Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Answers Are Out There

Since moving to Ottawa, I have not been listening to as much music as I used to. There are a couple of reasons. I walk almost everywhere I go. While I could listen to my iPod I choose not to. I like to be aware of my surroundings when I'm walking. It makes me feel safer. I don't believe I'll be mugged or stabbed but you never know if you get hit by a car. Since every sidewalk I take is directly adjacent to the street, it's a risk not worth taking.

I also don't listen to music at work. There's a long story behind it. I could use earphones but I find it a bit antisocial. I try to give the impression I'm approachable.

This summer I read Steven Tyler's biography. I'll admit it is not the easiest book to read but I got through it. However, contained within his rambling he said the answers lay out there between the notes.

He might be right.

Yesterday I was sitting on a park bench listening to some Led Zepplin. It was a nice day to be outside. The more I listened, the more I found myself thinking. I felt more creative. The problems I was pondering seemed solvable and realistic.

I'm sure there is some science that explains this phenomenon. I'm sure the egg-heads can tell us that music stimulates some part of the brain, releasing a chemical that makes creative thought easier. But, in this situation, the science doesn't matter. The important part is the music can make it happen. At least for me. It also explains why I have so many good ideas while riding the stationary bike. I'm listening to music.

I need to inject more music into my life. I need to replace the missing music. I crave it.  I will find a way to feel the raw power of Zepplin or the simple musings of Scott Nolan. All of this will improve my life and my view of the world.

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