Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cover Songs

Everyone knows what a cover song is. When they work they are great. When they don't, the teeth come out.

I was thinking about cover tunes this week. Why do artists even attempt them? Why do we like them? Will they ever go away?

I think there are a couple of reasons artists lay down covers. If you are a well established artist it is probably a tribute to those who went before and inspired you. They may be the first songs you played or the song that made you want to start singing or playing. If you are not well established yet, they may be a way to get your name out there. You can play a song you love your own way. The masses will recognize the song but will also be introduced to you. If it works it can be a windfall.

So it makes sense why people lay down covers, but why do we love them so much? They are safe. We know the song. We know the words. It is familiar and comfortable. At the same time it can be exciting. It's like we are cheating on the original song. You feel like you are doing something daring and fun. It ca be the musical equivalent of colouring outside the lines, but not too far, it is a familiar song.

I don't think the cover tune will ever go away. It's become part of the musical landscape and brings a lot to the discussion. It is an interesting way to express yourself. It's something new and something borrowed at the same time. Some very high profile bands have released entire albums of cover tunes. Guns 'N Roses did it with The Spaghetti Incident !?!! and Metallica did it with Garage Inc, just to name two, but there are may more.

I like cover songs, as long as they are done well. Sometimes they make me go woo-hoo and sometimes its a hmmmm. It's always something to think about.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blizzard, What Blizzard

Yesterday a blizzard stuck Winnipeg. It was really windy and it snowed. There is nothing exceptional about that. Blizzards happen in Winnipeg. What is noticeable is how a rather fierce blizzard really didn't slow Winnipeg down too much.

A lot of people have a lot of complaints about Winnipeg, but the city should be commended on how well it handles blizzards an heavy snowfalls. The city is so well organized they are almost a non-event. Streets stay open. People get to work. Businesses run. When you compare to several other major cities in the world Winnipeg can handle a blizzard really well.

Of course it does take a bit longer to get around during a blizzard. Of course if you own property you will have to shovel yourself out. When you really test it, Winnipeg slows down like it is a minor inconvenience. The powers that be should be commended on this perpetual state of readiness. They do a good job. The citizenry only need to plan a few extra minutes into their day to deal with a substantial snow storm.

There are a lot of things you can complain about in Winnipeg but the cleanup after a blizzard is not one of them.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Looking For Adventure

In the dead of winter in Winnipeg, one tends to have some time to think about what you are not doing. This time of year I find I don't do much and seem to let my mind wander about things that I would like to do. I have come up with a few things in no particular order that I want to do someday.

Attend a major College Bowl Game. I have watched many on TV. It looks like it would be an incredible experience. The pageantry, passion, and excitement would be worth the trip.

Fly a Beaver. I still think it is the coolest plane ever.

Fly a glider in mountain wave. Someday I will do some serious soaring and hit the pinnacle of the sport.

Play the piano in a public performance, again. I took lessons for years as a kid. Someday I will perform again.

Cross the equator. I want to see more of the world and flush a toilet and see it swirl the other way.

Make a documentary. I have no idea how at this time, but I will learn and tell a story worth telling.

There is a lot of other things I want to accomplish but these are the highlights. It's easy to get bogged down in day to day life. You have to keep some dreams alive or a part of you will die inside. I don't want that to happen to me.

Monday, January 18, 2010

This May Truly Be a Sign The World is Ending

The earthquake in Haiti is horrible. Unfortunately, that small nation has allowed itself to degrade to the point that, and earthquake can be so devastating. It is one of the many signs that things are going badly in the world. Unfortunately, it is not the only instance that I have observed as of late that is really making me question the human condition.

As I was driving to work this morning, while I was still in the downtown area, I was stopped at a light. I noticed a police car ripping down the street I was about to cross. His lights were on and his siren was going. It was very clear they were on their way to a call. The police were headed somewhere to help people.

Shortly before the police cruiser reached the intersection I was at the light for my direction turned green. I waited to let the car thought the intersection, however two pedestrians started to cross the street in front of this police car as its lights were on and siren going. They didn't speed up. They continued to walk at a leisurely pace across the street. delaying the police car from continuing to the call they were responding to.

How can anyone be so self absorbed to not wait on the curb and let an emergency vehicle proceed to an emergency. At one point we, as a society decided it was a good idea to let certain vehicles to proceed quickly but carefully in response to emergency situations. You must not care about others to delay aid to someone who may need it.

Not caring about others is what allowed Haiti to decompose to the point it could not withstand an earthquake. I hope no where else in the world we ever get to that point, but it looks like we could.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pepsi Throwback...Really

While watching NFL football I have recently seen several commercials for Pepsi Throwback. The throwback is it is made with real sugar. You may not be aware that soft drinks in the good old US of A is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. This is not the most natural of ingredients and does affect the taste of beverages it is put in.

This product is not available in Canada as soft drinks in Canada are still sweetened with real sugar.

I'm not sure if it is a good idea for Pepsi to be sweetening their products with sugar again. It may very well make consumers realize how bad their product is tasting. However, it may also be a test to see if the American public would be willing to go back to sugar sweetened soft drinks or if they really care.

I have had American soft drinks and I prefer the Canadian version. It tastes better, at least to me. I would drink a lot less pop if I was in the States or if the Canadian versions started using the corn syrup to sweeten the drinks.

It is a strange day when a company feels that it has to sell the fact that sugar is the upgrade in their product, for a limited time only.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Workout Cops

This morning the good old CBC reported that the Winnipeg Police Service members want time to exercise during the workday. Of course this sparks the usual debate on the CBC's webpage.

Here's where I weigh in.

I am fortunate enough to be able to take some work time to exercise.

I sit at a desk all day for many of my workdays.

It is important to keep yourself in descent shape. It has a direct effect on the quality of your life. It is important for police officers to be in shape to do their job. I honestly believe that they have a personal responsibility to be in good shape. The Winnipeg Police Service also has a responsibility to make it easy for their members to stay in shape.

I go to the gym three days a week. I exercise for about an hour and twenty minutes each time. I leave work about thirty minutes early two days a week and go once on the week-end. It works pretty good for me. My boss has a fitter, happier subordinate and I have an improved quality of life. I am sure the police service can work out some sort of arrangement for their members. Both parties benefit from the members exercising so both parties should give some to make it work.

I'm sure this will not work out for the best of all involved. I know it will be that someone along the way will be unreasonable. That seems to be how it works out. I also know everyone should be working on getting into better shape no matter how fit you are.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Even My Mom Knows

I was at my sister's place on Christmas Day. A good lively discussion was ongoing. We were talking about how a couple of my friends were handing out some good natured ribbing via email on my birthday. Part of the getting old joke was Kent typed LOL and proceeded to explain that was how young people say laugh out loud. Of course I knew this. My wonderful 60 year old mother then added in even she knows what LOL is.

My mom knows what LOL is.

I guess there is really no reason she wouldn't. She is very smart and has been around computers most of my life.

In the same day, she used the word awesome. Twice. I don't ever remember my mom saying awesome, and in one day she said it twice.

I'm not sure what is going on here. Maybe she was always this in tune and I just didn't notice. Maybe she is being influenced by different people around her. I guess it doesn't really matter in the big picture, I think it is good that she is up with the times. I think it is important to stay current and my parents are pretty good at that.

Its pretty obvious to me that new or old is not an indication of good or bad to them. They are good at evaluating and determining if it is good or relevant. I hope when I reach their age I can do the same.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Resolution People

I think it's a good thing that people make the New Year's resolution to get into shape. A few, probably very few, actually stick with it and continue past January 21st. Unfortunately, for that 3 weeks until everyone falls off the wagon, the gym is way too busy. Resolution people fill the gym, use the equipment and most do really do too much.

I think one of the reasons people don't stick with exercising is the gym is too busy in January.

I worked out during some semesters in university. Summer holidays were where I would fall off the wagon. It often took a while to get back at it. After university I went several years without any fitness routine. When I finally got back to exercising it was at the end of October. It wasn't too busy in the gym and was really easy to stick with it, at least for me.

If you really want to stick to a workout routine, don't start in January. Start at a time that has meaning to you, but not everyone. A birthday or an anniversary are good examples. It will not be as busy at the gym and you will be more likely to keep going.

I will endure the crowds at the gym. I will remember that they mean well but most will give up and attendance levels will return to normal well before Valentine's Day. I will continue to work hard and see the results of my work.

If getting into shape is your New Year's resolution I fully encourage you to keep it up. We all benefit and after about a month you will see a huge increase in the quality of life. That is worth enduring the extra people at the gym.