Sunday, January 20, 2013


I think everyone in Ottawa is a little bit sick. Everyone I talk to seems to have the sniffles or their stomach isn't quite right. I haven't seen it this widespread in a long time. I have a few ideas why.

It's January. There probably isn't a worse month in the year. It's cold, it's dark, and the gym is full of people who will not stick with their New Year's resolution. I have yet to find something good to say about January. It seems that this lousy month breaks your spirit.

The weather has been all over the place. It's been record setting warm and fairly cold. There has been a lot of rain and snow. It's been windy a lot. Everyone's body is confused.

There seems to be a lot of stress in the Nation's Capital these days. Since the Government of Canada is a major employer and the Parliament is trying to reign in spending people aren't sure if they are going to have a job or any resources to get the job done if they are still employed. It wears people down.

Now not all hope is lost. It will get better. The days are getting longer and eventually the weather will get warmer. NHL hockey is back and it is a good distraction from the grind. Everyone can't stay sick forever.

So, everyone needs to live some life. They need to get out and be active. They need to socialize. They need to get in a groove.

I haven't felt quite right for a week and a half now but that's not going to stop me from living and getting better.

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