Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I have been busy lately. There has been a lot going on in the office and I have been working on completing the requirements for a commercial pilot licence. I have found that a lot of what has been going on is technical in nature. I'm good with it but sometimes it removes the human side of things. Measuring headings and distances while you calculate intercept angles is not a job about people.

Having said that, every once in a while, no matter how technical things get there are human moments. There are the moments where you see someone you haven't seen for a while or hear about a new achievement of a co-workers's child. These are moments that really make you smile. You don't really need to seek them out they are there. All you need to do is notice them when they happen.

It may simply be that I'm not having as many human moments as usual which makes the ones that happen stand out a bit more. At any rate, they are there. You can see it when a Elvis impersonator is chatting with a couple of teenagers on the street as you walk home. Yo can see it when the summer students are getting a briefing from the Safety Manager in the construction site you walk past every day. It happens when you chat with an acquaintance while you wait for the rain to slow down.

I've been working in a lot of the technical aspects of my job and I think I've noticed more of the human moments in life. I hope I never lose the ability to be a little awestruck by human moments.

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