Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is blog entry number 100. I have been writing this blog for nearly a year and have managed to produce some content. Some of it may even be good. When I started I wasn't too sure what this would turn into. I didn't want it to be a continual rant-fest, and on that front I think I have been successful. Yes there are entries that complain but I have also tried to compliment and pass credit. I have tried to document some of the things that I see in the world around me. I have tried to give my opinion on why things are the way they are.

I have learned a lot from writing this blog. Writing on a regular basis is not the easiest thing for me. I was never the strongest writer in grade school. Often what I write does not jump off the page and inspire sweeping change but I have improved since my teens. I don't write about my work. What I do and who I work for it is best to avoid that subject area entirely. I will say that I write quite a bit at work on a regular basis, however the goals are quite different. I find writing this blog quite freeing and challenging at the same time.

I have occasionally added photos if they compliment the words I have laid down. I don't make a habit of it. I want to try and use language to convey what I am thinking. I want the words to jump off the page every time I write, but I know I'm not to that point yet.

I have found it more enjoyable to write once I bought my MacBook Pro. The more I use Apple products the more I have to say they are a company that makes machines to work well with people. The hardware and software are built around interfacing with humans. It may sound obvious but I think that point has been lost on a lot of companies who build machines. The ease of which I work makes me more productive and a happier blogger.

I don't know if this blog will ever change the world. I don't know if it will ever change anyone's opinion on anything but it is a record of things I've seen and thought and that is enough for me to keep going.

On a side note I have not made enough on the ads to be paid yet. At my current rate I should be paid in 2013 or so. Some people may think the ads are part of an evil capitalist empire but if I can some day buy a case of beer with my wee bit of revenue then I will keep them up there.

Thank-you for reading my blog, and as always feel free to comment because if you know me you know I like debate.


  1. This isn't the blog of a teenage girl?

  2. I thought it was a middle aged woman's
