Thursday, April 22, 2010

Training System? What Training System?

I live and drive in a city, as such I have closer calls from time to time. Often they don't even get the heart going but on occasion they do. A lot of people complain about how people drive. They complain how people are dangerous. I see it too. This has made me think a lot recently about why there seems to be so many bad drivers.

For most of my life I have been involved in flying training. There are parallels between learning to fly and learning to drive. Both have a knowledge component (rules and procedures) and a skill component (actually manipulating the vehicle). Because both these components exist they are tested. To become a pilot or to get a driver's license you must complete a written test and a practical driving test. So far we are doing pretty good.

This is where the similarity ends.

To learn to drive in Manitoba (since this is where I live and received my driver's license I will use it as the example) you must complete a written test to receive a learner's permit. Two weeks later you can take your driver's test.

This seems to make some sense.

To receive a pilot's license in Canada you must complete a syllabus of ground school, write a written exam, complete a syllabus of flying training including both dual and solo flying exercises, and complete a flight test. The amount of training is dependant on the license you are seeking.

This seems to make a lot more sense.

To teach someone to drive you must have a driver's license.

This makes sense.

To teach someone to fly you must complete a syllabus of training including instructional techniques and practical in air lessons. They you must be tested and meet the standard.

This makes a lot more sense.

Once you are licensed it gets even better.

One of the primary factors that determines the cost of your car insurance is the number of accidents you have had. The number of years is in there too, but you just have to keep paying for your license not actually using it to reduce your insurance cost. So if you drive two blocks to church every Sunday morning in light traffic for many years, you are not very likely to have an accident. If that is the only driving you do for twenty years your insurance cost will continue to go down, provided you don't have any accidents. Keep in mind you are fully licensed to head out on the 401 at rush hour without any restrictions. So one day you feel you have to. Are you going to have an accident. Well we don't know that but you probably are not properly equipped to be driving there.

One of the primary factors that determines the cost of your aircraft insurance is how much experience you have. Pilots keep a log of all the flying they do. the more they fly the cheaper their insurance will get.

I think my point is obvious.

I also think that the licensing of drivers will never change. We have built cars so safely these days we accept that accidents will happen. This is a shame as there is a better way to do this.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Music

A week ago a new series premiered on HBO. Treme is about New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. It follows some people as they try to rebuild themselves and their city after the devastation. I really like the first two episodes. Central to the story is music. It shows how music brings people together. It shows how music can help create a sense of community. It shows how music is part of our identity.

When I was young, I learned to play the piano. I was pretty good. I haven't played in a long time. There are days that I miss it. i like music a lot. I am often listening to music when I am working. It keeps me going. I think music is central to my experience.

The music I like the most is live music. There is something about listening to music as it is made. It can have a special energy and make a connection. It can stir you in your soul. It can make you think and feel.

There was a time I used to go see a lot of live music. I don't seem to be doing that as much. I'm not sure why and I should probably get back at it. That is one of those moments I like to be in. It gives me a good feeling. It puts the grind of everyday on hold and for a couple of hours I just take it in.

It's the music that makes me like this show Treme so much, but I'm sure there is more out there. I should get back to enjoying more live music, there is so much to enjoy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Can Only Mean One Thing in Manitoba....Socials!

If you're not from Manitoba or have never lived in Manitoba you may not understand what a social is. As many of my friends come to my home province and I ask them if they want to go to a social on the week-end they often look at me like I have two heads. It makes sense. The concept of the social is not universal, but it should be.

If you don't know a social is a fundraising social event. It is put on to raise funds for various reasons. It could be to support a team or a cause but the best socials are wedding socials.

The wedding social serves a dual purpose. It makes some money to help offset the cost of the wedding. It is normally held a couple of months before the wedding. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the upcoming marriage. Normally not everyone can be at or would be invited to the wedding but the social is an opportunity to congratulate the happy couple and have some fun.

If you are not a Manitoban this may all still seem a bit strange, you may wonder what happens.

A social is normally held in a community club or a hall of some type. Tickets are sold, normally for $10 but they have been that price for ever, I'm sure they will start to creep up in price eventually. There is music and dancing and drinking. There is now usually a silent action. It's not the traditional silent action where you look at the list and write down a higher bid. It's what used to be called a Chinese Auction but that term is not acceptable now. You buy tickets and put them in for the prizes you would like to win, later in the evening the draws are held and someone wins all the prizes. There is one more very important part of a social. Lunch is provided. The law requires you provide a spread of food that usually consists of rye bread, cheese, deli meats, pickles and the like. After a goodly amount of drinking nothing tastes better than that over sized sandwich you make.

Socials are fun. It's normally not as flashy as going to a club or a bar or as expensive for that matter. The cheesy music and the grandparents dancing are part of the charm. The coming together of the community and celebration create a special atmosphere. Often you get to see people you haven't seen in a while and always you have fun.

I am going to a social tonight for a friend of mine. He is getting married and I know a lot of people that are going to be there. Fun will be had and shenanigans will ensue and I can hardly wait. I may be a bit sluggish in the morning but that is all part of the fun.

If you are not from Manitoba and are in town one night with a chance to go to a social, make sure you go. If you are from Manitoba when is the next social you are going to, because I know you are going.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is blog entry number 100. I have been writing this blog for nearly a year and have managed to produce some content. Some of it may even be good. When I started I wasn't too sure what this would turn into. I didn't want it to be a continual rant-fest, and on that front I think I have been successful. Yes there are entries that complain but I have also tried to compliment and pass credit. I have tried to document some of the things that I see in the world around me. I have tried to give my opinion on why things are the way they are.

I have learned a lot from writing this blog. Writing on a regular basis is not the easiest thing for me. I was never the strongest writer in grade school. Often what I write does not jump off the page and inspire sweeping change but I have improved since my teens. I don't write about my work. What I do and who I work for it is best to avoid that subject area entirely. I will say that I write quite a bit at work on a regular basis, however the goals are quite different. I find writing this blog quite freeing and challenging at the same time.

I have occasionally added photos if they compliment the words I have laid down. I don't make a habit of it. I want to try and use language to convey what I am thinking. I want the words to jump off the page every time I write, but I know I'm not to that point yet.

I have found it more enjoyable to write once I bought my MacBook Pro. The more I use Apple products the more I have to say they are a company that makes machines to work well with people. The hardware and software are built around interfacing with humans. It may sound obvious but I think that point has been lost on a lot of companies who build machines. The ease of which I work makes me more productive and a happier blogger.

I don't know if this blog will ever change the world. I don't know if it will ever change anyone's opinion on anything but it is a record of things I've seen and thought and that is enough for me to keep going.

On a side note I have not made enough on the ads to be paid yet. At my current rate I should be paid in 2013 or so. Some people may think the ads are part of an evil capitalist empire but if I can some day buy a case of beer with my wee bit of revenue then I will keep them up there.

Thank-you for reading my blog, and as always feel free to comment because if you know me you know I like debate.