Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Want It Now, I Want It All

Yesterday I attempted to post a blog entry. For Some reason my Internet connection would not talk to Blogger, the service I use to provide this commentary on the world around us. I was a bit upset when instantly I could not have my ideas shared with the world around us.

I don't think I really needed to be at all upset. Although I put some time and effort into the post I didn't lose too much in the end.

The world has changed. In the most developed parts of the globe we demand instant results. Everything must be in stock. Everything must work all the time. Our questions must be answered immediately. Right now is not soon enough.

I have tried for a long time to not need instant gratification. The wait can be exciting. However, from time to time I find I must be satisfied now.

This is probably not helping civilization. We have become so demanding and reliant on instant solutions, we have forgot what it is to build up to something. There are very few things that we have to wait for. There are a couple I can think of including Christmas, a concert to come to town, a movie. This list is rather short. Nearly everything is demanded instantly.

I'm guilty too of being demanding but some times we need to slow down and wait. It will make the result so much more enjoyable.