Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pass It On

Like most weeks I was on the road last week. From time to time I use it as a good time to text a friend or two and catch up. When you travel a lot it is easy to let things slip by. So, a week ago I texted a friend who had her first child about a month before Christmas. I was curious about how it was going so I asked sherif she had this parenting thing all figured out.

Let's be honest, babies don't come with a manual so along with her husband, they are figuring it out on the fly. She told me there were good days and bad days, just like anything else.

I responded as anyone else would have and told her that both parents were wonderful people. I then went on to say that if their child picks up the self-worth of the parents, not to worry, she would thrive.

As a new mother, she really appreciated the encouragement and said so. However, for me, I think I have simplified what we should be doing with childrearing.

At this point I should mention that I don't have children and have never attempted to raise any so I may be way off base. However, when I look back at growing up and I look at people who do a better job at transitioning into adulthood there is one thing that really stands out.

The most important thing to do for your children is to give them a sense of self-worth.

People with strong self-worth approach the world from a better frame. They think about how they will do things when they are in the position not if they are in the position. People with self-worth believe they will succeed and make a difference.

People with self-worth are more resistant to bullying. They see it for what it is. They see it is actions by insecure people and it is a temporary situation. They don't give bullies the power they seek. They don't seek the approval of bullies because they don't need it.

People with self-worth have courage to make change. If you believe in yourself, you can do it differently.

People with self-worth don't want to join gangs or become radicalized. If you believe in your self, you see these choices for what they are, foolish.

I don't care how you raise your children but I strongly suggest your raise your kids to have self-worth, because with it, everything else will fall in line.

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