Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Sun Will Come Out.....Today

The continuous dense overcast layer that has been inhabiting Manitoba for the last month or so finally left, and lo and behold a great glowing how gaseous orb was spotted in the sky. I heard about this orb from a crazy old wizard one time. He called it the sun and spoke of magical powers it possesses. It can help create and sustain life and improve the well-being of mortals as they travel about the surface of this rock called earth.

I really noticed a difference as I walked to lunch with my good friend Kent. The sun was warm on my face and gave me a feeling of warmth and promise. Our daylight hours are dwindling and I am noticing. I see that as daylight gets more scarce I will miss it more. It is also good to know that the sun does come back out. I immediately feel better more optimistic when the magic orb makes an appearance. It was enjoyable to be outside and I have not felt that way for a while.

I would rather take two degrees Celsius and sunny than ten degrees Celsius and a cloudy, rainy day. Maybe its because it is better for both flying and photography (two things I enjoy very much) or maybe its just because a sunny day makes you feel all good.

I know that I may sound a bit nuts here but dude, I really like a sunny day.

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