Monday, January 18, 2016

Getting Fit

There are bad things to say about social media and there are good things to say about it as well. You see a lot of complaining, bragging, vaguebooking, and venting. You also see when good things happen.

Back in September I wrote this:

There were a bunch of likes, as you would expect. There were a bunch of congratulatory messages, as you would expect.

There was also one friend who messaged me and asked how I stayed motivated. I let her know how I plan and set my priorities. We chatted back and forth a bit about it. 

Today she put a post on Facebook saying that I was an inspiration and how although her weight had not changed her body composition did. I won't share the post, it's not my content to share, that's her story.

This all once again got me thinking about why I exercise. 

I exercise to make every day a bit better. I want to have the strength and endurance to take on the unusual. I want to feel young. I want to control stress. I want to be able to move and adapt. 

I exercise so I sleep better at night and wake up rested in the morning. When I'm active my body has a purpose for sleep.

I exercise to compete with myself. I'm not going to lie, I'm competitive, sometime too competitive. I know this. I can focus some of my energy on bettering my results. I think it makes me a bit more tolerable the rest of the time.

I exercise for that feeling. You may know that feeling after a good honest workout. your lungs feel cleaned out. Your muscles feel used. Your body if full of endorphins. You can take on the world. You stand a little taller. You put your chest out a little further, you believe in who you are. I love that feeling.

I exercise to be healthy. It's no secret that it helps ward off obesity, diabetes, intestinal problems, depression, high blood pressure, and a whole lot else. Exercise is not the only answer but it sure makes it easier to be healthy. I'd rather deal with injury than illness.

For all the reasons I exercise, there are a few reasons I don't exercise.

I don't exercise to weigh a certain weight. I do have to watch what I weigh so I can continue to fly in the glider but I don't chase a number and I don't let the BMI chart define me. I'm not an offensive lineman and have to keep my weight up and I'm not a race car driver and have to keep my weight down. I just don't want a bunch of unnecessary body fat, that doesn't make life easier.

I don't exercise to look a certain way. Don't get me wrong, looking fit is not a bad thing and I appreciate every compliment I get. I look at myself in the mirror and think it's good and also think it would be great if I could improve this or that area. However, that doesn't drive me and doesn't change how I approach fitness. I would rather be able to lift more or run faster than see my abs. (If I could do both that would be great but I'm creeping up on 40, so I won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen.)

Exercising is my happy time. When I go to the gym, I leave the phone in the locker, put in the earbuds, and get at it. Sometimes I get a bit lost in my own thoughts when I'm working out. Sometimes the world around me becomes very evident and I notice everything. I look at my week and plan out my workouts. I don't go everyday. I shoot for three times a week. I usually hit the target. If I don't, I try again next week.

Everyone should have some fitness in their life. It's an investment in yourself. Find the reasons to exercise for you and enjoy the ride.

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