Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It has been pretty much decided by everyone that I shouldn't grow a moustache. That being said, this year I was convinced to join a Movember team. If you don't know what this is all about, it is basically a movement to raise awareness about men's health issues and mental health issues. For the month of November you grow a moustache. It's easy to do. It's CF uniform friendly and it's a good cause.

Sounds pretty simple and it is.

All that being said, there is a catch. As much as there is the raising awareness, there is also raising funds for research and and support. For a catch, that's not a big deal.

We are almost half way through Movember and I have learned a couple of things about my mo. It isn't very dark. Despite the fact that you can debate if the hair on my head is red or brown these days, there is no debate that the hair on my lip is red. From a distance it isn't very noticeable but still doesn't look very good.

I have also come to realize that I don't like to have a mo. It isn't comfortable. When I work out the sweat collects and drips out. It gets into my food and drink. It's not my thing.

Despite my burning desire to shave it off right now, I will see it through to the end. I said that I will do it so I will. Besides, it's a good opportunity to laugh at myself and if you can't laugh at yourself, life has become a bit too serious.

Here's the ask. If you want to throw a few bucks to my campaign go to

I will provide an update in early December, which will include a picture of the final product.

1 comment:

  1. I feel compelled to point out that your hair is more gray than red or brown these days. Also, many people see fit to draw mustaches on their fingers instead of wicking up gravy with the real thing. Last, growing the 'stach won't do anything if you're not seeing your doctor regularly. Do you know from goLytely? You should. You're a Cook. All that being said, good for you! And remember: if you're not healthy between the ears too, you're still not healthy. See you at Christmas!!
