Sunday, August 7, 2011

Go With What You Know

I haven't walked to work in six weeks. I have been away from my usual work location and its about 25km from where I stay to where I work. I am feeling the effects of not walking an hour every day. It is compounded by not being able to get to the gym as often as I would like. I will admit, sometimes its my own fault I don't get a work-out in and sometimes it just won't fit into the schedule.

It had been a few days since I had been to the gym. I had also not been eating the healthiest meals. I admit it but I sure felt like a bloated slug. I just finished at the gym. I worked out hard and I feel much better. It was a bit of a struggle to get going but by the end, I felt as good as I have in a week.

Often in playoff sports they say you have to go with what got you there. It's usually a good idea. It is also a good idea in life. When you are not feeling yourself, you need to see what is missing and get at it. It may take an effort to get there but you will be happy when you do.

As I get older I find I want exercise to be a bigger part of my life. The more time I take for my fitness the more I enjoy my day to day life. I'm not saying there aren't days where I have to slug through a workout but I never regret it at the end. The endorphin rush is worth the effort. It isn't even a comparison.

I haven't been the happiest person this summer but the hours following a workout always seem to be really good. I have to go with what I know.

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