Friday, January 27, 2017


Nobody likes bullies. They aren't productive. They can make your life miserable. America elected a bully as their president, maybe by accident. Here's the thing about bullies, their behaviour stems from a position of weakness.

Bullies are trying to control the situation because they can't have it the way they want. They try to get out in front and cause grief for you before you can influence the situation.

Let me be very clear, bullies are not going away. Despite the anti-bullying campaigns, there will always be some people who resort to bullying tactics. However, the good thing is bullies only have power if we give them power. If they can't get under your skin, they will step up their game. They will become more outlandish in their behaviour. If you still don't give them any power soon they will have no choice but to retreat.

I know it is not easy. It's easy to react and lash out. It's easy to let our emotions drive our actions. We all do it from time to time. However, those schoolyard interactions can teach you something. They can teach you how to find a way. They can teach you how to see what is really happening and find a path to what you want.

Johnny Cash wrote, "Son, this world is rough, if you wanna make it, you gotta be tough." He was right. However, tough doesn't have to be mean. Tough doesn't have to be rude. Tough doesn't have to include standing off. 

So, President Donald J Trump acts like a bully. The thing is we can and will find a way around what he is doing and make the world a better place despite what he tries.

That's right. We can make things better despite Trump. Just like someone that tried to bully you in grade 8, you can move past it and find a way to be successful. The secret is simple. Don't react to what he is trying to accomplish, react to what he is actually doing. There is a big difference. His powers are limited. He is not a dictator, even if he tries to act like one. If he says I'm not paying for it, find someone who will. If he says you can't come here, find somewhere that will invite you in. 

All of this to say the world is going to be ok. We are going to find a way to make the world even better despite what Trump says or does.

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