Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beer or Exercise

As I left the airfield today it was mentioned that a co-worker and I should leave some beer for the crew coming off the last shift. I replied by saying I was going to the gym, and I did.

There was a long period in my life where a beer after work would always trump anything else. It seems that those days are behind me. I've noticed since I have been in Nova Scotia for a temporary assignment and have not been exercising as much, my body does not react well to not walking to work and back everyday and working out hard three times a week.

I think part of this is from getting older and my body not recovering from things as quickly. I think part of this is from wanting a different life than I used to.

I'm not saying I don't like beer but the time and places have become much more limited and I'm quite happy with that. I like to feel good at work. I like to be productive. I'm past the days where the only thing I want to talk about is how crazy last night was.

The gym has the magical power of making you feel much better. A bit of healthy stress on the body makes it cope a lot better and makes it not have to work so hard to get through the normal day.

When given the choice of beer or exercise I will pick one but it depends on the situation.

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