Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Snow Messes With People's Heads

So far this fall there had been absolutely no snow in Ottawa. That all changed last night. We got a good dump of snow. Now there are the usual things that people say when it starts snowing. You what they are.

Why do people forget how to drive.

Make sure you take extra time to clean off your car.

You know the stuff, but this isn't about that.

The first snowfall messes with people's heads. Yesterday was a much colder day but people were wearing basically the same this as several days before. Once the snow falls, everyone seems to think they need to dress as Nanook of the North. I understand changing footwear. you may want more traction and to not get snow in your shoes but even though it was much warmer today people had heavy coats on and big scarves. I do understand wearing a hat. Snow in your hair can be annoying.

It just seems to flip a switch when the snow starts to fly.

It's important to make decisions based on the facts. If it is warmer than the day before, then you should dress appropriately. If its colder then put on more clothes. Don't bundle up just because its snowing.

My whole perception may be swayed by living so many years in Manitoba but if you think its cold, and you are not on the Prairies in winter, think again.

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