Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Secret to My Success

Sometimes you have to take stock on how you ended up where you are. What guided you there. What made you successful. I have been doing a lot of that lately and measuring how well I'm following my own advise. Like everyone, there is room for improvement but I have come up with three ideas that, when I really apply them, help make me successful.

If you are going to do something, do it well.

I learned this from my Dad a long time ago. What is so powerful to me is this idea encompasses choice. If you are going to do something is liberating. It implies that you don't have to do everything, which you don't. However, if you choose to do it, you must do it well. There are things you must do because of other choices you make. If you are going to cut meat for others to sell, then you must also ensure the work area is clean. You didn't decide to set up a sanitation business but a part of cutting meat is ensuring whoever is going to consume it will not get sick from it. So, as part of the total job, you must clean well. If you are unable or unwilling to do something well then you have no business doing it.

Just because it's different from how you would do it, that unto itself, does not mean it's wrong.

I often reduce this to, 'Just because it's different, it doesn't mean it's wrong.' This is especially important if you are responsible for other people's work or output. You must allow people to work in a manner that makes them effective. When people feel like they are being effective then they can do great things. However, this does not mean you can let them do whatever they want. There are times that deviations are not acceptable and you must ensure everyone understands when those times are and what is expected at those times. This is where the first idea of doing it well meshes with this idea. Doing something well may be holding everyone to the key standard or setting them loose to exceed your expectations. Most of the time different isn't wrong. If you want to maximize results then you must value individuality. To force conformity only serves to limit your success.

If you want to change the world, you must be willing to get a bloody nose.

Not everyone wants to change the world, that's ok. However, if you want to implement change or have your idea accepted you must be willing to take a shot in the face. The good thing about a bloody nose is even though it doesn't look to good at first, it doesn't usually hurt for too long. It can be overcome. It will show you a weakness that you can work on. You may very well get a bloody nose with the second idea of different isn't always wrong. Accepting something that is different from expectations can be difficult and it is always easier to stay with what you know. It takes courage to stand up and do what's right instead of what's popular. It may not go well. However, if you do it, you will not regret it and once you are done cleaning your shirt you will be able to re-attack the issue, hopefully with more success.

I'm not a guru on this sort of stuff. I don't go on speaking tours or have book signings. To me, it's just three simple ideas that when I stick to them, I'm successful and I like who I am.

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