Sunday, March 25, 2012

What a Pain in the......Back

I've had back pain on and off most of my adult life. I think it's probably from working in a lumber yard and as a gliding instructor.

The lumber yard led to lifting a lot of heavy stuff and carrying it, often around corners and in houses where you can't always do it properly.

I have done over 2600 landings in a Schweizer 2-33 glider and nearly 2000 landings in tow planes. Not all of them have been perfect and some of them have hurt.

As of late I've been lucky. My back doesn't hurt very often and when it does, it's very minor. That all changed. I think it started about a month ago. I sneezed while doing the bench-press. My back was sore for a couple of days but it seemed to be ok. Last week-end it started to hurt while I was in Montreal but it was fine in the morning. Yesterday while doing arm curls over a preacher bench, my back slipped out. Way out.

It hasn't hurt like this in years. One of the reasons I exercise regularly is to keep my back strong so this won't happen. I guess it's not perfect. It's just annoying that this may put a crimp in my active lifestyle. I think staying positive will go a long way to getting back to normal.

I'm lucky for all the great things in my life but a back that sometimes bugs me is not on my good list. However, if that's the worst, I'm doing ok.

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