Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Power of Music

I often listen to music. I am listening right now as I type this. I was listening earlier today at work and as I got ready for work this morning. I find music can influence me. It can change my mood, remind me of an event, or inspire me.

Why does music have this influence on me and so many people?

Apparently, music can trigger emotional responses in the brain. It can be linked to lasting memories of significant moments. It can help shape those moments.

For me I find that music underscores everything. I often have a song in my head. I can hear songs in the sounds around me. If in see things that are happening with a rhythm I can score it with music in my head. Music seems to have a significant influence on my creativity. It also seems to effect my well-being.

Much like going to the gym, listening to music can make me feel better. I miss music if I don't hear enough in a day. I can enhance or mitigate how I feel with music. It makes can make me happy or jack me up if I'm feeling ho-hum.

I cannot imagine a life without music. It would be a life less examined or enjoyed. I think we all can use some examination and a lot of enjoyment in our lives.

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