latest info source, my new syringe if you will is Twitter. @BACook76 if you want to follow me. I know that's shameless but I do have a BComm in Marketing so it's really to be expected.

Twitter is like crack cocaine. It's instant and addictive. You get info right away. You know before the story is published. It may not be very good for you.

I don't really know where this burring desire to constantly ingest information has come from. It may be from my desire to make good decisions. It could be my hope to appear intelligent, some day the world may prove otherwise but for now I can keep up the charade.

In 2011 the Internet is THE information source but it's coming at you many different ways. We have blogs, tweets, and status updates. History is being captured and written in a digital medium and I want to absorb a lot. Traditional news stories may be more in-depth but they are slow. They often must go through the editor and be approved. It's the complete story but it's not up to the second. I seem to need both. I may not want to be the one who yells it from the mountaintop but I want to know.

If I don't have reliable Internet, I feel a bit lost. How do I get my injection of hot news? How do I know up to the second, what's going down? This has become an issue for me.

It may sound a bit extreme but I want to know. Today I don't know if this craving is a good thing.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I don't live in Winnipeg anymore, for the most part I don't miss it. I do miss my friends. That being said, I wish I would have been in Winnipeg last week.

The return of NHL hockey to the Manitoba capital has been nothing short of special. In less than seven days it was announced the Atlanta Thrashers would be relocating to Winnipeg and 13,000 season tickets were sold. There were doubters but the residents of Winnipeg said give us a team and when it happened, they responded.

Anyone who lived in Winnipeg when the Jets left and has been around since knows the city has changed. Enough of the changes are good and I think the Winnipeg citizenry realizes if you want things in your city they must be supported. They also know if you don't have things in your city it is not as good a place to live.

Winnipeg has a sense of community. It has always been strong and will get stronger with NHL hockey. The people will feel like their city matters. They will be known for more than just crime and poverty. They have something else to rally around.

I will admit that hockey is not my favorite sport. Football will always be the game in my mind but I also have a place for hockey.

With NHL hockey in Winnipeg it makes it a place to be, and hopefully it will help a city feel important again.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Go Jets Go!

In April of 1996 I went to what has been the last Winnipeg Jets hockey game. After a fifteen year hiatus profession hockey is returning to the Manitoba capital.

Winnipeg is not the same city as when pro hockey left. There is a definite sense of community in Winnipeg. There is a definite love of hockey there too. I think the Jets leaving the city made people realize they need pro sports to make a sense of community.

There are some upsides. Winnipeg already has a better team than Edmonton. It is easier to get excited about hockey if you have a local team. It's fun to be part of a team.

I don't know if I will ever live in Winnipeg again. A lot of me friends do and I'm happy they get a team again. Who knows what the future brings but it will include NHL hockey in Winnipeg.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Food And Music

I love food and I love music. There is no surprise that they have something in common, they are both ruined by a cold. When you eat you don't get the smells and the flavor isn't right. When you can't hear the same in both ears, music doesn't sound right.

Everyone knows that a cold will ruin your day. That's what they do. It makes no sense why we have to suffer through a cold. It doesn't kill you it just slows you down. It makes your life more difficult. You have to be careful when you fly. You can be off balance. It's just annoying.

Normally I don't treat the symptoms. If you let it do it's thing, your body gets rid of it sooner. There are exceptions. If I need to hop on a commercial flight I'll take some medication.

As I suffer through my latest cold, I wonder why I am forced to live through the experience. I realize it will go away in a couple of days but if you are going to complain about anything, a cold is one of the better things to feel my wrath.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I have been working in Ottawa for just over six months. Last week-end I had a couple of friends in town and rad to drop them off at the airport before work this morning. It made the most sense to just drive to work after dropping them off. It worked out fine.

Because I drove to work that meant I had to drive home after work. With the work being done on Rideau Street and it being closed to traffic except busses and taxis, I had to take Laurier to get across the canal.

As I have mentioned in previous posts it takes me about 30 minutes to walk to work and another 30 minutes to walk home. Today it took me 23 minutes to drive home.

All this makes walking to and from work to look even more attractive.

I didn't get my morning walk and it took longer to get going once I arrived at my desk. I didn't get my afternoon walk and wind down from my day.

From this experience I have confirmed that the walk to work is a very good thing in my life. The fresh air and exercise make my day better while only adding about seven minutes to either trip. If I catch a couple of lights while walking it adds even less time as I have been able to walk in as little as 25 minutes.

I'm not saying everyone is in a position to walk to work or would even care to but I am a convert. It is one of the best parts of my daily routine and you can't argue with fresh air and exercise.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Outrageous Gas Pricing

With the recent spike in gasoline costs there has been a lot of chatter about outrageous gas prices. There is an impact to higher fuel prices. The cost to transport goods must increase as one of the primary cost drivers of the transportation has increased. The cost to travel to deliver services has increased for the same reason.

Despite all of that, people are feeling the pressure because of choices they have made.

If you live in a city and work in an office you do not need a truck to get to work everyday. You do not need to live in the suburbs if you work in the city. You can live within walking distance of work. Remember, walking distance is a lot further than you think. I live 2.7 kilometers from my office. It takes me about 30 minutes to walk to work. About 5 minutes of that is waiting for a stop light.

Because I walk to work I have only purchased 3 tanks of gas since arriving in Ottawa three months ago. I don't feel any pinch from rising gas prices. People need to understand that driving is a luxury, there are other ways to get around. They can be cheaper and better for you.

The other great argument is the oil companies are making too much money. Oil companies are all publicly traded so if the profits are unreasonable you too can get in on the action. Just buy some shares and you can benefit from the runaway prices.

I understand how people can feel a pinch when gas prices go up. If you have no slack in your system, any increase can put you over the ledge. The key is to make choices that allow you to live comfortably.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rebate Cheque

Earlier in the year the Manitoba Public Utilities Board determined that Manitoba Public Insurance overcharged by 45% in the 2009-2010 insurance year. Forty-five percent is a lot to over-charge.

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog entry about how Manitoba Public Insurance is lazy and wouldn't help me when I was out of province.

Today I received my rebate cheque for my overpaid premium. I'm glad it made it to me but in no way does this improve my personal opinion of MPIC.

The good part is the Public Utility Board told them to give the money back. The bad part is they were not even close to what they figured they were going to need. Since MPIC is a regulated monopoly, competition cannot regulate prices. Ratepayers didn't get any interest for having their money tied up for two years. At least they got it back.

There are some instances that regulated monopolies can work, insurance isn't one of them. There is no high infrastructure costs. there is no motivation to keep prices down. It's easier to pay back years later than come up short.

I'm glad I have my rebate cheque from Manitoba Public Insurance but if I have my choice I will never deal with them again.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

It was a raining day yesterday in Ottawa. It looks like it will be a rainy week. I much prefer the thunderstorm method of rain delivery. Not only do you get all the excitement of the thunder and lightning but you also get a quick shot of rain and you are back to sunshine.

I realize it is annoying to get caught out in a thunderstorm. It can be scary if you can't get to shelter and hail can hurt as well as being destructive but I will take that over days of continuous rain.

I finds several grey rainy days to be a bit depressing. I admit, it gets to me. Now that I live in Ottawa and tend to walk many places as well as spend time outside, I find rainy days bother me even more.

All that being said, you can't change the weather so my only option is to live with it. Besides, if rainy days are my biggest complaint, life is pretty good.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Easy To Hate The Right Wing

As part of the fallout of the Canadian Federal Election it has become apparent that a lot of people hate right wing policies. It's easy to understand why. The right wing believes in less government. They believe that you are generally responsible to take care of yourself. I can see how that can be unpopular with a lot of people.

Less government means the provision of fewer social programs. There are people who rely on social programs and limiting or removing them can cause hardship.

Right wing policies tend to reward those who take risk and generate productive economic activity. Because of that the rich have a tendency to get richer. I see how a lot of people don't like that.

The left wing tends to provide programs to ensure no one is left behind. They try to ensure no matter their situation, everyone has a roof over their head and food on the table. I can see how this can be very popular.

In Canada we have universal health care. Some people believe we have free health care. That is not the case. We must pay a lot of taxes to have health care that everyone has the same access to. It's important for people to understand that one out of every four tax dollars collected is used to pay for health care in Canada. Canadians choose to have universal health care and we choose to pay for it. Despite the cost, I can see how universal health care is popular.

There are a lot of good things from the left. Unfortunately, social programs tend to diminish motivation in a significant portion of the population. If you have a reasonable level of comfort and you are using more social services than you are paying for, the motivation to improve your position is greatly diminished. For whatever reason this doesn't seem to be unpopular with a lot of people.

I realize and embrace that different people have different experiences and beliefs. For a society to function, it is important to have varying opinions. I can see how social programs can be popular. That being said I prefer a system that rewards hard work. If you put more in you should get more out. Sacrifice should be rewarded.

That's my opinion, and I don't mind that some others have a different one.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ramblings On An Election

Yesterday there was an election in Canada. As always there was winners and losers. Since there was losers people were disappointed. This is to be expected as it happens whenever people are unsuccessful.

For me, democracy isn't perfect but is is better than everything else. Only through free democratic voting does the will of the people be heard. Only with democracy does everyone have an equal say in how they want their nation to be lead and managed.

Democracy can leave a lot of people disappointed.

In Canada we elect a representative for our riding to go to Ottawa and represent our concerns. The party who has the most sitting Members of Parliament form the government. Because your vote is for your local candidate the party that forms the government may not receive the majority of votes. Thus can lead to frustration but it is how the system is built.

Voter turnout can be a huge source of consternation. Because voting is not mandatory not everyone chooses to vote. If you are good with numbers you can calculate that not a lot of people may have voted for the winners. Just remember that even fewer voted for the losers. It's important to remember we all have an equal say if we choose to vote.

It can be frustrating to a lot of people but democracy works. It's not perfect but I look at Libya as an alternative.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Back Home

I spent the last few days in Winnipeg. I have lived Herr most of my adult life and I don't miss the city. What I really miss is my friends.

I think most good people can say they have good friend. I have good friends. It was great to see so many but that's to be expected.

I think the best part was seeing people I didn't expect to. I rani to a lot of people who I really had no expectation to see. Some of them didn't know that I was going to be in Winnipeg and everyone I saw looked happy. It seems the people in my world are moving the right direction. It seems that life is getting better for a lot of people. It seems that life is pretty good.

When you look at the circle of people I live within the best thing is they are genuine and awesome. I have great friends who make my life, along with many others awesome.

I know that sounds sappy but sometimes you have to say great things.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I Don't Think Those Go Together

Today as I walked to the gym there was a guy jogging the other direction. This is not unusual in Ottawa. The unusual part was the guy was smoking while waiting for the light to change.

I will the guy props for jogging and working to get into better shape. I will also say I understand quitting smoking is very difficult and you have to be ready when you try to quit. I'm just not sure if the two go together.

I'll admit I'm not perfect. For years when I lived in Winnipeg I would go to the gym on Mondays after work and then go out and drink beer while eating chicken wings. I know that is not the most productive behavior. The smoking while jogging struck me as odd.

As I thought about it, I'm not sure why it was so strange to me. Many people who smoke also jog. Its not unreasonable to do both at the same time, yet I think it looks strange. It must be some expectation that if someone is jogging they shouldn't be smoking. It is just one of the norms that society seems to develop.

As I was walking to the gym today I saw a guy smoking while jogging. For some reason I found it strange, but it should be.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Down Time

I have been on a rather steady pace for about a year. I'm 3 days into a four day long weekend for Easter. It has been a very low key week-end which is what I need. I, like many people, seem to keep myself busy. For the most part I like to be busy but from time to time I just like to chill out and not keep any sort of schedule. This feeling only lasts a few days most of the time but when I am enjoying it.

It's important to be you. We seem to gravitate toward who we are. I took my current job in Ottawa because I figured it would have less work travel. It seems to have a very similar amount. That may be because it just how I know how to work. I'm a be out there and see how it's going kind of guy. I like to try it myself and I like to know as much as possible. It may not seem relevant today but the knowledge can bear fruit many years down the road.

As much as I like to stay busy, or at least I tell myself that, I do like the occasional bit of down time. I like the days where dozing off in the afternoon is ok. I eat when I want and I don't have to keep a schedule. It can't last too long. I can't handle two weeks of living like that but four days sure seems to be doing me well.

I'm enjoying some down time and it will help reinvigorate me for the workweek ahead.