Monday, October 17, 2016

Sitting Around

I have changed jobs and I now sit most of the day. For a couple of years I was on my feet most of my work day and it really helps with personal fitness. Now I sit. I sit at my desk. I sit when I go on appointments. I sit in my car.

I sit too much and I can feel my waistline reacting.

I really don't like being inactive. However, when I'm tired, it's hard to convince myself to go to the gym. When I don't go to the gym, I feel soft an weak. It has an impact on the rest of my life.

I know I need to put a higher priority on living healthy. I need to put exercise ahead of almost everything else. I need to keep myself in better shape.

When I'm rolling and not skipping workouts I believe I can take on anything. No challenge is too much. It's all possible. Skipping workouts eats into that. I don't like it and won't stand for it.

Or will I accept it?

As much as I want to say it won't happen, I skip workouts. Not too many but I often don't have the drive to do everything that I should. I see improvements and I let them slip away. It's a vicious circle.

So, I'm working to change it up. I'm working to make sure I hit the gym and get the sweat flowing. I'm working to hold onto my youth.

I'm not perfect but I can be more consistent. The results I see here will help me be successful elsewhere. Success breeds success and who doesn't want more success.

There will be days I slip, those are the reminders that I can and will do better. I like to be strong an the easiest way to be strong is to work at it.

I will never be an underwear model but I can work hard and be a better version of me.

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