Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Running Away

It's no secret I have never been a fan of running. I think there is a couple of reasons for this. 

First, I don't have a classic runner's body. I have broad shoulders and notoriously short legs. It's not the frame of a guy who is going to pick up running.

Second, I have never had a real reason to head out and just run.

A while back I was talked into signing up for the 5K in the Army Run. I'm pretty sure I could have just showed up and ran it but if you are going to do something, you should do it right. So, I have started running.

Now, with any new venture there will be some bumps in the road. The first couple of runs were in the early afternoon. It was when I had time. If you have not been running regularly, taking off for a run in Eastern Ontario or Southern Quebec in the hottest part of the day in July is not recommended. It wasn't so much that I had been gassed, I felt like overheating was imminent. Check. Lesson learned.

The next attempt was early in the morning. It was a great improvement. I wan't going to be standing in a puddle of my own sweat at the end of the run. I was thinking I had it figured out. Then I realized I had made a bit of an error. The night before I ate some spicy Italian sausage. I'll save you the gory details but lets just say it was rather critical that I slow down or bad things were going to happen. Check. Lesson learned.

Yesterday, I went again. Like the last run it was early in the morning so I didn't overheat. Again it wasn't perfect but I have sorted some of it out. My biggest problem now is trying to keep myself slowed down so I run a steady pace. This will take a few runs to get it sorted out but I'm getting there. 

I think after giving up Coca-Cola which has resulted in losing thirteen pounds and having to buy smaller pants and walking to work since moving to Ottawa, running is a natural extension. I have been exercising regularly for almost a decade but I always avoided running. Not any more.

I doubt you will ever hear of me running a marathon. It's not on my horizon at this time. If you want to run one, giver but it's not my goal. I see running as a compliment to my existing fitness routine.

I'll provide an update when I'm further into this new adventure. For now I'm hoping for a couple of runs a week while I figure out what a good pace is and a decent performance in the Army Run. It can only serve to improve my fitness and that is never a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that you started running, I was surprised, knowing you like I do ;)

    When is the race? Do you have a training plan?
