Sunday, February 27, 2011


I really don't have any time for awards shows. Tonight the grand-daddy of them all is on. Tonight, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences come together to honor themselves.

I'm not sure what annoys me the most.

There is always the issue of the host. Everyone wants the host to be funny and topical but not ruffle any feathers. Well if it doesn't ruffle feathers or make you think, it probably isn't funny.

Also there is the over-produced show. People want spontaneity but there is so much production in the show everyone comes off as robotic.

As well there is the fact that they are giving awards for movies. It is not a competition. These works are made to be enjoyed and to entertain they are not made to be judged. Even in the more realistic realm, movies are made to make money. Giving out awards is not in line with the goal of making the movie.

I'm not going to watch tonight. I can get the wrap-up on any radio morning show. A two minute bit will cover a five hour show.

The OSCARs are tonight, oh well.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A friend of mine was in town for a few days. It was a good time. She got to see a bunch of the city and was really impressed. Since I live near the Byward Market we walked a lot of places. Walking is great. It gives you a lot of exercise and doesn't cost you anything.

It turns out I now walk rather quickly.

Several times I had to slow down. I seem to motor along at a very brisk pace. The hills don't seem to slow me down anymore. This can only be related to me walking to work and back everyday. I have noted that with less effort I am getting to work faster. My heart rate is less elevated than when I began. I have to admit, I like the results.

All this is evidence that I am living healthier. I wouldn't necessarily say healthy since I still like beer and I may not always eat enough vegetables but my life is healthier.

All this makes me think that sometimes a change is a great thing. If I had not moved to Ottawa I would not be walking to work and enjoying the wonderful benefits. The only drawback is I may walk a bit faster than my friends but I'm sure they will forgive me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

11 Degrees and Sunny

It depends on the time of year but on February 18th in Canada, 11 degrees and sunny is better weather than you could ever hope for. The weather has breathed life into the city. People want to be out and about. They are not in such a rush. They are just loving life a little bit more.

As I walked to and from work I didn't have to wear gloves. I wore a spring jacket. I didn't feel I had to go as fast as possible to stay warm and get out of the cold.

Just the idea of this weather brings joy to people. It becomes the topic of conversation and everyone is on the same side. Everyone is pleased with the mild spring breezes.

Spring is a time of renewal. The earth awakens from it's long winter sleep. However in Ottawa the earth isn't as sleepy as Manitoba. It seems to shut down sooner and get up earlier. I'm ok with that. I'm sure we are not out of all the wintery weather, but it has sure been a lot better than a typical Winnipeg winter. As I continue to discover this new city, I'm quite pleased with the mid-February weather. At least for this year.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Putting Winter Behind Me

Looking at the forecast for the rest of the month, I think the worst of winter is behind me. There are a lot of plus temperatures this week and quite a bit of rain. The snow could be all gone by the end of the week. If you are rid of the snow it just makes it easier to get up in the morning.

I know I don't like winter very much. I know the sooner it departs the fix, the happier I am. It seemed that January dragged on for me but February is flying by. The month is over half over. The warming trend makes it easier. I have also been quite busy as of late, which is the key tomgetting through winter.

I'm not sad to see winter go. I'm looking forward to spring as it brings a feeling of rebirth and renewal. Living in Ottawa it just comes a little sooner than I am used to.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Non-Airport People

I need to rant.

There are airport people and non-airport people. This is most obvious when you are going through security. Today I ended up behind a non-airport person this morning in Winnipeg.

I don't intend to be mean but a failure to understand how to pack your carry-on leads to delays for everyone. When you put questionable items into your bag, when you don't pack so you can easily get any special items out and when you do not move efficiently through the system then you can cause problems for everyone.

Non-airport people are easy to spot. They look scared as they approach the screening area. They are not sure where to go, they have a whole bunch of jewelry on and they always beep when they go throughout he metal detector.

They also don't understand the basic courtesies of entering the secure area. We all have to deal with it so make a bit of room for everyone. Work quickly. Have your bag packed so it can be screened quickly. It's never good if they have the supervisor come over and he says, "I think it's a hard boiled egg."

I realize non-airport people are unfamiliar with the environment but I wish they would properly prepare for the unknown. There are plenty of resources available to you. Use them. Some of us do this all the time and want to make it as painless as possible.

I know this is a rant but there are airport people and non-airport people.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Death By Chicken Wings

There is a a restaurant in Winnipeg called Romani's and they make the hottest chicken wings I have ever had. I realize a lot of people think they have found really hot wings at some place, and they may have but these are the hottest. I enjoy spicy food. What is too hot for most people is just getting to where I like it.

I was at Romani's a few years back. The wings were so hot I couldn't finish two pounds. Last night I shared 1 pound with a friend and they have been haunting me all day. These wings are so hot I was drooling uncontrollably and crying. Dave, the guy who was also eating them had to go to the washroom to get cleaned up after we hade ate about 1/2 the wings. He was a slobbering mess.

The question is, why do I do things like that to myself? Why does anyone eat food that hot? I think for me I find it a challenge. I seem to think that I need to prove to myself and others I can take it on. However, every time I feel so terrible as the hot sauce wreaks havoc on my guts. I feel like I did something foolish. I am in pain for a day. I loathe the toilet.

The worst part of it is I really get nothing for my efforts. It won't make me famous, it won't make me rich and I'm pretty sure my friends don't like me more for doing this.

Ultimately I will probably do this again. I will be feeling ok and have a chance to eat some really hot wings. I will not fully remember how bad they were and I will go through this all over again.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Since moving to Ottawa I have noted it snows a lot here. Not a lot falls every day but a lot of days it falls. Today we are catching the edge of a rather intense storm that formed in Texas. It was rather bad this morning ut it seems to be tapering off a bit.

Here's the ting about snow, it's a hassle. Everyone likes sunshine. If you have a proper storm sewer system rain takes care of itself. Snow on the other hand accumulates. It will melt but depending where you live that may be months from now.

Snow makes you change how you drive. It reduces traction and can redirect your vehicle without your permission or consent. It forces you to plan ahead and pay attention while you drive. In 2011 in Canada we have become rather accustomed to convenience and instant access. We don't like to plan ahead, we don't want it to take any longer than it should. From time to time nature stands up and reminds us that our lives are small and can be petty in the grand scheme and we should go with the flow and not fight the current at every turn.

To ensure I'm not mis-understood, I don't want to deal with snow. I just know that when it comes I need to adapt. That may be why I have so little stress in my life.