Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Turning Life Upside Down

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.

*Clap, clap*

I'm happy. I haven't been this happy in a long, long time. It's important to get that out there because depending on your perspective, my life since the first day of February 2014 could be great, or terrible.

I have changed jobs, moved to a new apartment and sold my SUV. That's a lot of change but I'm happy with where my life is and where it's going. I'm excited to get up in the morning and go to work. I used to be this way a long time ago but like most people, it went away. I fit into the culture of the company I work for and that's a great feeling. I like what I do, and that's important. I believe in what I do, and that's a key to being great at work.

Much like my father, I, at least partly, define who I am by what I do. I have to feel like I make a difference when I go to work. This job, and everything that stems from it, gives me this feeling.

I've had the chance to recently see some people who I've know for a long time. Now, anyone you are still in contact for a long time, has to be a good person to you. If they aren't then you will inevitably drift apart. Many of these people have commented that I'm back to being the person I was a long time ago. A very happy person, who is full of life.

I let myself be less than happy for way too long. I have relearned an important lesson that you have to be happy with where you are in life to be able to really enjoy it. I have read a lot about how life is hard. It's not all greek goddesses of beauty riding down the hallway on a unicorn while farting rainbows. However, if you don't believe today could be that day, you have already lost and you are not living a good life.

Change is hard but don't be afraid to chase it down, because when you find a happy spot, work doesn't seem like work and fun follows you wherever you go.

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