Saturday, April 22, 2017

April Showers Bring.....

I was at a breakfast meeting last Wednesday where somebody mentioned that the normal rainfall total for the month of April in Ottawa, Ontario is 60mm. At the time Ottawa had received 91mm. This is a clear indication that it has rained way too much.

The Rideau River was on the brink of overflowing its banks, but now it has receded. Meanwhile the Ottawa River is really full of water. Also signs that it has rained too much.

There are a lot of great things that come with rain. The grass is greener. Less pollen is floating in the air, my sinuses really like that. However, it's getting a bit tiresome to have to deal with rain everyday.

It kept me from flying on Friday evening. It's keeping me from spending more time outside. It's making a lot of days grey. It's just not very cool.

We have a week remaining in April. If mother nature wants to keep dumping water for the rest of the month, that's fine. When May comes, we better be getting some sunny weather.

Spring in Ottawa can be really nice. It can be a great city to have a tasty beverage on a patio. It's a great place to go for a walk or run. It can be very beautiful and you want to walk with your camera. However, when it rains everyday, none of that is much fun.

I admit it, I'm frustrated with the weather. It's a bunch of garbage. There is however an upside, the snow has all been washed away. It's been swept away in the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers. It isn't underfoot and slippery.

I know the weather impacts my mood but it's time for it to get better.

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