Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Little Variety

I have been in British Columbia for the last two work weeks. It has been a very busy and productive conference. My routine has been the same. I eat in the same place, sleep in the same place, socialize with the same people I am working with, and haven't really spent much time off the establishment. 

This all made me realize how hardwired humans are for variety.

We all have a favourite meal. The go to meal that just makes your day. However, if you try to eat it three times a day, your body will start to not like it and it will lose its appeal. After a break you will probably like it as much as you did before.

We crave variety. This is a good thing. It drives us to seek out new experiences. It motivates us to improve. I'm sure it has a hand in innovation. When your innovation is cut off, it can grind you down. You need to change is up and do something different. 

I admit that I am very lucky. My job has a lot of variety. I don't work on an assembly line doing the same task everyday. Most days I don't feel stifled. However, eight days of meetings on the same subject pushes me close to my limit. It's not that I don't care, in fact, I care a lot and that may be part of what makes me a bit crazy at times.

In the end, I know I'm hardwired to have some variety. It's obvious to me and without it life loses its zest.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Emergency Vehicles

Lately I have been watching people's behaviour around emergency vehicles. We all see it and from time to time are involved in it. The fire truck is bearing down, light flashing, siren whaling, and everyone gets out of the way as fast as they can and let them through. As you read this you are probably thinking this is no big deal. It's the law.

That's true, it is the law, which is a good thing.

Somewhere along the way, somebody was smart and convincing enough to get a law written that said emergency vehicles get the right-of-way over everything. They get to go through traffic lights. They can speed. They can go the wrong way down a one way street. This is such a good idea it has been adopted throughout the world. As a society we made a good decision.

There is something more than it being the law that makes people react so quickly. In north America, like most of the world, we do not rigidly adhere to traffic laws. Most people speed a bit. Many don't always wear their seat belts all the time. It's not unusual to see a red light run or to see people jaywalk. Turn signals are often neglected. However, when an emergency vehicle has to get through, almost everyone gets out of the way as fast as possible.

You could argue that it is a self-serving action. They may be on the way to save your house or your wife. There may be an element of that in some people's thoughts but I doubt it. If that was the case then people who were driving in a city where they do not know a soul would not rush to get out of the way. However, someone with an out-of-province license plate react just as quickly as anyone else.

I have no scientific evidence but I think it's because deep down we are still neighbourly. As busy and as self absorbed we can become we still care about the plight of others. We do not want to be the one that compounds the harm that another is enduring.

This basic idea gives me hope for humanity. For all the nut jobs, stupid people, moochers, and greedy jerks everyone claims to encounter we all get out of the way so someone we don't know can get the help that they may urgently need. You will never get recognition for moving to the shoulder but we do it anyway and that s enough proof that when the chips are down, humanity still cares.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It has been pretty much decided by everyone that I shouldn't grow a moustache. That being said, this year I was convinced to join a Movember team. If you don't know what this is all about, it is basically a movement to raise awareness about men's health issues and mental health issues. For the month of November you grow a moustache. It's easy to do. It's CF uniform friendly and it's a good cause.

Sounds pretty simple and it is.

All that being said, there is a catch. As much as there is the raising awareness, there is also raising funds for research and and support. For a catch, that's not a big deal.

We are almost half way through Movember and I have learned a couple of things about my mo. It isn't very dark. Despite the fact that you can debate if the hair on my head is red or brown these days, there is no debate that the hair on my lip is red. From a distance it isn't very noticeable but still doesn't look very good.

I have also come to realize that I don't like to have a mo. It isn't comfortable. When I work out the sweat collects and drips out. It gets into my food and drink. It's not my thing.

Despite my burning desire to shave it off right now, I will see it through to the end. I said that I will do it so I will. Besides, it's a good opportunity to laugh at myself and if you can't laugh at yourself, life has become a bit too serious.

Here's the ask. If you want to throw a few bucks to my campaign go to

I will provide an update in early December, which will include a picture of the final product.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

We Should Remember Them

Not everyone is as lucky as Canadians. We live in a free and just nations that values the rule of law. That's a really big deal. However, it is this way because when our nation needed people, there were great Canadians who took up the call and fought for what is right and proper.

War is terrible. There is nothing romantic about it. It kills good people and leaves a lot more ruined. Despite this, it is important to have a strong fighting force to defend our national interests.

It was a cold and damp morning in Ottawa yet there were many people out to show their support at the National Remembrance Day Ceremony. It was eerie during the minute of silence. To be in the middle of the downtown core of a major Canadian city, within a mass of people and there it be nearly silent was stirring.

We have changed how we fight wars since The Great War. It's good we are much more effective because that was a miserable war but it would be nice if we never have to do it again. Unfortunately I'm sure Canadians will be called to fight again. There are too many people with access to assets that want to do evil things. So we need to be ready. It's a dirty job but we have great people doing it.

Take some time to thank a veteran. It doesn't have to be on November 11th. You will make their day. We have it good here but some people payed a horrible price to have it that way.

They will not grow old as we grow old.
We will remember them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


About 24 hours ago, Barrack Obama was declared the winner in the US Presidential Election. I have been thinking a lot about the spectacle and the future. Both have me a bit worried.

Americans like a show and they turn their election into the biggest show on earth. They spend a lot of money to spew rhetoric and attack each other. They seem to be getting a bit short on substance in a lot of what they say. For the most part, I have no idea going to move forward.

The bigger thing is the future.

I don't think America had much of a choice. They could choose the incumbent who, four years ago, was big on talk of hope and change but really I see a lot of Americans who have very little hope and not a lot has changed in four years. The could also choose the challenger who kept saying the wrong thing and doesn't come across as understanding what the average American is living through. I'm still not sure how I would have voted if I were allowed to do so.

I tend to vote based on economic issues. A strong economy fixes a lot of problems. If people have all the employment they want, they don't need a lot of social programs and there is plenty of revenue to pay for the programs that everyone wants. If you are pretty sure that your next several paycheques are coming, everything else seems possible.

As a non-American the best thing for me is for America to fix its economy. I understand why people think it's important that the US updates its social programs but if you don't live there it won't change your life.

So America has chosen four more years of the teleprompter president. I just hope for their sake he is a bit more than adequate in his next term.