Friday, August 5, 2011


Life tends to be results based. There is no denying this, nor should there be. If you don't have results then there is no basis for reward. I've believed this for a long time. I also believe that since we are results based how you get the results is less important. Of course, there are moral and legal guidelines you must follow but beyond that, it's open season.

Recently I have forgotten this. I have been trying to do things other people's way. I need to get back to my way.

A lot of people who know me tend to say I'm quite optimistic. I hope this this true. I also like to help people. So to get the required result I find that if I take a positive and helpful approach I get what is wanted.

It's important for people to use the approach they want. No approach is perfect and all will garner results. The quality and quantity of the results will vary.

I try to maintain my belief that most people are inherently good. I like to believe that they want to do a good job and most people who do not do a good job do so because they don't understand what is expected or they don't know how to deliver the expected result. If you work with the person who is experiencing difficulty and find out where they are falling down, from there you can figure out how to get them on track.

For me to make things better I need to do a lot of listening. I need to hear what people believe to be the difficulties. I may ask some questions to further understand the situation or the person's perception of the situation. I try to make it look like the person fixes the problem themselves. Many will know that I helped them but some will not. It doesn't matter because I have got the results I am responsible for.

I'm not perfect. I don't always follow my own advice but when I do I seem to be really effective and I truly believe that nothing is beyond my abilities. When I'm in that zone, my world is a better place.

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