Thursday, July 12, 2012


Hipsters are annoying. There I said it. They don't care what others think of them and they don't notice how they affect others.

To make my point we are going to need some context. I walk down Rideau Street in Ottawa to get to work and back. They just started construction along part of Rideau Street. This includes a fence that runs along the sidewalk to keep the construction in and the non-construction out. It's a good idea but it has made the already narrow sidewalk really narrow. It's only about two people wide. 

As I was walking home from the gym I caught up to three hipsters who were walking very slowly and talking about comic books. I don't care about the comic books but they were walking two-abreast. The odd man out was pushing his bike and routinely turning around and walking backwards to see his hipster friends. He was so self-absorbed that he did not notice the group of people they were holding up by walking so slowly. It should not take five minutes to get from the Second Cup to The Beer Store, but it did.

I don't care if you want to walk slowly and talk loudly but let others by if you are. To put it in language a hipster may understand, "Dude, you're harshing my mellow." It upset my post workout bliss.

There is a lot about hipsters that I could rant about by most of it doesn't change my life at all so it really doesn't matter. What does matter is when people are so inconsiderate that they impact others. Try to not be that guy. Be aware of the world around you. Not only will you make others lives better, you will enjoy yours more. I'm not perfect but I try to be polite and considerate of how others want to live.

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