Monday, January 9, 2012

Resolution Workouts

Just like every other January, there were several people in the gym as part of their New Year resolution. Often this can lead to complaining by the regulars that they are in the way and you can hardly wait until February when things go back to normal. I have been that guy but this year I looked at it a bit differently. I'm hoping some of these people keep it up and live healthier. Most people do not keep up with a new fitness routine. It's a big change but everyone who exercises regularly had to start. I am no exception. Since I did manage to keep it going since October of 2003, here's a few things I discovered along the way. Starting an exercise routine sucks. If you are going from a generally sedentary life to regular exercise, this will be a big change to your body. It may not react too well in the beginning. The first couple of weeks if you take it very slow. It will help a lot. You may be surprised what is hiding in your body. The more you move, the faster waste moves through your body. Going from next to no activity to a regular routine will knock a lot of things lose. You may still have remnants of the turkey dinner, from Thanksgiving. Of course the upside is a few pounds will quickly disappear. Water is your friend. I find drinking a lot of water before I exercise makes a big difference. Sweat is going to pour out like a sprinkler. Especially in the beginning. It's hard to get enough fluid in while you are exercising but if you top up the tank for the hours leading up to the workout, you will feel much better. If you really want to change your lifestyle, you have to do it for yourself. You have to do it because you want to look and feel better. It's the only way you can keep at it and get through the initial shock to the system. Nearly everyone who exercises, does it for themselves. They are focused on what they are doing. They don't notice others when they are working out. You don't have to worry that people will be judging you because they won't. Not because they are polite but because you go to the gym for yourself. You will be the first person to notice a change. Your energy level will change and your clothes will start to fit differently. People will eventually comment but it will take so long it won't be motivating. You will be well into your new lifestyle. I realize most people who set out on a New Year resolution to get into shape will not be successful but if you are setting out on a journey, keep at it as it is worth it. If you know someone who is trying to change their lifestyle, do what you can to help. Each person who lives healthier is a benefit to everyone.

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