Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Mass Email

If you work at a desk job you know what I'm talking about. You email a small fact off to a couple of buddies and the conversation begins. It starts out innocent enough but eventually it spirals deep into a pit of degenerate discussion.

Yesterday, I emailed a couple of buddies about the opening acts at a concert we are attending in January. From there we moved on to intimate relations with the undead and finally finished with metaphorically comparing each other's 'junk' to data storage media. How does this happen.

Today, I received an email about helping a friend move a table. Somehow this conversation degraded to a discussion on polygamy and the competition for head wife. How does this happen.

I think part of this is desk jobs are not particularly exciting. Most of the people capable of doing the work also happen to be rather creative and need those quick one or two minute breaks. The mass email provides an outlet to help people get through the day. Some of it is rather funny. Some is rather bizarre. All of it is saved on a server somewhere. I'm sure someone will publish a book someday about their mass email, it would be quite the read. You would have to take it with a grain of salt.

I know it appears that the mass email may be unproductive, and I am sure it is at times, but I am also sure that it often recharges desk workers and helps them get through their day.

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