Thursday, August 11, 2011

Home Cooking

When you are travelling for work for an extended period of time its surprising what becomes important to you. People often want to go home to see friends and family but I find I miss the little things a lot. I have not been home for nearly seven weeks and there are some things I am noticing I haven't been around and would like to be.

I miss my couch. It seems a bit funny and maybe a bit obvious but stretching out on the couch to watch a football game or a movie is near heaven to me. I eat most of my meals on my couch which brings us to the next point.

I miss home cooked food. I enjoy restaurant food. If I'm eating in a cafeteria for an extended period of time I'm ok with it. I'll eat nearly anything when I'm hungry but I like a meal prepared the way I like it, in the amount I want, when I want. I have to do all the cooking and the clean up at home and there I times I can't be bothered but when you haven't had a home cooked meal in 7 weeks you start to really miss it.

I miss having my own washroom. Having to put shoes and pants on at 3 am to take a leak just plain sucks. Having to share toilets, sinks, and showers with others is not ideal. Having to carry your supplies down the hall the get cleaned up is just annoying.

I miss having comfortable, private space. I can close the door to my room but its small and if I have to go pee I am in a semi-public place. As social as I can be, there are times when I want to be alone.

I miss air that circulates.  There is no forced air ventilation system in my room so all day, while I'm working, the air in the room remains stagnant and can get musty.

I'm a very lucky person to be able to go a lot of different places and do a lot of different things but from time to time I miss my home. I head back to Ottawa on Saturday, it may be Sunday before I arrive and  am excited for all the things I just have not had in my life for the last seven weeks.

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