Monday, June 6, 2011

Information Fiend

It seems I lust after information. I try to get as much as I can as often as I can. I know I will never have all the info but I always seem to want more. My latest info source, my new syringe if you will is Twitter. @BACook76 if you want to follow me. I know that's shameless but I do have a BComm in Marketing so it's really to be expected.

Twitter is like crack cocaine. It's instant and addictive. You get info right away. You know before the story is published. It may not be very good for you.

I don't really know where this burring desire to constantly ingest information has come from. It may be from my desire to make good decisions. It could be my hope to appear intelligent, some day the world may prove otherwise but for now I can keep up the charade.

In 2011 the Internet is THE information source but it's coming at you many different ways. We have blogs, tweets, and status updates. History is being captured and written in a digital medium and I want to absorb a lot. Traditional news stories may be more in-depth but they are slow. They often must go through the editor and be approved. It's the complete story but it's not up to the second. I seem to need both. I may not want to be the one who yells it from the mountaintop but I want to know.

If I don't have reliable Internet, I feel a bit lost. How do I get my injection of hot news? How do I know up to the second, what's going down? This has become an issue for me.

It may sound a bit extreme but I want to know. Today I don't know if this craving is a good thing.

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