Sunday, October 9, 2016

It's Her Judgement

In Canada we are celebrating Thanksgiving this week-end. I am most thankful that I do not have to make a choice in the US Presidential Election.

Trump is not fit for the job, he keeps digging a deeper and deeper hole. Hillary Clinton should be running away with it but she isn't. I don't like her either but, I've never really been able to put my finger on why. She has the right education and experience. President Obama has even declared that she's the most qualified candidate ever. That's high praise from the guy currently doing the job. The thing is, a lot of people don't like her.

This week I figured it out, at least for me.

Keep in mind, I have no dog in the fight. I'm Canadian.

With all her experience and education, Hillary Rodham Clinton lacks judgement. She lacks the fortitude and foresight to see how her actions can be seen. She does not make the right decision. Don't worry, I have examples.

There is that email scandal that just won't go away. At the time she was Secretary of State, there was a policy that all official email must use the government system. This is common for most organizations. It's hard to believe that she didn't know the policy. She chose to operate outside the policy and her defence has primarily consisted of stating that others were also doing it. She says it wasn't that uncommon at the time to use your own email server. This is not the judgement of a leader. A leader would use the proper system, even if it was inconvenient. A leader would also help to make the system better for everyone. She didn't take this approach. 

I recently read a profile about Secretary Clinton and it mentioned how that even before she married Bill, she knew he liked attention from women. I can't speak to why each couple decides to marry or why they choose to stay together but she married a philanderer and stayed with him after multiple instances of infidelity. She married a man that many people knew wouldn't be faithful. This begs the question as to why? I believe it's a lust for power. She is giving up a lot to try to be president. She just won't admit it publicly. I think if she said she was with Bill for the power, people would accept it. Her talking about families just comes off as fake, at least to me. She doesn't come from a place where she can talk about the sanctity of the family unit, at least to me.

Hillary Clinton lacks judgement. These are two examples but once you know what you are looking at, you can find more.

When it comes to the options out there, She is the best of a bad group. Nobody should vote for Trump. I hope she wins, not because I want her to be President but because I really don't want her opponent to hold the keys to that kingdom, even if they hate the idea of a King.

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