Sunday, February 12, 2017

Safe Spaces

We need safe spaces. We need to feel physically safe. We need to be able to take chances and do something something different. We need all that.

Universities need to be safe spaces. They are a place that a lot of people move away from home end up. In no way do I think that someone should feel physically threatened. However, when you are at university, you better feel intellectually threatened. One of my professors, he went by Rabbi Rose, said that if you don't question your beliefs, you should ask the university for your money back.

I've noticed a change in the world around me. So many people cut anyone with a differing opinion out of their life. This has created a big problem. 

A lot of what is going on in America is caused by groupthink. Their 'us versus them' mentality comes from not listening to the other side. If an idea scares you, then you should be exploring it. You should be trying to find out what they are saying and why you don't like it. Beyond that, you need to know why they believe it. 

The world needs more people understanding why not everyone looks at the world the same way. We are shaped by our experiences. We will not all have the same experiences so we need to understand what makes people happy, what makes them hate, and what makes people want to do better. However, because so many people cut out anyone they disagree with, close-minded nationalism is taking a hold of a lot of people. 

The good news is, this is easy to fix. Instead of sealing these people out of your life, talk to them. Find out what they are thinking and more importantly why they are thinking this way. You need to understand people who are different than you. People don't want to have the courage that their mind may be changed. I know it's scary to change your position but I think we all need to be open to that. It's the only way to make the world a better place.

I don't want your body to feel threatened but I really want your mind to be challenged because too many people are not expanding their minds and allowing themselves to be cut off from so much of the world.

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