Monday, March 3, 2014

Still Winter

After living most of my life in Manitoba, one of the aspects I really like about living in Eastern Ontario is winter starts later and ends sooner than the Manitoba winter. This year it seems to not be the case. It has been a long, cold, blustery, unpleasant winter.

It seems that if it isn't really cold and windy we are receiving another foot of snow. There have been very few warm winter days. It is early March, we should be starting to climb out of the deep winter nap but there is no end in sight. The long term spring forecast is so bad the head forecaster for Environment Canada has turned off his phone and disappeared.

Think about that for a minute, winter was so bad the guy responsible for telling us what the weather is going to be like has shut himself out from the world. He is not responsible for creating the weather. He is simply responsible for trying to figure out what nature is going to do. Although we do, we really can't hold him responsible for what nature does, yet the prognosis is so bad that he does not want to talk to anyone. That's a sign this has not been a good winter in Canada.

There is an upside. In my life I always try to look for an upside. It can't stay cold forever. The snow will melt, the grass will turn green, and we won't have to wear a jacket to go outside. Granted, it won't be for a while and unless we get a five day torrential downpour and all the snow is washed away, we are going to have snow on the ground for quite a while. However, when winter finally departs, we will get on with enjoying the outside world.

My parents always told me that winter helps you appreciate the summer but I really think we can do without a winter like this. It kills your motivation and makes you not want to do anything. It won't last forever but the sooner we get on with spring, the happier everyone will be and I don't think anyone in Canada will disagree with me this year.

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